Russia pissed at USA. Apparently the Russians are getting tired of us pushing everyone around like we own the place. The is a pure political move to make the Europeans even more angry with us. Of course we telling the world that we’re putting up anti-ballistic missile sites in Europe to protect them from “a potential threat…from North Korea” is probably the last straw of BS that Putin could stomach.

Moscow may target weapons at Europe if the US builds planned missile defence facilities in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Russia has not pointed missiles towards Europe since the end of the Cold War.

Last week, Russia said it had tested a ballistic missile to maintain “strategic balance” in the world.

Only Bush could get us back into an arms race with the Russians. What next?

  1. tallwookie says:

    The end of the world is nigh!!


  2. BubbaRay says:

    32, Rob, wow, a million Euros, now we can pay off the russky mob and have something left over for Mini Me and some Wodka !!

  3. Smith says:

    #23 — Rob

    “What would you think if the Russians put an “anti-missile” defense in Cuba, Mexico or Venezuela? “

    Actually, it wouldn’t bother me in the least. Why would we care if our neighbors installed an ABM system?

    “I’m sure we’d love to have their KGB agents running around the US helping us!”

    Actually, we had Russian agents stationed outside our missile production plants as part of SALT II. We even had a few visit the plant where I work — LOL, they asked if we we paved our on-plant roads just to impress them.

  4. rob, I got the joke..that’s a start…

  5. Rob R says:

    I admire you for sticking to your guns. I lived in FSU for 14 years in Latvia. The Russians were poor occupiers. But here’s a joke someone like you can appreciate.

    A Japanese delegation visited the Soviet Union. At the end of the visit, the Russian host asked, “What do you like most about our country.”

    “Your children.” responded the Japanese delegate.

    “Why our children?” asked the Russian.

    “Because we don’t like anything you’ve done with your hands.” answered the Japanese.

    Fortunately, things are getting better since them.

  6. Jägermeister says:


    Very funny! 😀

  7. Rob R says:


    I’m glad you liked it.

  8. docred says:

    Ok….is anyone actually surprised by this? I mean, seriously. Do I agree with the Russians getting back into the game like this? No. However, what would we do on this continent if someone was setting up missle bases close to our territory (hmmmm…Cuba? Sound familiar)? If they told us “hey, its not aimed at you….don’t worry about it” ….we would be reacting the same way, if not more strongly. Its all politics and a lack of trust on every side of every fence, well earned lack of trust on all sides.

  9. ECA says:

    YOU got it…

  10. jz says:

    I wrote, “A lot has been written about how Clinton was the first black president. If so, then Bush is the first female president.”

    Mr (s). Fusion wrote, Geeze, am I ever glad I don’t read what you write. No way would I insult 155 million women in America with that crap.

    I know it may surprise a feminist loving mangina like yourself, Mr(s) Fusion, but there are American women out there who actually like Bush. Of course, your delusional belief that you think you speak for all American women is not a surprise to me. How much head trauma exactly did you suffer as a child?

  11. natefrog says:

    Funny how all the “patriots” will be quick to condemn Russia for this, but at the same time will ironically say the US was justified in its actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis…

  12. Smith says:

    #45, natefrog

    You do understand the difference between a nuclear missile and an anti-ballistic missile? You’re not the only one posting here that appears to have the two confused.

  13. natefrog says:

    #46: Let’s see, in 1962, the Soviet Union tried to place arms in Cuba (it doesn’t matter they were nuclear missiles, they were still weapons, period). The US objected and demanded their removal. Darn near got us into a nuclear war. We didn’t want weapons of our enemy in our backyard. The scenario is reversed today (albeit we are no longer “enemies”). The Russians don’t want our toys in their backyard. Do you honestly think the US wouldn’t object if Russia turned around and announced a plan to place weapons in Mexico?

    #47: I understand the difference completely. Don’t worry, you’re not the only ignorant person posting around here who can’t connect the dots between the similarities.

  14. Smith says:

    #48 “I understand the difference completely. Don’t worry, you’re not the only ignorant person posting around here who can’t connect the dots between the similarities.”

    Hmm, Cuban-based nuclear missiles that could destroy a US city without warning vs. a Patriot missile battery that could shoot down an Iranian-launched Scud. Yeah, you’re right, I am having trouble seeing the similarity.

  15. natefrog says:

    Apparently you Bushies are dense: I’m not comparing the similarity of the weapons, but the similarity of the actions.

  16. MikeN says:

    Actually this isn’t about being angry with the US, but rather being angry with those former Russian vassal countries for getting too cozy with the US instead of letting Russia call the shots. We already had Estonia digging up Russian soldiers. Putin is trying to recreate the Soviet empire.

  17. KVolk says:

    Why do we have to understand their view? National politics is not the same thing as personal relationships. I don’t want their missles of any kind near me and if I can soome how get mine near them thats a good thing especially an ABM system that keeps me from frying along with my allies. It’s called realpolitik and all nations operate from the same self interest and if you think knowing how they feel helps go ask Chamberlin how that worked out in Munich etc.

  18. Guyver says:

    Putin is on a one-way track to bring Russia back to the “good old days”. Although it’s a tad too easy to blame Bush, the missle defense system is needed due to countries in the Middle East and China who is “modernizing” their military by making ICBMs out the wazzoo. It’s a defensive system and Putin is looking for any reason to be able to overtly do what he intends to do regardless of whether or not we build this missle defense system.

    We are left with two options.

    1. Diplomacy through appeasing the threat.

    2. Diplomacy in strength

    The liberals back in the 80s were crying foul that Reagan was going to bring us into a Nuclear War and, surprise surprise, it didn’t happen.

    Regardless of how un-PC having such a defense system is, nothing we can do now will motivate them to stop what they are doing. Would you rather that when the time comes and they decide to possibly launch nukes as a deterrent against us that we have the ability to defend ourselves or would you rather hope that appeasment will pull through when we have a gun metaphorically speaking pointed at our heads.


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