Do computers really require 1200 watts of power nowadays?!

  1. Joe says:

    I build several machines using Antec cases, one just last Friday, it was a P180 though. Antec might be pricy but the cases are very very good. If I would be a PC guy, I would buy Antec.
    However, you might need close to that kind of power. Imagine several hard drives (i.e. RAID5 array), graphics cards with extra power supply etc. But, I agree, the casual home user doesn’t need that power.

  2. Joe says:

    Not to forget that a PS doesn’t draw it’s rated wattage all the time, it is just rated at xyz Watts. Also, the redundancy two PSs supply should be mentioned. OK ok, I’m a server guy, I love redundant things.

  3. clockwork oranjaboom says:

    No, they do not.
    Does DU need annoying Contentlink advertising nowadays?
    Did Dvorak buy a new boat or something?

  4. Jägermeister says:

    As Joe already pointed out… there is a demand for these type of boxes.


    #3 – Does DU need annoying Contentlink advertising nowadays?

    Ever tried Firefox with the NoScript and Adblock Plus extensions?

  5. KVolk says:

    Wow does it come with air conditioning?

  6. qsabe says:

    My video card wants 350 watts. Need something to run the rest of the system to you know.

  7. Mark Derail says:

    Antec has a reputation for servers in a desktop enclosure.

    Two PSU’s are for redundancy. Each PSU has 1/2 the amperage draw inside the computer, making each last longer.

    If one dies, the other takes over automatically.

    Also, two PSU’s are less prone to voltage drops during brownouts.

    Two PSU’s, each power cord plugged into a separate 1500VA UPS, will double your uptime when no power, allowing the use of two dirt-cheap UPS’s.

    As soon as you go over 2000VA in UPS’s prices are crazy expensive.
    You *cannot* daisy-chain two UPS’s, unless you open up the case and put the 12V batteries in parallel – that’s messy.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    #4, Jägermeister, thanks for the tip about NoScript, a real piece of work.

  9. Mark T. says:

    1200 watts of power. Let me guess – it runs Vista.

    1200 watts is the same as a coffee maker. Be sure to get a UPS to account for the popped circuit breakers.

    I wonder if the people that buy this will also install a compact fluorescent bulb in their desk lamp in order to compensate.

  10. ECA says:

    there is another rating that is ALMOST never expressed.
    The efficentcy rating.
    MOST computer PS are rated BELOW 60%.
    Unless you get a GOOD machine cooling PS rated at 80%+…Most of these computer PS go tits up’ FAST if you hit above 60% REAL fast.
    And if you EVER hit 100% of its ratings, that computer PS will fry.

  11. Peter Rodwell says:

    Just what I need for the USB arc welder I’m designing!

  12. BubbaRay says:

    #11, When you get that arc welder working, I’ll trade you for one of my USB microwave ovens. 🙂

    I’ve used Antec cases for years, you can’t get much better bang for the buck. I’ve still two in use, one over 6 years old, great design and never a problem.

  13. omnicbex says:

    modern cpu and gpu tech is the main culprit to high power requirements of high-end computers. There are power supplies that are rated for 1200 watts alone here.

  14. Rob says:

    Bad enough that so many Americans drive unnecessary SUVs – now our computers have to be SUVs too!

    When oil hits $10 a gallon, say buh-bye to your SLI gaming rigs AND your Escalades.

  15. Jägermeister says:


    No problem, BubbaRay. Can’t live without it. 🙂

  16. Michael says:

    If only some of you knew how much power server systems actually took…

  17. Tippis says:

    …now, what happens if you slap 2x300W fanless PSUs in there?

    I don’t need 1200W, but I do need just over 500… and I also need the whole thing to be silent.

  18. jz says:

    If they just bundled a solar panel with this, everyone would quit griping. I wonder if somebody is working on a “green” PC.

  19. joshua says:

    #19….my sister-in-law’s putor is limegreen…..does that count?? 🙂

  20. Jetfire says:

    My Dell workstation has a 1KW power supply. Just slap in 2 Quadro FX 5600 in this bad boy. SN it all depends on what you want the machine to do.

  21. jbellies says:

    a green PC is one that runs only during the heating season.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, joshua

    My kid’s is a darkish lime green. It also has a clear side panel with a neon light on the side fan. She fell in love with it at the ‘putor store while I was getting some crap for myself. The store managed to find a green kid size keyboard and mouse to go with it. She’s stuck with a beige monitor though.

    #7, Mark

    I installed a new MB in my wifes ‘puter a few weeks back. I noticed the case was an Antec. Even though it is at least six or seven yrs old, the best way to describe it would be “like a brick shit house”.

  23. KVolk says:

    So is the ultimate computer also your electric car?

  24. B. Dog says:

    Consuming no power and useful only for the bench seats, this Cray Y-MP supercomputer is very cool.


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