Joe? You too? I did him last week in the church parking lot.

Slate – May 30, 2007:

Evangelical teens are actually more likely to have lost their virginity than either mainline Protestants or Catholics. They tend to lose their virginity at a slightly younger age—16.3, compared with 16.7 for the other two faiths. And they are much more likely to have had three or more sexual partners by age 17: Regnerus reports that 13.7 percent of evangelicals have, compared with 8.9 percent for mainline Protestants.

  1. See no matter what it all comes down to the same basics in the end.
    Where do I meet these young ladies ?

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    And that’s why you should avoid putting your kids in a religious school regardless of what they preach there.

  3. tkane says:

    I’ve never thought evangelicals are “born” evangelicals – you come to it as a measure of your matured personality. Not everybody can do it. Maybe along with the evangelical zeal comes a greater number or strength of personal devils. Evangelicals are because they have to fight harder to maintain their faith. So kudos for trying guys!

    The rest of us less zealous, mainline Christians save sex for marriage, and have as many kids as we can. That billion plus population didn’t come from fundamentalists! The trick for us is not to fall into line when zealots gain power and wage war in the name of our beliefs. Tough gig.

  4. Gary Marks says:

    Today’s scripture is from the Gospel of Meat Loaf…

    “Good girls go to heaven,
    but the bad girls go everywhere.”

    — from Bat Out of Hell II, Back Into Hell

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    Only makes sense; creepy old evangelical men are more likely to get caught jerking off in hot-sheet motels with prostitutes than mainline Protestants or Catholics too. Something about all that talk of hellfire and brimstone just attracts the devil, I guess.

  6. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Fact is, evangelical beliefs correlate inversely with intelligence. Or to put it in a perhaps more readily-assimilable form, persons of lower intelligence are drawn more strongly to beliefs that are irrational than are more intelligent persons, which is obviously as one would expect.

    And as a matter of course, these non-bright individuals pass their lower intellectual capabilities on, genetically AND culturally…
    I hardly need point out that gullibility is a prominent feature of stupidity.

    Gullible girls, of gullible stock, raised in an environment of gullibility, are easily swindled into sex. What a shocker. Whodathunkit?

    Not exactly one of those secrets of the ancients one has to join the Masons or the Rosicrucians to learn…

  7. Tkane I agree with you 100%, it is tough out there

  8. Martin says:

    Yeah, right. It was in Slate so it must be true.

  9. Jebus says:

    The arcticle mentioned three sexual partners, does that mean three at the same time? PRAISE THE LORD and pass the LUBE!

  10. poo says:



  11. martin says:

    You know, it’s funny how every other “minority” in the United States is sacrosanct but it is not only okay but fashionable to bash Christians, especially Evangelical Christians? If this story was about any other group, African Americans, Muslims, whatever, the author would be branded as insensitive and intolerant. In fact, if it was about any other group it would have never made it into print. Since it is about Christians, let’s all pile on.

    What this is all about is fear and self-loathing. We’re developing a culture that says that we are not worthy of our place in the world and are deserving of the wrath of others. Therefore, we attack the cornerstones of our society – the things that made us great in the first place. And we start by attacking people of faith.

    Nietzsche said that God is dead. Time magazine has asked the same question. If God is dead, does that make us Gods? Who could we attack then?

    If you’ve ever seen a child born; if you’ve ever had someone shooting at you; if you’ve ever held someone’s hand as they died; and you still don’t believe that there is something bigger than us, you must have a very narrow view of the universe.

    Is it possible that in this whole universe with billions of stars, we represent the pinnacle of spiritual development? We’re it? God, I hope not!

  12. ECA says:

    Lets see…
    1/2 of 1 year…WHO CARES..
    I think they were Late bloomers if you ask me.

    I also know that if you REALLY explain things BEFORE things start to happen, and Keep reminding them, AT LEAST they wont get pregnant, UNLESs they want to.

  13. Skion says:


    Most people wouldn’t give half a shit about your make-belief world. But you have to worm your way into the law of a secular country and try to turn it to your own. Ever since the 1950’s laws have been made putting, essentially, christianity into law.

    I.E. keep your hands off our law, and you can go back to jerking off thinking about a zombie jew called jesus.

  14. SlappyD says:

    I had a crazy ex, long time ago, she was all into creationsim and stuff, hugely christian, but a sex fiend. she said she lost her virginity at 15 to another christian kid from some christian school, and that they were all doing it.

    creeped me out.

    glad i dumped her too.

  15. Bryan Carney says:

    #11 Which of these minorities is sacred? The Gays? The Blacks? The Muslims? Oh, I forgot. They are beyond reproach and are revered, universally in the the press.

    This is crazy. This is a martyr’s view. This is ignorant.

    These groups are openly discussed. Islam, as well as other religions,are critiqued in scholarly journals, often called out for what they are: bronze age remnants. Gays are openly slandered by public figures. (who keep dying, dang it) American Blacks and Whites are involved in a discussion regarding poverty and crime, as has been going on for seventy years, at least.

    “What this is all about is fear and self-loathing. We’re developing a culture that says that we are not worthy of our place in the world and are deserving of the wrath of others.”

    It is about self-loathing and fear. This is the martyr’s view. Who needs reason when it’s all rectified by your meek position is society. Jesus even says this. This is part of your foundational doctrine. I think it’s sniveling, greedy, dishonest, unproductive, and often results in a righteously indignant attitude, like yours. Read some Bertrand Russell, friend. He had some interesting things to say about the Martyr’s view.

    “Therefore, we attack the cornerstones of our society – the things that made us great in the first place. And we start by attacking people of faith.”

    The cornerstone of YOUR society maybe. You’re extending the reach of your universe to my locality. Stop it.

    You seem to have a particular view of what is “bigger” than us. Maybe you can extend it. I know I relish those thoughts which make me aware of how miniscule is my sphere of influence.

    I know one thing, I am glad I live in a country founded as a result of sceptical thought and well-reasoned philosophical directives – not faith.

  16. Anonymous Coward says:

    I fooled around with a Mormon and she went and confessed to the “church” and they ex-communicated her. The truth shall set you free? Not if you are a Mormon (real close to moron by the way). Anyway, I felt terrible about it for about a microsecond. I guess it’s ok if you and 20 other women are married to the same guy though.

  17. Virgin Mary says:

    Catholic girls go down like a submarine.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #11 – You know, it’s funny how every other “minority” in the United States is sacrosanct but it is not only okay but fashionable to bash Christians, especially Evangelical Christians?

    It really hurts when the truth about how human you and your fellow Christian holy folks really are. Having sex before marriage, molesting children, having double standards of morality, committing fraud, beating up kids, murdering their own kids in the name of God, sending of their kids to fight unjustified wars, supporting totalitarian regimes, spying on the people etc. etc. etc. No, let’s sweep it under the carpet and pretend that we’re holier than thou…

  19. bobbo says:

    In so many ways, on so many subjects,

    its only our hypocrisy that makes us tolerable.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:


    Ha! I was in catholic school and got some at age 13.

  21. poo says:

    #11 – You know, it’s funny how every other “minority” in the United States is sacrosanct but it is not only okay but fashionable to bash Christians, especially Evangelical Christians? If this story was about any other group, African Americans, Muslims, whatever

    hmm, out of the groups listed above, which group, as DOGMA, preaches hatred for other minority groups?

  22. Greg Allen says:

    I think the story has the correlation wrong – I suspect the determinant factor is that evangelical teens are southern conservatives. That’s a very randy demographic in my observation.

    Despite endless claims otherwise by the conservatives, we northern libs are a prudish bunch. It might back to our Puritan roots.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    #6 Fact is, evangelical beliefs correlate inversely with intelligence.

    You know a board is going to hell, when people say “fact is” and then spout personal prejudice without bothering to give a single fact or link to back up their claimed “fact”.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Hate to jump on the bandwagon (who am I kidding, I LOVE to jump on this bandwagon) but some fucktard said:

    #11 – You know, it’s funny how every other “minority” in the United States is sacrosanct but it is not only okay but fashionable to bash Christians, especially Evangelical Christians?

    STFU – We are all tired of hearing your boohoo crybaby “we are so persecuted” bullshit. You are a liar and a hypocrite. An Evangelical Christian is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and is the second one in my lifetime. Other born again boneheads include the family empire that runs Blackwater.

    If you’ve ever seen a child born; if you’ve ever had someone shooting at you; if you’ve ever held someone’s hand as they died; and you still don’t believe that there is something bigger than us, you must have a very narrow view of the universe.

    And furthermore, I get tired of hearing from a guy who thinks that star guided three wise men to manger to give gifts to a baby of a virgin, that I have a narrow view of the universe. You haven’t clue one how the universe works and you are too stupid to go find out so you’ve decided to place your faith in fairy tales that were derived from earlier fairy that were derived from yet even earlier fairy tales, that translated so many times as to bear no resemblance to the original bullshit fairy tales you placed your faith in in the first place.

    My understanding of this universe supersedes yours by many many miles. With books as a metaphor, your understanding is a coloring book compared to the library of understanding the rest of us possess.

    The Amish are adorable. The Quakers are wonderful. Methodists are kinda square, but generally salt of the Earth people. Catholics are cool. Jews are admirable. The Unitarians are a blast at parties. But Evangelicals are idiots, every last single one of them. Morons all, who must be marginalized before they do any more damage to our nation or our culture.

    Is it possible that in this whole universe with billions of stars, we represent the pinnacle of spiritual development? We’re it? God, I hope not!

    Your mean spirited, vindictive, feckless thug of a god is nothing more than a tool of fear used by your charlatan leaders to keep the flock in line. Real spiritual development comes from looking within ourselves to understand the nature of our role in the universe and not from inventing a tyrannical father figure with megalomaniacal traits to provide pat answers we are not allowed to question.

    Your allegiance to this primitive belief system demonstrates a severe intellectual weakness on your part and on a grander scale, represents the chief reason the advancement of our civilization hits so many snags and speed bumps. You are why we always feel like we are teetering on the edge of a second Dark Age.

    Jim Jones had a great idea. Why don’t you all follow suit and let the grown ups advance the species?

    I’m not sorry if you are offended by my minority opinion, which you’ll no doubt characterize as persecution despite your dumb-ass religion’s position near the top of the food chain, but Christ on a fucking pony, I get so tired of Jesus humping freaks and their cavalier, condescending attitude toward their obvious superiors.

    None of this would be a problem today if those morons in charge of Rome had used enough goddamn lions in the first place.

  25. BubbaRay says:

    #24, OFTLO, wow, tell us how you really feel. I agree in principle with most or your points (without the disagreeable spirit), especially this one, as I’m still trying to come to grips with string theory and evidence of dark matter:

    Real spiritual development comes from looking within ourselves to understand the nature of our role in the universe…

    That, mathematics, and fine instruments with which to observe, study, contemplate and theorize about the observable universe.

    Guess what — with absolutely no hard evidence to the contrary, we are it as far as we can tell today, and we’re not doing a very good job as managers of this tiny rock. quite possibly as a result of some of the reasons in your argument. But hey, lighten up a little, don’t bash the kids, the universe is a very interesting place to be right now.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    Nobody wants to discuss the actual statistic! I guess you are happy with irrationally bashing Christians for being not as good as you.

    Because of my profession, I try to follow church statistics (I make no claim to be an expert but, still, I probably know more than most of you guys.) The Slate article is a bit weak on the stats but my gut feeling tells me this is a regional thing, rather than strictly religious.

    This statistic does not surprise me because there are similar statics that Evangelicals generally follow the general public — give or take — on most moral issues.

    For example, the the divorce rate of “Born Againers” is actually slightly higher (2%) than the general American population but not the southern population.

    Anti-Christian bigots want to jump on this statistic and believe that being Born Again somehow leads to divorce.

    But, divorce rates in the South and Midwest (where “born againers” tend to live) is higher than the national average.

    So, I’m going to guess that the teen sex trends tend to follow the divorce trends regarding the south.

    Now, I’m not going to let the conservative/born again/evangelicals off so easy — unless they can prove they are significantly morally superior to us liberals (or non-Christians or gays or whomever), then they should stop making claims that we libs are all anti-family reprobates

    But this is pretty-much what Jesus taught us: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in someone else’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from the other person’s eye.” Matthew 7

  27. Jägermeister says:


    Divorce rates…

    Religion — % have been divorced
    Jews — 30%
    Born-again Christians — 27%
    Other Christians — 24%
    Atheists, Agnostics — 21%

    Perhaps all the Jews live in the south too? I’m asking you Greg, since you’re so much more intelligent than the rest of us… after all, you know statistics.

  28. KVolk says:

    I think this is one of those coorelations that makes a huge leap to causality with out much evidence. What are some other factors invovled? socieconomic factors? education? rural vs urban?

  29. Fred Flint says:

    Somehow, I think most everyone took this information far too seriously.

    For my part, I wish that when I was 16 or 17 I knew Evangelical girls gave it up in March of their 16th year. I had to wait for a Catholic girl until July of her 16th year.

  30. Petrov says:

    #24 – Wow… quite the ego there.


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