There are three commercials – here.

  1. god says:

    Tee hee.

  2. Awake says:

    Looks to be the most gimmicky device yet. Will it be a hit? YAS! Will it be a practical tool? NO!
    Ridiculously low battery life, quickly scratched up and smudgy screen, expensive to purchase and use, utterly fragile.
    You want to look like a trendy obnoxious yuppie dweeb that is a slave to the latest fashion fad… the iPhone is for you.

  3. Improbus says:

    I am still waiting for my OpenMoko phone. Maybe I can get one for X-mas.

  4. Matthew says:

    Innovation in mobile phones seems to have almost ended and there’s definitely one feature you cannot gimmicky – the voicemail.

    Voicemail as it stands today is broken. Every system is different, people like me are forced to use multiple systems daily. I’ve got almost 2″ of screen on my phone completely underutilized and I still have to listen to ‘press 7 to delete, press #1 to undelete’ etc etc It’s time to let the future happen on this one.

  5. moss says:

    #4 – good idea – overdue.

  6. GregA says:


    My solution was simple. I tell people in my voice mail message not to leave a message because I never check them, and if they want to message me send me a txt. The caller id in my phone already tells me the people who called. Back when I used voice mail like services, I noted that greater that 99% of messages were “Hi this is so and so and I called, and my number is xxx-xxxx”

    I havent checked voice mail is years now. If Jobbs were to give me a iPhone, I would use the voice mail feature as much as I use voice mail now, which is to say, not at all.

    Yeah, and the battery life is a disaster. OMG what was apple thinking…

  7. hhopper says:

    Great! Apple does it again. I try to look at the ads, they start fine, then the Apple site tells me to download QuickTime. I have QuickTime Pro. WTF!!!! Apple software never has run worth a damn on a PC.

  8. JimR says:

    Pedro, where did you get that info?

    The iPhone is misnamed IMO. It runs OS X and is only 2.5″ x 4.5″ x .5″.
    Incredible! They should have coined a new name for it.
    iPhone specificationss

  9. GregA says:


    Some people say potato…

    I use my cell phone all the time. You look at those dimensions and say they are small. I look at those dimensions and say, wow I’ll need to buy all new cargo pants because the cell phone pockets are all too small now.

  10. JimR says:

    Greg, what I’m saying is that it’s most insignificant feature is the phone. Let’s see someone put Vista on a credit card with 8 gb of memory.

  11. GregA says:


    If this is not a phone then it is a $3000 iPod that doesn’t come with any music or movies… You still have to buy those at $1 and $10 a pop. Oh and it still needs a computer to put those movies and songs onto the device, for some reason it can’t use the phone feature to download the content onto the device. Basically the same failing the apple tv has…

    I bet they sell 500k in the first year.

  12. GregA says:

    Breaking iPhone news!!!

    Insurance companies are refusing to sell insurance for iPhone!!! In a crushing development for Apples hopes at a 1% market share in the hand held phone business, people who accidentally drop their iPhone into the toilet will need to pay the full retail price (still undisclosed) to get it replaced. At the time of this development, we are still awaiting comment from Cupertino if they can recover from this devastating blow.

  13. JimR says:

    Did your VCR make your movies free? Did your CD player make your music free?
    News flash… your computer needs another computer to install movies and music on it as well.

    500,000 iPhones the first year? That would be amazing. iPod sales were just 375,000 the first year.

  14. GregA says:


    Jobbs said 10 million by 2008.

  15. JimR says:

    Apple sold 8.1 million iPods this quarter. See how it works? If Apple attracts an upgrade of just one tenth of one percent of installed cellphone base they will sell 9 million by the END of 2008. That’s 18 months away.

    I guess you didn’t buy buy Apple stock then. Up 3% in past week, 40% in past 3 months. Currently around $118. By the end of this year expect $160/share or more.

  16. Spooof says:

    #4 – selectively listening to voicemail

    I can already do this with my Blackberry 8800 when combined with Cisco Unity IP Phone system.

    I enabled no answer call-forwarding to my work number ie rings four times and then forwards to my work voicemail.

    Now when someone calls my cell and I don’t answer they leave a voicemail on my work voicemail

    Unity forwards the voice mail to our exchange server which then syncs with the BES server.

    All of my voicemail shows up on my blackberry and I can select which voicemail I want to listen to by scanning through my email. WHen I want to listen to a particular email I open up the attachment and it plays the message.

    If I delete the email message with the voicemail attachment it also deletes it from Exchange and Unity.

    Corporate blackberry users who have a halfway decent phone system can achieve selective voicemail reviewing with little effort. Note that you need a blackberry with audio ie Pearl, 8800, etc


  17. JimR says:

    Spoof, that’s greatn and it is a cool tool… but it’s old tech now. iPhone is 50% smaller, has 8GB of ram as opposed to 64 MB, bigger screen etc., etc., … and costs 40% less.

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    The great majority of the target demo for iPhone will simply add the phone to their homeowners’ policy. Nonissue.

  19. moss says:

    #12 “Basically the same failing the apple tv has…”

    Basically the same failing the iPod has, too. Shucks.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:

    Will it be a better phone than the ones found in Tokyo? Let’s see..

    Can the iPhone buy train tickets with it? No
    Can the iPhone transfer money from the ATM to the iPhone? No
    Can the iPhone turn on the AC unit with the click of a button? No
    Can the iPhone connect with the fridge at home and check if you have food in it? No
    Can the iPhone allow you to watch TV while you’re in the train? No
    Can you buy stuff from the vending machines with the iPhone? No

    Even a Docomo Pikachu cell phone can do all that.

    But.. Will it sell? If Paris Hilton is seen with one chances are that all the japanese women ages 15-35 will buy an iPhone.

  21. JimR says:

    Greg, just as an aside, we had a similar discussion Sept 19 of last year where I said that the profit from 100 shares of Apple (then at $75) would buy me an Apple Pro by July of this year. Closed today at $121.33. Should I sell?

  22. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I see a 2-for-1 split within 6 weeks of the iPhone rollout – if not sooner.

    Others will see it differently, I’m sure…

  23. edwinrogers says:

    I want to know what it sounds like.

  24. Angel H. Wong says:


    Not unless it can store 15,000 pictures of a pet cat or allow the college students to make cheesy videos of their girlfriends.

    Even better. If it has a very good video it will “revolutionize” the porn industry in the San Fernando Valley.

  25. Jägermeister says:


    Will there be a market to attach those services to iPhone? Yes.

  26. JimR says:

    Dairy Queen had a 2 for 1 split.

    (shoot me)

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, darn, and I missed it.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    Who really cares about all the “must have apps”. Just give me a cell phone with decent battery life and coverage. After they can do that then I’ll worry about how many songs it holds.

  29. BubbaRay says:

    I’m surprised that after a day no one has commented that the iPhone is also sideburns, a treadmill, a prophylactic and hand grenade.

    Mr. Fusion, do you mean a cell phone that can actually initiate and receive calls like a landline? What a novel idea! I’ll take one.


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