Russia pissed at USA. Apparently the Russians are getting tired of us pushing everyone around like we own the place. The is a pure political move to make the Europeans even more angry with us. Of course we telling the world that we’re putting up anti-ballistic missile sites in Europe to protect them from “a potential threat…from North Korea” is probably the last straw of BS that Putin could stomach.

Moscow may target weapons at Europe if the US builds planned missile defence facilities in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Russia has not pointed missiles towards Europe since the end of the Cold War.

Last week, Russia said it had tested a ballistic missile to maintain “strategic balance” in the world.

Only Bush could get us back into an arms race with the Russians. What next?

  1. bobbo says:

    “Mr Bush, tear down those nukes!”

  2. Tourada says:

    a good video for your blog:

    TV commercial against Bullfighting from Acção Animal (Portugal) during 2007. Produced by BBDO agency.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Russia is just showing off that they’re still a force to be reckoned with.

  4. Timbo says:

    How can we prove WHERE Russia’s missiles have been targeted all this time? Do you think Russia would tell us anything other than what was politically expedient?

    We know where the Iraqis are targeting the shoulder-fired SAM missiles they got from the Russians. The Russians still have a grudge against us for forcing them to lose the Afghan war by sneaking in Stinger Missiles.

    Reagan broke the back of the USSR by going into an arms race they couldn’t afford. The ex-KGB officer Putin still remembers that. He is gaining enough economic power from oil that he doesn’t have to play nice the America.

    Stay tuned. I predict Russia will attack and conquer Georgia. The liberals will blame it on Bush. The sun will rise tomorrow.

  5. bill says:

    Guess what? This will end with having Stategic Nukes in orbit.

    Oh, like Russia didn’t already have EU cities on it’s target list? Right.

    Personally, I’d rather be armed to the teeth than be so defenceless that a few bozos could fly a 767 into a building in NY and we watch it on TV.

    The ‘cold war’ never ended! We’re back to square #1

    JFK had it right. remember the Cuban Missle Crisis? Well, if IRAN, N. Korea, or even Senegal launch. they should face a ‘Full Retalitory Stratigic Nuclear Counterstrike. i.e. MAD

    I would even give them a list of cities that will be vaporized if they wish.

    The President is right on this one..

  6. Jägermeister says:


    Good video. I fully agree with the message. Unfortunately, many Jews, Christians and Muslims won’t get the message though, since their holy writings encourage stoning as a punishment.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – Personally, I’d rather be armed to the teeth than be so defenceless that a few bozos could fly a 767 into a building in NY and we watch it on TV.

    Having nukes and the most modern weapons on Earth didn’t stop 19 religious nutters from performing their act and sure didn’t stop Timothy McVeigh or the Anthrax mailer.

    Let me guess, you live in the south, you vote Rebuplican, the only news channel you watch on TV is Fox News and you reguarly pray to God. Correct?

  8. RSweeney says:

    Sad that truthiness lives here too.

    The Eastern European anti-missile batteries are placed to intercept IRBM (and later ICBM’s) from IRAN, not North Korea, (although the Iranians do use North Korean missile components).

    At least you can get your facts right.
    Pull out Google Earth and check the polar missile routes from Iran to the USA – they pass right over Eastern Europe.

    Putin is nuts.

  9. Jägermeister says:


    How can we prove WHERE Russia’s missiles have been targeted all this time? Do you think Russia would tell us anything other than what was politically expedient?

    Where do you think the American missiles are targeted?

    … the Iraqis are targeting the shoulder-fired SAM missiles they got from the Russians.

    Do you have proof of this, or did you hear it on Fox News?

    I predict Russia will attack and conquer Georgia.

    It’s always easy to “predict” without evidence… that’s why religions are still around.

  10. ECA says:

    And for all the money spent, to be able to “Blow the hell out of the world”, MORE then 1 time.
    To make ALL the major cities int he world poisonious to life, and to kill 90% of the northern hemisphere(thats correct the Northern part) and spread a massive cloud or DEATH around the rest of the world…
    THINK of all the money spent.
    For what?
    to defend your borders? From 10,000 miles away?? As they arent very good at short range.
    think about all the Fuel they need to refresh and store away.
    Think of the inert war heads that need to be replaced/changed/upgraded with new tech every ‘so often’.
    For WHAT?
    To hold you IN your state/country so the gov can have your MONEY??
    Money to do WHAT??
    Make more bombs?

    This is all based ont he anti missle system the USA wants to install in TURKEY agains the middle EAST…Russia asked it not be placed in the border countries AROUND russia. RUSSIA demanded it not be installed in border countries around RUSSIA….
    the USA is going to do it ANYWAY.

  11. BubbaRay says:

    Putin didn’t say anything at all about the U.S. Navy, over 150 nuclear submarines armed and ready to go with just a signal from CINCLANT and CINCPAC. MAD still works, thank goodness. Guess what, our subs are better than their subs, and we can still find most of theirs. Ref: too many to cite, just google “detect nuclear submarine”.

    Nor do they have anything like the B-2. Sabre rattling, indeed. As for nuclear satellites, aren’t they banned? (Hmmm)

  12. Danijel says:

    Funny, I read in other newspapers the he will target US cities. No matter, a serious threat nonetheless…

    I for one don’t think Putin is nuts for reacting like this. US government is not the most trustworthy in recent years. Defensive military installation is still a military installation and puts any opposition in a disadvantage.

    It is sad that it has come to such threats, but I just can’t make myself stand behind Bush on this one…

  13. moss says:

    The same belligerent, ignorant curs who always believe that military solutions are easier than political solutions. Their mouths show up here just as they did before Nam or Iraq or Grenada fer cripes sake!

    Fools, every one. Willing to volunteer someone else’s kith and kin to pump up their pitiful presence on this planet.

    Their fearless leader is in the White House – showing everyone just how “brave” a craven chickenhawk politician can be. With someone else’s lives.

    He’s turned every international treaty this country signed into toilet paper. Our “word” is worth less than that. He’s so cowardly, so unwilling to put national politics to the test, he promotes “understandings” between nations because the world knows we no longer live up to legal treaty standards.

    Yapping hyenas gather round and howl your approval!

  14. Smith says:

    Hmm, didn’t the US also offer that same missile defense to Russia, but was turned down? Ask yourself why Russia would even care if an anti-missile system is installed in neighboring countries. Those ABMs in Poland are in no position to intercept any Russian nukes bound for the US, so why do they care?

  15. sdf says:

    In 2005 US revised its nuclear strategy, the Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations, to use nuclear weapons preemptively against adversary WMDs or overwhelming conventional forces.

    Why does it seem the US is always exempt?

  16. Petrov says:

    Let Russia point their weapons where they want… it’s not like the missile defense system can stop all of them.

    It *may* be able to stop a few missiles. Not an easy task. Does anyone know what the affected European countries want?

    Isn’t the EU big enough to take care of it’s own defense now? Why do they still tolerate US bases on European soil? I’m sure if they made a big enough stink, the US would pull out.

  17. Greymoon says:

    Attack and debate the ideas, not the person, Jägermeister. Making stereo-typical assumptions means you are using the same tactics as your neo-recorplican©, fox news watching, god fearing adversary. Use your creative energies for debate, not sticks and stones.

  18. jz says:

    Good post #18. Now I understand why the Russians are saying what they are. This is just pure talk. If the Russians wanted to hurt Europe, they could do so much easier by just turning off the natural gas switch. They supply like 2/3 of Europe’s gas.

    Russia’s main cash cow is oil and gas, and by invading Iraq, we attempted to take control of that country’s production. (I personally think this was secondary to Halliburton et. al profits. ) The goal was to take over production, and pump out the oil at a cheap price. Keeping oil cheap would be harmful to Russia. And Russia turned over our invasion plans to Saddam Hussein. Not that it mattered.

    It amazes me that this administration continues to take the attitude that what is good for America is good for the world.

    A lot has been written about how Clinton was the first black president. If so, then Bush is the first female president.

  19. rus62 says:

    So where did they point the missles to that they allegedly stopped pointing at Western Europe in the early 90’s?

  20. Rob says:

    Try to understand the US approach from those on the other side of the table.

    What would you think if the Russians put an “anti-missile” defense in Cuba, Mexico or Venezuela? Why would you care? Even more ridiculous, would you want George to take up a Russian offer to install its anti-missile defense in the US to protect us? I’m sure we’d love to have their KGB agents running around the US helping us!

    No matter how bad our leader is, would you want the Chinese to invade our country to “save” us from him? Maybe the Brits or Canadians, but somebody from half way around the world, who we don’t understand and don’t like very much. Welcome to George in Iraq.

    Russia & Iran are building up their offensive and defensive capabilities, because the US invades countries it doesn’t like quite frequently and tosses their leaders into the Can. This has nothing to do with legitimacy or democracy or morality or anything else, No one with resources is stupid enough to want to be on the business end of the US stick.

    The fact that the US manages to elect people of such catastrophically bad judgment, just makes those leaders move their plans up a bit.

    This utter lack of ability to understand others’ perspectives is why the US is viewed as a dangerous power by other peoples. Even though we think that’s crazy.

  21. gquaglia says:

    Give it up John, Putin wants this and has wanted this for along time. He now has an excuse, that’s all. Putin in an old time commy, who has no love for the new, free Russia. Blame Bush all you want, but this was going to happen no matter what. True will be told if Putin steps downs at the next election, if there is one.

  22. Jägermeister says:


    A very sober analysis. The opposite of Fox News hysteria. Thanks, Rob!

  23. Jägermeister says:


    Oki… 😉

  24. NappyHeadedHo says:

    It’s no BFD, they have them aimed at the French.

  25. Rob says:

    You need a history lesson on Russia. Being a Commie has nothing to do with Putin or Russian defense.

    Russia has had Czars since the mid-1500s. Lenin and Stalin were Czars in everything but name. Russians have no history of democracy, but rather autocracy. Sadly, Putin is in that vein.

    Russia has a very long history of invasions, starting, for the sake of argument, with the Mongols in the 1200s. (Russians call them the Tartars and they occupied Russia for 200 years). More recently Russia was invaded by Napoleon, the Kaiser & Hitler. Hitler is guesstimated to be responsible for 40M Russian deaths.

    Russian land is easy to invade and has no real natural defenses, save the Urals. Compare to the US, which has two oceans.

    All things considered, Russians have much more reason historically to be concerned about their military strength and defense than the US. None the less, nothing the Russians are spending holds a candle to US defense spending.

    But, you seem to think, quite glibly, that somehow Russia defense is tied to communist foolishness. (Communism is foolish.) Or conversely, that if Russia hadn’t had communism, it wouldn’t be concerned about defense. That lack of understanding and respect for the history of others is what lands the US in the international soups we constantly find ourselves in.

  26. Rob says:

    This just in: Putin has offered to stand down his missiles if we pay him ONE MILLION dollars.

  27. Jägermeister says:


    Thanks for feeding Fox News. 😉

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Jag,
    Let me guess, you live in the south, you vote Rebuplican, the only news channel you watch on TV is Fox News and you regularly pray to God. Correct?
    Comment by Jägermeister — 6/3/2007 @ 10:39 am

    You missed the part where he hasn’t had a date in 12 years and even then she was taller, fatter, and much uglier. But her teeth aren’t as bad.

    FYI, these count as qualifications for the moran of the year prize.

    #13, pedro

    And I don’t know about you, but foxnews has gotten a lot of points up in my book.
    Comment by pedro — 6/3/2007 @ 11:02 am

    Get a new book. I would think you have colored most of the pages by now anyway.

    #20, greymoon

    Use your creative energies for debate, not sticks and stones.
    Comment by Greymoon — 6/3/2007 @ 1:59 pm

    Sometimes morans just invite “sticks and stones”. Totally asinine comments seldom deserve serious reply.

    #21, jz

    A lot has been written about how Clinton was the first black president. If so, then Bush is the first female president.
    Comment by jz — 6/3/2007 @ 2:03 pm

    Geeze, am I ever glad I don’t read what you write. No way would I insult 155 million women in America with that crap.

    #29, Rob,

    Whew !!! I was afraid they might hold out for 1 million Euros. That could have bankrupted the US.

  29. Rob says:


    Putin: Okay, here’s the plan. We’ve got the missiles, now we hold the world ransom for… 1 MILLION dollars!

    Putin’s aide: Sir, strictly speaking, a million dollars will not go very far these days. Halliburton alone makes over 9 billion dollars a year.

    Putin: Really? Okay then… we hold the world ransom for 1… million… EUROS!! Muahahahaha!!!!


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