When your butt cheek to chair ratio makes it to 1 to 1, it’s time to rethink seeing bulimia as a bad thing. Oh, and when you can bury the needle on your Sumo-class bathroom scales, lose the halter top. You can have it back after you drop a few pounds and no longer need out-riggers on your sofa to keep it from tipping over when you sit down.
My #1 negative comment as a Canadian visiting Disney in Florida two years ago with the family.
These grossly obese people, driving around in electric carts, eating smoked turkey legs (by the time they finish eating one, there’s another strategically placed vendor, for non-stop).
The worst was seeing an obese couple with their 10 yrd old son, nagging and complaining between smoked turkey leg bites, because Mom & Dad had an electric cart, and he was forced to walk.
That kid weighed more than me.
Oh, those obese people kept butting to the top of the lines using the disability lanes.
That image needs a LOLCAT like caption :
Another fine example of your typical American deluding them-selfs. Unfortunately not all delusions are so evident:
*Political protest arrest does the country good.
*A diamond-encrusted platinum cast of a human skull priced at a cool $98 million does a buyer good.
*Draconian Illinois public school refuses to grant diplomas because friends and family cheered during graduation, does our education good.
When did this country and it’s people loose it’s pragmatic sense of balance? Americans used to be a world class pragmatic bunch, now Isn’t anything about substance and not rhetoric any more?
4. Next time try visiting Colorado, we have the lowest rate of overwieghters in the nation. I dont know if its the altitude the attitude or the beauty of this place that compels you to get off your ass and participate in life. Not all americans are like this. And as far as Disneyworld, I’ve never been, never will. Sorry we dont have any vendors next to the river rafting / mountain climbing/ mountain biking/ hiking/ skiing (oops, we do on that), camping………etc.
I would, but Coloradans hate Texans. I’ve endured enough abuse trying to trout fish there to last a lifetime, and I’m one of the most polite people you’d ever meet. Texas, on the other hand, welcomes you. From the piney woods of E TX to the big skies of the big bend (McDonald Observatory) it’s great state, even if some of us are named “Bubba” and only the panhandle gets the most snow. Heck, some of us even have indoor plumbing.
#7 I kindly accept the honor and the “Ultimate King Kahuna Moron Award”. I would like to thank all the idiot posters who have no doubt inspired me. Do you need an address to send it to?
9. This one doesnt hate Texans. Actually I am a Missourian by birth so maybe that explains it. And I am one of the few who can say I like Texas. At least the parts I have seen, Austin, San Antonio. Dallas (not so much). If I ever get down there, I want a ride in your trick plane.
#15, mark, we’ll head up to aero country and get us a Stearman, screamin’ open cockpit biplane with enough torque to flip the plane on takeoff if not careful. Bring a silk scarf and a video camera !!
Did you see that Air Tractor video I posted awhile back?
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Some people aren’t just indifferent to their obesity, they’re actually proud of it. Disgusting. And of course she just has a “low metabolism.”
When your butt cheek to chair ratio makes it to 1 to 1, it’s time to rethink seeing bulimia as a bad thing. Oh, and when you can bury the needle on your Sumo-class bathroom scales, lose the halter top. You can have it back after you drop a few pounds and no longer need out-riggers on your sofa to keep it from tipping over when you sit down.
Somebody, please help this lady!
My #1 negative comment as a Canadian visiting Disney in Florida two years ago with the family.
These grossly obese people, driving around in electric carts, eating smoked turkey legs (by the time they finish eating one, there’s another strategically placed vendor, for non-stop).
The worst was seeing an obese couple with their 10 yrd old son, nagging and complaining between smoked turkey leg bites, because Mom & Dad had an electric cart, and he was forced to walk.
That kid weighed more than me.
Oh, those obese people kept butting to the top of the lines using the disability lanes.
That image needs a LOLCAT like caption :
That’s what Lindsey Lohan is doing instead of drinking and smoking.
Another fine example of your typical American deluding them-selfs. Unfortunately not all delusions are so evident:
*Political protest arrest does the country good.
*A diamond-encrusted platinum cast of a human skull priced at a cool $98 million does a buyer good.
*Draconian Illinois public school refuses to grant diplomas because friends and family cheered during graduation, does our education good.
When did this country and it’s people loose it’s pragmatic sense of balance? Americans used to be a world class pragmatic bunch, now Isn’t anything about substance and not rhetoric any more?
#6 – You’re an idiot. That’s not an average American and you damn well know it.
Oh yeah, the diamond encrusted skull is from the U.K., not the U.S.
You just won the Ultimate King Kahuna Moron Award.
4. Next time try visiting Colorado, we have the lowest rate of overwieghters in the nation. I dont know if its the altitude the attitude or the beauty of this place that compels you to get off your ass and participate in life. Not all americans are like this. And as far as Disneyworld, I’ve never been, never will. Sorry we dont have any vendors next to the river rafting / mountain climbing/ mountain biking/ hiking/ skiing (oops, we do on that), camping………etc.
#8, mark, Next time try visiting Colorado
I would, but Coloradans hate Texans. I’ve endured enough abuse trying to trout fish there to last a lifetime, and I’m one of the most polite people you’d ever meet. Texas, on the other hand, welcomes you. From the piney woods of E TX to the big skies of the big bend (McDonald Observatory) it’s great state, even if some of us are named “Bubba” and only the panhandle gets the most snow. Heck, some of us even have indoor plumbing.
#9, darnit, what happened to the smiley at the end of my post?
#7 I kindly accept the honor and the “Ultimate King Kahuna Moron Award”. I would like to thank all the idiot posters who have no doubt inspired me. Do you need an address to send it to?
I think she is kind of hot. You guys can’t handle a real woman. Shade in the summer, heat in the winter.
She is not proud… She is covering up the fact that she can’t stand herself.
That was ab-scene. To borrow from Randy Newman, “Fat people got no reason to live.” Other than stuffing their gaping maws, of course.
9. This one doesnt hate Texans. Actually I am a Missourian by birth so maybe that explains it. And I am one of the few who can say I like Texas. At least the parts I have seen, Austin, San Antonio. Dallas (not so much). If I ever get down there, I want a ride in your trick plane.
Kevin Spacey needs to pay this ‘thing’ a visit.
#15, mark, we’ll head up to aero country and get us a Stearman, screamin’ open cockpit biplane with enough torque to flip the plane on takeoff if not careful. Bring a silk scarf and a video camera !!
Did you see that Air Tractor video I posted awhile back?