This is a riot. Mississippi Braves manager Phillip Wellman puts on quite a show.

  1. BubbaRay says:

    #30, Thomas, Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big football fan, hard to not be in Big D. The triplets and 3 Super Bowls in 4 years come to mind. Go, Emmit !! Free agency has just about ruined both sports, at least football has the salary cap and a free ride for its minor league (college). (Now donning Nomex suit)

    Ah, the classic argument. It is complete nonsense of course but it’s humorous to hear. How about rushing for 2000 yards in a single season?

    Remarkable feat, but you’ve got a lot of teammates battling with you. The back doesn’t do it all on his own. Throw Emmit Smith against 11 guys without a front line, and he’s dead meat. In baseball, it’s the wiles of the battery against the batter. Just one on one.

    Just my 2 cents (2 new gold dollars) worth

  2. BubbaRay says:

    #26, Great find Hop, that video was hilarious!!

  3. Thomas says:

    Ah, see you are qualifying what does and does not compare to difficulty of hitting a baseball by claiming it can only be individual achievements. (Nevermind that people do it 20-30% of the time on average). Ok, how about kicking a 65 yard field goal? How about making ten baskets from behind your own side’s three point line? How about jumping 30′ in the long jump? It’s all a ridiculous argument made by people that want to give baseball some lofty place in sports lore.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    #33, Thomas, nah, sport is all about competition and fun for the spectators (except for Philadelphia, the only football stadium in the US with an in-stadium court and jail). I won’t argue about individual achievements in different sports (apples vs. oranges), but you are welcome to enjoy whichever one you like without belittling other’s enjoyment of their favorites. It’s supposed to be fun.

    Of course, since this is, opinions are encouraged to and liable to run hot. And yes, I miss Carl Lewis, Troy Aikman, Nolan Ryan, Michael Jordan, and on and on.

    Just my 2 cents (2 new gold dollars) worth.

  5. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Phill needs a checkup from the neck up.

  6. natefrog says:

    #26: I think your video proves the naysayers right; baseball is so boring, the announcers talk about a piece of pizza for nearly four minutes since nothing else is going on. Only golf and bowling could be worse…

    FWIW, any college sport is better than professional sports. Baseball is even fun to watch at the college level. Pros make way too much money for me to stomach.

  7. jbellies says:

    Couldn’t the same arguments be made for cricket? In addition, while baseball only seems to go on for ever, cricket really does, doubtless a boon for its fans.

    Has anybody watched a baseball tape with the spittin’ and ball-scratchin’ removed? How long does a condensed game last? Couldn’t be more than 15 minutes. It strikes me (hahaha) that with all the empty time in a baseball game, the true home (hahaha) fan would have his living room stacked with 9 TVs, each one tuned to a different game. Maybe PIP does that, I’m technologically backward.

  8. Thomas says:

    Everyone is free to enjoy whatever sport they like of course but there are a few claims which annoy the piss out of me:
    1. Claims that a sport is “pure”. The prime example is baseball bozos claiming that using aluminum bats would ruin the “purity” of the game. As if Babe Ruth had to play against guys that could run 4.3 40’s and routinely hit 500′. Sports have to adapt.

    2. Baseball bozos claiming that hitting a baseball is the toughest task in sports. As you said, there is no basis to make such a comparison.

    3. Lastly, the claim that baseball is “America’s past time.” (This one is almost as bad as claiming the Cowboys are “America’s Team”). Television ratings would suggest that football is America’s past time and has been for quite some time.

    Although I enjoy pro sports equally with college sports, I can understand why people like college football better than pro football. There is more emotion in college football. There is a greater comradery with the fans. I have been to many college games that only included teams I root against and still had a great time whereas I would never consider that with a pro game.

  9. ralph says:

    Do you realize we are all a bunch of shitheads?
    Every sport has its own depth of which only a fan of that particular sport knows.
    It’s like we are arguing over the best color to buy a car. To each his own. Football is deeper than the quaterback knowing what he is doing. Soccer can be majestic and basketball is like ballet.
    Oh fuck it, who am I kidding……. baseball requires more than one person thinking (aka the quarterback).
    You want fucking tough: hockey players…….. I’ll take a hockey player in any endurance test, not to mention any bar brawl.
    Also, lets get clear on hitting a 100 mph pitch…… if it’s flat anyone can hit it. The art is the pitcher throwing the ball to a specific place, while is curves dips, drops or rise. The art is a player being able to just where that ball is going and determinig where to swing in microseconds.
    Squash: they use a fucking racqet, The syface area if the ball versus the raquet is a joke. You just like the smell of sweaty men.
    Just remeber: In football they pick their ass…… in Baseball, they adjust their balls. I love baseball……………. althought MLB, Fox and ESPN are totally fucking it up for future generations. I miss brushback pitches and spikes up on a double play breakup. All freaking sports are getting too politically correct. NASCAR doesn’t rub anyone and Formula 1 doesn’t pass.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    In #8 I defended baseball and got taken to task for it… Well, my heart just isn’t in it. Sorry baseball, but I gave it one, admittedly half-hearted attempt. Now for my true feeling…

    ALL spectator sports bore the living fuck out of me, especially on TV.

    Sometimes, after high school, some jocks become decent people… But not typically, and they even more rarely become interesting people. Plus, what they do has virtually no cultural value, and absolutely no intelectual value.

  11. TJGeezer says:

    #11 – tallwookie – Roller Derby! 11 p.m. Channel 2 in Oakland. Jim Croche wrote a great song about them tough mamas –

    I fell in love with a roller derby queen
    Round and round, oh round and round
    The meanest hunk o woman
    That anybody ever seen
    Down in the arena

    She was five foot six and two fifteen
    A bleached-blonde mama
    With a streak of mean
    She knew how to knuckle
    And she knew how to scuffle and fight

    And the roller derby program said
    That she was built like a fridgerator with a head
    Her fans call her tuffy
    But all her buddies called her spike

  12. tommy says:

    response to #40, I know the real person you are. You like jump rope with l the little girls and you like to play patsy and all little girl games so you won’t hurt your cross-dressed body. I would like to know how many jars of petroleum jelly you use a week, and I bet your favorite color is pink.

  13. Arrius says:

    A real grown man would be out doing useful meaningful things in the world, not watching other grown men PLAY A GAME that doesnt matter in the least. I believe modern sports is just a way for men to prove they are mainly by virtue of their liking it, and in a society where we lack the rituals that let boys know they are men, sports trys to fill that role.

  14. ralph says:

    # 43 – very deep thought process, but I’m curious.

    Having such deep thoughts on what a man truly is: how did you wind up on this particular blog consisting of a sports video? Oh yes, and you read through 42 comments before making one of your own.

    You wouldn’t be trolling for a date now, would you? If so, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 41 may be good pickings for you.

  15. TJGeezer says:

    #42 – wow, that wasn’t even up to 8th grade baiting standards.

    #43 – Arrius – Other than for fanbois, sports are mainly a low-risk way to interact socially, like remarking on the weather. I also find myself watching stuff like hockey and, here in Mexico, soccer, when I’m on the treadmill fighting off the effects of diabetic neuropathy. Sports don’t take any concentration and they pass the time better than doing square roots, chess moves and memory exercises in my head or other such desperate counter-boredom tactics. 🙂

  16. tommy says:

    [Double post – ed.]

  17. tommy says:

    [Message deleted – See Comment Guidelines. – ed.]

  18. Ralph says:

    Hey # 45

    Did you ever think about talking (as in sound) to another human being to block out the boredom.
    Maybe have a date and get laid? Mail, female, animal. Try to stay away from anything that has the term virtual or silicon. Oh yeah, and stick to something living.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #46 –

    Don’t ask me. Ask your kids. They read my MySpace page every day.

  20. BubbaRay says:

    #38, Thomas, if i annoyed the p*iss out of you, then my day is complete and my job is done. No need to curse.

    Baseball bozos At least they don’t paint their faces like football fans. Get a life.

  21. KVolk says:

    I love it!! The lockerroom is never far from the is great because it is subtle and nuanced and if you see a game live and don’t play nickels then you really don’t understand the game and therfore your opinion is nothing but the rancid leavings of old cheese.

  22. Nick says:


    “Final thought: baseball is the only true team sport. Proof: You gotta buy off the whole team to have a game thrown. No quaterback, goalie or big man in the middle to fuck everything up.”

    …. what do you call a pitcher? The man who stands literally in the middle, and just lobs the ball at the other team … either so they can or can’t hit it, and well … nobody’s about to stop him from just sorta “leaving one over the plate” for a few grand (fine, for hundred grand) with the bases loaded? He’ll get pulled afterwards, but that’s a bit late, eh?

  23. Thomas says:

    You misunderstood me. I was and am not mad at you. Seriously, how mad I can get over a sport? One of best friends likes baseball and we have these sorts of discussions on occassion. I think I’ve heard just about every “baseball is the greatest sport” argument there is (they’re all wrong of course ;->). Thus, it was not you but the general argument of “the hardest thing in sports…”. My apologies if you thought it was directed at you.

  24. BubbaRay says:

    #54, Thomas, OK, no problem, no apology necessary. I like sports, the competition, the excitement (for an old spectator like myself) whether it be baseball, football (pro and college), college basketball, Formula One (cheese, I’d like to drive one of those cars just once), aerobatic airplanes and others. Like I said, and you seem to agree, it’s just supposed to be fun. That old argument about ‘pure’ sports never flies, so you are correct, no need to go there. Darned pro athletes make too much money, but I enjoyed that video of a manager going totally wacky. I certainly wish I had been at that ballpark, what a hoot. Go watch some college football and have a cold one for me (it’s not that far away).

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    Most professional sports are just entertainment for the masses. The plebeians just love car crashes, fights, brush back pitches, bone crunching hits, etc., etc., etc. What purity of sport?

    News Flash, auto racing, figure skating, ball room dancing, and chess are not sports. Nor is Olympic Class beer drinking.

    I used to think hockey and lacrosse were the best sports in the world. I was wrong. They suck as bad as the rest.

    The best sports are Little League and equivalent, played by the kids. The innocent, who don’t understand how to play dirty or to cheat. The kids that don’t have to win at all costs. Where anyone who can enjoy the game because it is a game. Where before and after the game the kids can mingle and discuss whatever 8 or 10 yr olds discuss.

    And that is not something you will ever find at the Pro or College level. Not when every High School pushes their teams to win, win, WIN, WIN. A thinking man’s game? Bullshit.

    No, not every sports fan is an idiot. Those who insist that sports in general, their sport in particular, or their favorite team in specific, are the best are though. These are the same idiots that get upset at a kid’s game because they disagree with the umpire or referee who called something adverse to their team.

    Get an effen life and grow up people.

  26. Thomas says:

    Funny story about NASCAR. My father knew a guy that actual used to race NASCAR. He told us that he once ran into a guy that raced hydroplanes. They got to talking and the hydroplane guy suggested that if he could take a few laps in his NASCAR that he’d let him take a few turns in his hydroplane. So a weekend or two later they go out to the track and the guy takes a few uneventful laps in the NASCAR. A couple of weekends after that they go out to the docks and the hydroplane guy tells my pop’s friend to put on this skin tight suit. As he’s trying to get this thing over his thighs he finally asks what the hell it was for. “Oh, that’s so that if you wipe out at 200 MPH that the water doesn’t shoot up your ass and blow out your intestines.” At that point, my pop’s friend took off the suit and called the exchange even.

  27. Thomas says:


    My friends and I discussed the idea of what constitutes a sport once. We came up with:
    1. The outcome cannot be determined by a judge.
    2. The outcome cannot be predetermined.
    3. Must require athletic prowess.

    Thus, figure skating, diving, and synchronized swimming would be excluded by rule #1, professional wrestling by rule #2 and chess by rule #3. Granted, even these rules have questions at the edge cases like curling and bowling.

    By the way, I don’t know what 8-10 year olds you are around, but I know that when I was 8-10 years I was seriously competitive along with the other guys on my teams, most coaches pushed their teams to win and there was plenty of dirty play.

  28. BubbaRay says:

    Since this thread is so old, no one will read this, but Mr. Fusion, I’ve got to say that Olympic Class beer drinking sounds like one sport I could actually participate in. Well, at least for the first four or five pints (qualifying round only). I’m certain some of this crowd could best me. And if it’s Guinness, sounds like a pure sport to me. 🙂

  29. hhopper says:

    Mr. Fusion – Then I must be one dumb S.O.B. because I look forward to football season from February on.

    Thomas – Then according to your reasoning, boxing is not a sport.

  30. Thomas says:

    Correct . When it stopped being solely based on knockouts it stopped being a sport.


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