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It is not more hateful or arrogant than declaring that all who do not believe in JC will go to hell, but EVERY xtian must believe that is true at least. Some are just nicer about it.
I made it to the 2:30 mark before stopping. The most disgusting part is where I actually paused listening to the Beatles Abbey Road for this. Yes, that is my own fault, but I am still disgusted.
I only hope that somewhere a truck bumper has Hey Phelps, this one is for you written on it.
I hope he truly gets to meet his maker ASAP. And if there is a God, this guy is fucked.
This pastor seems to have missed the major lesson of Christianity – that of love , acceptance and foregiveness.
Goes to show you how off the mark a person or a movement can be when given a clear message, Hopefully soon they will be all drinking coolaid.
Not Christian –
Instead a certifiable nut case who knows a few scriptures and misapplies them. With a serious persecution complex.
Here’s a scripture to consider while watching him:
(Matthew 7:15-23) “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruits YOU will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit; 18 a good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, neither can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits YOU will recognize those [men]. 21 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.
The bible points out that not all identifying themselves as christians, are. Seems true in this case…
#20 It’s amazing when you realize that Christians all across the world derive such wildly varying interpretations from the very same book
Have you met Christian all across the world? I have.
You’re not being accurate if you’re insinuating that Christians are theologically spread out all over the map. In my observation, they’re densely clustered on a core set of beliefs.
Of course, there are wacko pastors on the fringe, like this guy. But his church is basically nothing — I think it’s just his psycho little family.
On the other hand, the vast majority of we two billion Christians a third of humanity ( ) generally organize around an orthodox set of confessions, as enshrined by the Nicene and other early creeds.
I don’t bemoan diversity in Christianity… it’s our strength. Another religion I can think of sanctifies the Arab culture and others are tied to Indian, Jewish, Japanese, etc cultures.
But not Christianity. Churches have nearly total freedom in language, music, dress, organization, etc. This allowance for diversity is probably why we’re the biggest religion.
Greg Allen writes “You’re not being accurate if you’re insinuating that Christians are theologically spread out all over the map. In my observation, they’re densely clustered on a core set of beliefs.”
I wasn’t talking about the smallest set of defining core Christian beliefs, such as belief in the divinity of Jesus, his resurrection, and salvation by faith. I was referring to the much larger body of beliefs concerning how Christians are supposed to interact with others, their style of living, and their role in the world. These beliefs are also derived from the Bible, under many different interpretations, and those beliefs are indeed all over the map. I think your phrase “allowance for diversity” doesn’t quite reflect the intensity with which these various sects often believe their practices are correct and ordained by God.
#24…Matthew Shepard wasn’t dragged behind a truck…that was James Byrd…who’s sin was being black in Texas.
Shepard was beaten, tied to a fence, beaten some more then left to die for being Gay in Wyoming.
Whoops… 404! Shoulda looked that up when I was doing the Biblical Research.
Louis Theroux (BBC UK) did an excellent documentary about these guys. They are totally bat shit. You should check it out.
Bush and Phelps have much in common.
One antitheists questions for the religious in the audience:
1) Did anyone actual check his bible references? The guy was quoting chapter and verse. Aside from the addition of his church and America, were his quotes correct?
2) God does actually hate fags. He hates homosexuality as much as working on the sabbath, mixing cotton and wool in the same garment, and rape victims (inside city limits), all of which are punishable by death by stoning. Also, he hated whatever was going on inside Jericho so badly that he decreed that everything that breatheth inside that city must be put to death. Can you say genocide?
So, moderates who insist that they alone know the correct chapters and verses to dispense with in order to come up with a version of the bible that doesn’t actually instruct people to kill each other should really at least consider the possibility that the entire mythology should just be thrown out.
There are just too many contradictions in the bible. Anyone claiming to know who the true Christians are, those who are “really” following Christ, must be missing the nine gazillion ways in which the actual text of the bible may be interpreted. Certainly, reading it literally and wholeheartedly believing it will almost certainly cause violence.
Perhaps this wacko’s reading is not really that far off.
Did anyone actual check his bible references? The guy was quoting chapter and verse. Aside from the addition of his church and America, were his quotes correct?
Correct, but taken out of context (hmmm.. where else have I seen that?
#5 I am the FIRST ONE to admit that some of my fellow Christians can be total nutcases. But for every nutcase there are thousands upon thousands of perfectly normal Christians who just live their lives, the best they can, like you and I do.
Greg, I know you are a good guy…
But it is hard to buy that there is one nut and thousands upon thousands of perfectly normal happy go-lucky Christians who have nothing but peace and love in their heart.
Phelps may be extreme, but those 700 Club donating greyhairs with the Marriage = Man + Woman bumper stickers are just gay bashers with a more civil tongue.
God-Squad thumpers were twice the difference between having real leadership and ending up with Bush. The stem cell debate, creationism debate, almost every nutbag belief debate wouldn’r even make the radar screen were it not for a significant percentage of mean spirited spiritual jackboots hellbent on attack and subduing a culture built on personal freedom.
From personal experience, I don’t trust Christians. As William S Burroghs said, “Never do business with a religious son of a bitch. His word isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Not when the good Lord can tell him how to fuck you out of the deal.”
It might be so that the majority of Christians are good people. In fact, I know it is so. But evangelicals and similar fundamentalists comprise far more than just a statisticly significant number.
So often these debates about the difference between the lunatic fringe of religion, and the supposedly more sound moderates is that it misses one major point. Moderates are not moderate because of a more consistent reading of the Bible, but because they are steeped in the philosophy of the enlightenment. We believe in democracy, equal rights, that genocide is wrong, that slavary is wrong, that gays should have equal rights (or should), that women should have equal rights, that burning people at the stake for heretical beliefs is wrong, that we should be tolerant of other’s views, not because we learn these ethical “truths” from the Bible, but because moderates have learned to ignore most of the obvious bad stuff in the Bible. But how do moderates choose? They can’t use the Bible to decide what to ignore, they have to use an ethical intuition that every person has.
Oh, and that standard moderate set of beliefs that moderate Christians believe (Love one another, believe in Jesus, get saved)? Moderates gloss over the fact that you either believe in Jesus or you are punished for eternity in Hell. Of course some moderates ignore that too–just one more thing that just doesn’t fit our modern notion of goodness.
I think vast numbers of the “normal” Christians need to put some pressure on the nut-jobs and get this reined in. From what I am seeing (in a most definite bible belt area) is what used to be “normal” live-and-let-live Christians have become a bit odd. The homeschoolers are now divided by Christian and NOT. The Christian groups require a “statement of faith” before you can be included (and this statement is a 4 page long legal document — including contact numbers, names, addresses — a bit daunting). There are posts that show up on our Yahoogroups “non-Christian not invited”. There are other posts that explain it “you don’t want my children playing with nonbelievers because they poison the minds of our children” What appears to be the buzzword “non Christian terrorist”. Oh, this INCLUDES Catholics, as they aren’t Christian enough for some of these rabid cult-like groups that parade around calling themselves religious people. If anything the term “Christian” has become twisted to the point of being YOU AGAINST US.
So, little 7 year old kids cannot play with THEIR 7 year old, because of the evil of dealing with outsiders to the cult. It is insane! But, it’s only getting worse, and I am blaming the pastors….and nutjobs like the guy in the video….. What sort of world are we living in!!!
Nut-job is a mild description of this garbage.
Unfortunately, this is what the First Amendment protects. There is no amendment which deals with good taste or intelligence.
Utter shock. Speechless. I think the word insane quite covers this.
I don’t see it mentioned here, but you can see more of them in the British documentary (on various sources on the net) called “The most Hated Family in America”
Let’s see….HYPOCRITES, huh….
Google: LOVING GOD’S HATE, an expose about Fred Phelps to get a lesson in REAL hypocrisy. This expose is by the Topeka Capitol-Journal, Phelps’ hometown newspaper.
Some of the MANY item published: the details of Phelps’ disbarrment by the Kansas Supreme Court and the Federal Courts for repeated ethics violations; the details of a successful civil suit against Phelps by and unpaid candy vendor. The report further states the Phelps children were made to sell the candy until late into the evening, and in bad weather. And the worst of all, several of Phelps’ estranged children publicly assert they were severely and frequently abused by Phelps.
Even though the Capitol-Journal has had this expose on their website for years, and despite several Phelps children being attorneys, PHELPS HAS NEVER SUED THE CAPITOL-JOURNAL FOR LIBEL!!
How can they be so blind to the terrible evil they commit on a daily basis, and maintain they are ” prophets”? If this expose is true, they should shut up for good!
If it isn’t true, I defy Phelps, or his doggie Margie, or his harpy, Shirley to answer this one question. WHY HAVEN’T YOU SUED THE CAPITOL-JOURNAL FOR LIBEL?
And you have the gall to talk about, HYPOCRITES?
I have three comments as follows:
#1 I am totally convinced that the God Fred Phelps worships is not the God that I worship!
#2 The difference between my God and Fred Phelps is my God does not think he is Fred Phelps!
#3 If Fred Phelps God is in charge of Heaven, I want nothing to do with it!
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