This is pretty silly, but the reactions are funny.

  1. DavidtheDuke says:

    Spongebob has corrupted us all.

  2. Fred Flint says:

    The French have a very odd, very physical sense of humor that translates well.

    “Just for Laughs: the Gags” – for the linguistically challenged among us.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    For me, disliking the French has more to do with this video than anything political.

  4. Wow says:

    hhopper – again you’ve impressed me with your unnatural ability to fill this potentially good blog with inane crap.

  5. ECA says:

    But good..

    It has been stated this is NOT a tech blog…Just a Blog.

  6. joshua says:

    OFTLO…how can you dislike the humour of a people who worship Jerry Lewis. 🙂

    Sometimes the most basic humour is the funniest…..I liked it.

  7. Pierre says:

    Nothing to do with France. This is a Canadian show, filmed in Montreal.

  8. hhopper says:

    Wow – This blog is designed as a composite of controversial news, tech, weirdness and humor. On the weekends, the blog lightens up a little. A large portion of the readers get a kick out of funny videos.

    It’s pretty obvious when a funny video is posted. Don’t click on it.

  9. Mark Derail says:

    These comedy skits are produced here in Montreal.

    It’s for the Just For Laughs comedy festival, that’s been going on for over 15 years now.

    John Cleese is our usual intellectual comic genius host every summer. Last year he “died” and hosted his own funeral.
    He must have some of the good genes of The Bard himself.


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