
MOBILE — Randolph Parker, 16, is now facing the biggest trouble of his life. He’s accused of hitting his English teacher Melinda Rudisill so hard she needed 20 stitches above her eye.

Prosecutors said Dominick Harris recorded the attack on a camera-cell phone. Rudisill has so far declined to comment, but Mobile County District Attorney John Tyson Jr. has plenty to say.

“No teacher should have to fear for their safety at any of our schools.”

Parker’s bond has been set at $250,000. Harris’ stands at $100,000.

Teaching can be a dangerous job nowadays. Lack of discipline in the schools is showing. Thanks Dr. Spock. And kids are stupid enough to record their dirty deeds.
From WTSP.

  1. Hawkeye666 says:

    Yep, what they need is the ten commandments on the wall. After all that’s what the teachers gets for trying to teach evolution.

  2. bac says:

    Great political answer to the problem Hawkeye. If the current rules and regulations don’t work, add more.

  3. Pfkad says:

    I taught school for two years in the US. Hands down the worst job I ever had (and I was a garbage man for two summers while in college). The pay was a joke, and it only takes one little prick (with a couple of obligatory toadies) to ruin an entire class. Further, according to my principal “a student’s failure is YOUR failure.” I never felt physically threatened by a student, but there were a couple of parents I didn’t feel comfortable with.

    In short, I wouldn’t recommend teaching in the public schools to anybody, and despite all the negative teacher posts on this blog, it’s a freakin’ miracle the public schools do as well as they do.

  4. natefrog says:

    Ironic this happened in Mobile, no?

  5. OldFart says:

    They should re-instate paddling in schools. If a kid knew he’d get his ass whupped he wouldn’t act up.

  6. KVolk says:

    A bully is a bully that part of public school hasn’t changed the teachers just don’t have the ability to correct the behavior like they did in the past or the skill to control a class.

  7. gquaglia says:

    I’m sure there will be plenty of bleeding heart liberals who will argue that throwing the book at this punk is too cruel and after all he is only 16 and that it must somehow be the fault of the teacher, school, republicans, Bush, ect. Anybody else’s fault, but the scumbag.

  8. hhopper says:

    If the judge who set their bond is the same one they’ll see in court…they’re in deep doo-doo.

  9. jeffus says:

    #7: Sounds like someone has been watching a little too much Fox news channel, angry much?

    I am a hemorrhaging heart liberal, yet I say that the punk deserves a good caning. Schools could surely benefit by bringing back the cane. Too bad it will never happen here…but then we could end up like the British with their fetish for caning. 🙂

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – Not surprisingly, you are wrong.

    You are wrong that we will blame Bush or the teacher.

    You are wrong that we’ll advocate not punishing the kid.

    You are also wrong that he’s a scumbag. He’s a kid who made a mistake. He should be punished. This is a serious assualt on a teacher, with malice, that resulted in injuries, so he should be punished by the criminal justice system. Unless he has priors or a history I am not aware of, he should be tried as a juvenial. He should do time. And yes… he’s a kid. He should be counseled and watched closely and hopefully he can come out of this better able to handle himself in a the world and live a productive life.

    But given who we actually administer justice in America, there is a good chance we are just going to breed a career criminal. It’s really a shame.

    That’s my liberal point of view.

    Your idea of what liberals think is just your ignorant stereotyping of people with more thoughtful and insightful political minds than you.

  11. Dennis says:

    I liked the fact that theirbond will effectively keep them in the cooler until their day in court.

    They oughta lock the parents up too. After all, where’d they get this idea that busting someone’s chops is okay in the first place?

  12. gquaglia says:

    He’s a kid who made a mistake
    No, making a mistake is cheating, stealing or maybe getting high, assault on your teacher is criminal behavior and shows a lack of control.

    he’s a kid. He should be counseled and watched closely and hopefully he can come out of this better able to handle himself in a the world and live a productive life.
    Obviously his parents didn’t do a very good job of this, I don’t really just the Government to do any better.

    But given who we actually administer justice in America, there is a good chance we are just going to breed a career criminal
    Typical Liberal dribble that jail just makes you worse. Utter bullshit.
    Thank you for proving my point.

  13. TJGeezer says:

    I was wondering why a kid who took the video would be considered part of the crime. It turns out the “video was originally meant as evidence, but not to be used in court. Rather, it was to prove the attack happened to a street gang,” says the linked story.

    So it was gang-related, which brings in a whole new steaming pile ‘o crap for society to contend with.

    Insert gquaglia Blame the Liberals rant here.

  14. RBG says:

    I’d blame society’s lack of respect on the influence of pervasive money-making anti-social popular culture but, of course, that only innocently reflects our society.


  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – Typical Liberal dribble that jail just makes you worse. Utter bullshit.
    Thank you for proving my point.

    You are a moron.

    You ever work in corrections? I have.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    The parents should take him to the beautiful Dominican Republic and then spank that kid until his butt is numb.

  17. Guyver says:

    16. Twisted and funny. I like that. 🙂

    I suppose for the rest of everyone else it comes dow to two options,

    1. How much do you want to rationalize responsibility away from the kid and give him a slap on the hand?

    2. Or do you want to scare the begeezus out of him and try him like an adult in order to possibly curb his violent tendencies?

    What’s the lesser of two evils? Why is it so bad to try a 16 year old as an adult when the crime committed is an adult crime? Was the 16 year old unaware of the pain and violence he was inflicting on his teacher? I say treat the kid like an adult. If he wants to be a tough guy, treat him like one.

  18. BubbaRay says:

    #18, thanks for the link. Looks like they need to tried as adults, brass knuckles on a 61 year old teacher? Gang this, morani. Good Grief !!

  19. joshua says:

    WTF is wrong with people like this. That video and seeing the local news like that is what made me decide to comment.

    It just enrages me that relatives defend these little bastards. Wake up God damn it!!!! These guys are criminals….say they are criminals, and stop defending their actions.

    I hope to God they are tried as adults and sent away for 25 years…with no chance of parole. Do I care that they are 16…fuck no……do I care if they might go on to lead a life of crime….fuck no….because they already are leading a life of crime.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, joshua,

    It just enrages me that relatives defend these little bastards.

    The difference between a juvenile delinquent and a rambunctious child depend upon whether or not you are the parent. I would hope that if you are ever charged with a serious crime, your parents and family will be there for you too.


    Judging by the video in #18, (thanks Richard) this looks premeditated. If convicted, they deserve all punishment given them.

    If they are to be tried as adults, then we had also better start giving 16 yr olds all the rights of adults. We don’t give them full rights simply because we don’t believe they are mature enough. It can’t be both ways, they are either immature kids or adults.


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