Remember when porn had enough clean parts to be able to create a video like this? A tad odd that the women’s parts were dubbed by a guy, but just go with it. War and porn. Good time, good times…

  1. noname says:

    Can’t wait for the showing of the IRAQ remake.

  2. natefrog says:

    #1: I thought this one was describing Iraq. . .

  3. asdfasdf says:

    porn with plots suck.


  4. rasta says:

    Finally,getting a piece with honor

  5. Greg Allen says:

    I am just constantly amazed at people’s creativity. Are we in the “golden ear” of mash ups? Probably.

    This video is also an illustration, to me, why we need much shorter copyright and patent durations. When original material get released into the public domain, it sparks innovation and creativity. But the material needs to be released while it still has some relevancy.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    “golden era”


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