Hustler magazine is looking for some scandalous sex in Washington again — and willing to pay for it.
“Have you had a sexual encounter with a current member of the United States Congress or a high-ranking government official?” read a full-page advertisement taken out by Larry Flynt’s pornographic magazine in Sunday’s Washington Post.
It offered $1 million for documented evidence of illicit intimate relations with a congressman, senator or other prominent officeholder. A toll-free number and e-mail address were provided.
Stay tuned.
I think the post #24 comments believe #24 is lying. That is bad.
Holy caca Batman !!!
I just noticed the fine print on the graphic. If you didn’t see it before take a look. Worth a good laugh.
I did not have sex with that woman. But, according to the court allowed definition, she had sex with him….. How does that work???
We did try to deal with Osama, we blew up the pencil factory.
The Economy was going great. All I had to do was let uncle Alan push more liquidity into the system than has ever occured since the history of mankind. Let Bushy clean up the mess.
Don’t make fun of Al. He can’t help it if Armand Hammer bought his daddy a mountain and made him rich. Besides, he invented the internet.