Unbelieveable 1906 SF Earthquake Damage Photo Surfaces — Taken from Blimp
By John C Dvorak Monday June 4, 2007
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Wow, that’s quite a destructive scene. It looks more like Nagasaki or Hiroshima. This photo above all really conveys what happened in its entirety.
Thanks Aric.
Interesting that the tallest buildings are still standing.
Most impressive.
I imagine that some of the areas that are flattened were from the attempt to stop the fire by dynamiting buildings.
Amazing. It appears to have less damage by the water. Could the ocean have served as a damper?
Lawrence Captive Airship was a series of kites. See Link:
Wow! Nice photo John! What kinda camera were you using when you took this back then? 😉
Can you even imagine what the fire must have been like? WOW!
#6, lectrodeus and JCD, Thanks for the links. As an avid kite flyer and maker, this is some fascinating stuff. My last project was lofting a video camera to a height of 250 meters with a tetrahedral kite on kevlar line, then letting the camera slide down the line right toward me. It was a lot of fun. Kite flying, especially power / stunt kite is a great hobby, the wind is free and kids love it (even us old kids).
Some more info on the SF photo is here:
Be sure to click the “more info” link at article end.
And current kite photography has reached new heights (sorry for the pun): http://scotthaefner.com/kap/
Ohhh, the Wells Fargo wagon, is-a, comin’ down the street! Oh, please let it be for meeee.
Amazing picture, thanks!
Notice how many sailing ships there were in harbor? The last decades of sail…
#9 – BubbaRay – Those are very interesting links. Thanks!
That is an unbelieveable photo. Total destruction.
The photo is phenomenal. And Bubba the 360° Panoramas on that kite site are amazing.
Those old glass plate photos are wonderful. I recently had to scan 121 year old plates of the pink and white terraces in Tarawera, and they were like they were taken yesterday.
16. Amazing really, the destruction makes one pause. Technology even 100 years old still, I love this stuff.
Bubba – nice link I particularly liked the Burning Man photos, I always wanted to attend but I’m afraid.
No comments on New Orleans?
Well, here we go: big difference between San Francisco back then and New Orleans now:
1) Self-reliant folks in SF, not so much in NO
2) Hard workers in SF, ‘the entitled’ in NO
3) More destruction before, and since, in SF; not so much in NO
4) SF in bad location, earthquake zone above sea level; NO in bad location, hurricane zone below sea level (and sinking)
Enough for now! :-p
Clearly GOD’s punishment for the fact that homosexuals would move there later.
Bubba…great link….but I was disappointed that he didn’t take any shots of the nighttime goings on. Burning Man is one of my dream places to go in the next couple years.
#17…Mark….from the looks of the pictures, you have nothing to fear…..didn’t look to much different than the afternoon Starbucks crowd. 🙂
#18….Ray…uhhhh, what has one got to do with the other?
It was taken from a tethered balloon not a blimp. The blimp was invented in 1917.
Wrong, there were blimps before 1900.
In 1852, Henri Giffard built the first powered airship, which consisted of a 143-ft (44-m) long, cigar-shaped, gas-filled bag with a propeller, powered by a 3-horsepower (2.2-kW) steam engine. Later, in 1900, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin of Germany invented the first rigid airship.
seen it a long time ago – good pic, in better detail that the last time i saw it (aka printed vs. on a website). thanks for the link!