If you can’t get it right after watching that, give genius animator Bill Plympton’s intro a try.

And if you’re still having trouble, perhaps it’s time to rethink the whole kissing thing. And reproduction. Save those genes so we won’t have to!

  1. Improbus says:

    I can’t remember the last time I had passion for anything … including kissing. I am teh Grumpy Old Man.

  2. undissembled says:

    All you need to know children, is to use a lot of tongue.

  3. Gary Marks says:

    That first one was good, but Bill Plympton’s animation was hilarious. I’m pretty sure that life’s best lessons can nearly always be learned from cartoons.

  4. Mark Baars says:

    Carly Simon sung a song where the whole deal is explained the right way… They might be inspired by this (the first video). Will Powers – Kissing with Confidence… I don’t remember the video though… off to YouTube 😉

  5. hmmm.. I’m going to pratice.

  6. Arrius says:

    The chick in that video is a better kisser than the guy is, I’ve made out with em both. :-0

  7. Kent Goldings says:

    Keep is simple, stupid.

  8. LuĂ­s Camacho says:

    And now I know the fine art of kissing, thanks to this informative blog!

  9. Heely says:

    Great, I’ve received my daily dose of Dvorak.org disappointment…

    We could have much more fun with this one… in cartoons, we learned not to step on banana peels…

  10. hhopper says:

    You must be a masochist if you come here every day to be disappointed.


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