“A to the motherblogging K, homeboy!”

Sochi2014 – June 6, 2007:

The production of Russian weapons in eastern Europe without licenses causes direct damage to the country’s economy and interests, a first deputy prime minister said Friday.

“It is not a secret that such production is carried out in a number of eastern European countries, including NATO members,” Sergei Ivanov said adding that the illegal production should be stopped.

He said this is “intellectual piracy,” adding that these countries supply Russian weapons to world markets at dumping prices.

“Despite our appeals to these countries, we have received no reasonable answer,” he said.

Russia says it suffers major losses from the counterfeit manufacture of Kalashnikov assault rifles in Bulgaria. The armies of 47 countries use the AK-47 assault rifle, known as the Kalashnikov after its designer, Mikhail Kalashnikov.

  1. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Heh, heh. I don’t care who you are – that’s funny.

  2. Jason says:

    In that picture of the soldier, the weapon being held is an M60. Perhaps a photo of the ubiquitous AK-47 should be placed instead?


  3. OvenMaster says:

    What? Piracy in weapons now? Hey, Putin: welcome to capitalism! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

  4. Dugger says:

    Maybe Putin should point a few missles towards Bulgaria until they comply?

  5. natefrog says:

    In Soviet Russia Amerika, intellectual property owns you!

  6. KVolk says:

    This is awesome if they win then we can get back royalties on all their air planes from the cold war era and use it to pay down the deficit with China. That Putin is a miracle worker.(tongue firmly planted in cheek)

  7. TJGeezer says:

    #1 – TheGlobalWarmer – Yup, you’re right. Heh.

    Side note – Kalashnikov said last year he regretted the weapon’s ubiquity and its use by terrorists, gangsters, guerillas etc. just about everywhere. He only intended it for the defensive war in Russia in WWII. From the San Diego paper’s coverage at http://tinyurl.com/ytgoj9

    “Sturdy, simple and cheap, firing 600 bullets a minute, the world’s estimated 100 million Kalashnikovs account for up to 80 percent of all assault rifles. In Africa’s civil conflicts or in violence-ridden Latin American nations, it sells for as little as $15.”

    Hulluva legacy. Soon to be fought over by the RIAA?

  8. long says:

    I see.
    Isn;t it amazing that historically trucks in the USSR looked like previous American models and the parts could be used interchangeably in Cuba after the U.S. embargo to fix and keep the older American vehicles running.
    Most of the Russian vintage compters, laptops, mice all look amazingly similar if not identical to western models.
    And now intellectual piracy.
    Maybe they will employ RIAA methods with KGB enforcers.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    Thanks to the Iran-Contras scandal there were plenty of ammo stashes hidden in the Honduras/Nicaragua broder, in the mid 90s you could buy AK-47s here for a meager $3 (yep dollars)

    And that explains why the cops here carry M16 rifles rather than those puny 9mm guns.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    #9, Angel, as I understand it you’re in the Dominican Republic, right? And the cops carry M16s?? Whoa.


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