Two more videos from the upcoming Transformers movie. Have a little patience waiting for them to load. If you don’t want to be spoiled, just ignore this post. Click ‘more‘ to see them.

There’s also this link to an HD video in Quicktime format.

  1. KVolk says:

    I hope the rest of the movie lives up to the clips they have shown.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    I wish the Decepticons would win and enslave humankind.

    // Would love to see a movie that makes all the kids cry at the end
    // PO’ed parents
    // Pan’s Labyrinth was perfect.
    // (scared the pants of the young ones)
    // (lots of crying at the end)

  3. hhopper says:

    Gee Mr. Wilson!

  4. ghm101 says:

    Robots in reprise.

    I predict this movie will be shite.
    rubbish plot product placement exercise designed purely to separate kids from their pocket money for some cruddy plastic toy.

    No amount of special effects will make up for that

  5. Bryan K says:

    Bumblebee as the new Camaro has me so pumped for this movie; it will be nothing short of AWESOME!

  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    Expect crap like the Attack of the anthropomorphic black penises aka War of the worlds.

  7. James Hill says:

    #4, #6 – Read #2: He’s talking about you.


  8. Mark Derail says:

    James Hill just made my day, I lol’ed so hard.
    However, it’s #4 & #5.
    #6 won’t even watch it rented on DVD next XMas.

    Seriously, some parents had brought their kiddies to Pan’s Labyrinth despite the 13+ rating. Jurassic Park was peanuts in comparison.

    That five year old girl squealing & crying when the little fairy got eaten alive by the demon made for a nice background sound effect.

    This Transformers movie will just be a 2 hour commercial to sell US made cars to the big kids and transformable toys next XMas.

    So, like #6 Angel said, another Spielberg money maker.

    Someone please turn a decent humans-get-asses-kicked-and-lose movie. Then in the sequel, tiny pockets of survivors interface with the alien technology, become cyborgs, stage a comeback by running away to colonize an unfriendly planet. Then EP3 would be staged 500 years later (so you can get all-new decent, cheap actors).

    // The 80’s sitcom SF classic V was almost “there”
    // Instead of eating rats . . .

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    It will never happen, ever since Bush Jr became president all the sci fi movies with an extinctionh theme always end up with a guy wielding the stars n stripes flag winning in an extra cheap n’ cheesy way.

    That’s why I love Tim Burton’s Mars Attack with the mariachi singing the national anthem in the end.

  10. tallwookie says:

    Firey explosions & huge robots & stuff getting pwned…

    dont need no stinkin plots around here!!!

  11. L. Stockton says:

    I have a 4yo son. This movie couldn’t be better timed; he’s at the height of his robot fetish phase. I’ve had to watch the trailers with him over and over and over again. His excitement is nearly unbearable for him, and I’ve garnered a great teaching opportunity to show him the passage of time and using a calandar, as we mark off the days until the movie is released.

    I think the naysayers, as typical, totally miss the point. They allow their cynicism and negativity to distort the big picture. “Not seeing the forest for the trees” is an apt cliche here; by even bringing up the plot, the director, and the fact that the producers will be making a lot of money on the related toys, they’re displaying a lack of knowlege of what the movie is about. Something so obvious, that any 4yo boy (or so-called tomboy) can see clearly. The plot is irrevelant. That they didn’t stick to the cannon (whatever that is) is irrevelant. Who directed or produced it is irrevelant. The fact that the toys will be overpriced is irrevelant.

    See the movie as a kid does, and you’ll learn that it’s only about one thing: Giant Robots From Outer Space, Smashing Things. That’s it, that’s all there is to it. And it *will* be awesome. And the overpriced toys will still be some of the most cherished, most played-with toys they will ever own, making them the best value many parents will be able to find.

    One more time. Robots. GIANT robots. From outer space. Smashing things. ’nuff said.

  12. Sean says:

    You guys complain about a movie that will have no plot and involve giant robots smashing things. How, exactly, are they keeping away from the original cartoons by doing this? Look, I love the cartoons, and have been rewatching every single G1 episode (All 4 seasons, well…3 and the 1 4th) to reacquaint myself with the transformers from my childhood. This movie has the hard job of trying to resell the entire Transformers franchise to a new audience with a new and updated feel, while still being able to please the nostalgic children of the 70s and 80s who loved this show. All within a 2-3 hour time limit. The cartoon was good because they were able to convey the story over 100 and some episodes

    Seriously – what difference does it make what brand of car these guys are? Sure, it’s product placement – but I’m sure GM paid a pretty penny to get that. Let them have it. It shouldn’t detract at all from the storyline at all.

    I’m expecting this to be a great movie – sure it might not be the best out there, because the directors are limited to not piss off all the fans that Transformers has already, but also try something new to possibly re-energize the franchise and get more followers.

  13. txer hater says:

    I just saw the new transformer toys at target and some of them DON”T EVEN TRANSFORM. WTF? There’s a marketing group out there that needs to be fired….

  14. Angel H. Wong says:


    This new transformers movie is going to be a gigantic turd compared to the animated movie of the 80s


    Those have to be american toy designers ’cause the japanese can even make a dildo transform into megratron.


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