Joe? You too? I did him last week in the church parking lot.
Evangelical teens are actually more likely to have lost their virginity than either mainline Protestants or Catholics. They tend to lose their virginity at a slightly younger age—16.3, compared with 16.7 for the other two faiths. And they are much more likely to have had three or more sexual partners by age 17: Regnerus reports that 13.7 percent of evangelicals have, compared with 8.9 percent for mainline Protestants.
#30 – Bullshit. It’s the Xian ego that is the problem.
I’ve had more than enough of their superior attitude.
#11 et al… we are equal opportunity bashers. Although I do not think we’ve done much with Orthodox Jews. They just do not get in the news enough. Also the Sikhs have managed to fly under the radar. Generally speaking the targets seem to be those groups who openly and publicly push a self-serving agenda, This boils down to Islamists and these evangelicals who call themselves Christians and claim any criticism of them is criticism of Christians or Christian bashing. Saying, for example, that it is idiotic to claim the earth is only 6000 years old is not Christian bashing just because some fool says it is Christian bashing. It’s stupidity bashing. I’m actually more annoyed at the bashers on here who let these evangelicals hijack the the conversation and the religion and do not get called out for being phonies like uber-evangelic Ted Haggard who was not only gay — while preaching against it — but by California standards of open “gayness” with non-stop “I’m GAY! HELLO!” signals has always been gay. This is the tip of the iceberg with these groups who are fleecing their flocks of followers.
At least, now we know why all those teenage boys convert…
And #11
The point is, dear Martin, that evangelicals are CONSTANTLY banging on about abstinence and yet can’t seem to control themselves or their kids.
Further, many of you deny that you evolved to want the action. Rather you believe you were intelligently designed or Created to start screwing at 13 or so, yet, for some reason, you believe, He doesn’t want you to do what he created you to do.
You compare your “group” to African-Americans, a group who was slaughtered wholesale in this country until about 150-200 years ago. A slaughter that many, many Christians actively supported, fought and died to protect and many, many Christians fought and died to stop.
You don’t see the irony in all that? If not, you now know why people may not like your faith’s narrow approach to its own rightness and absence of doctrinal self-doubt.
#31 – No… it’s you. I suggest counseling.
#34: Stop attacking the messenger and attack the argument if you can. Otherwise, piss off.
#31 – OFTLO – “Bullshit. It’s the Xian ego that is the problem. I’ve had more than enough of their superior attitude.”
You, sir or madam, are nothing more than a troll, and worthless. Die in a fire.
#35 – Argument? There was an argument there amongst all that rabid foam?
#24 OFTLO – that pretty much covers it…
back on topic… How in the hell do they get reliable statistics like this anyways? Evangelical girls are super hot imo… forbidden fruit!!!
OhForTheLoveOf – How is “looking within ourselves to understand the nature of our role in the universe” any better than believing somebody else’s “fairy tales”? Wait, I understand. Your just so egotistical that you believe that something you “looked within yourself” to find (i.e. made up) is better than something someone else made up.
btw, there’s no need to look inside yourself to find the answer to the universe, the answer is 42
Evangelical Xians are petty little cretins. You all love to cast your judgment on others and declare how your god wants us to behave as if you have some insight… but when someone treats you are you have treated others suddenly you play the persecution card. You are all worthless.
#36 – I live here bitch. Don’t step into my house and call me a troll.
#39 – Call it egotistical if thats what helps you sleep at night. it beat gullible which is what you and your sheeple are.
Want me to stop insulting you.
Stop inflicting your bullshit creationism on my children.
Stop murdering and bombing abortion clinics.
Stop bashing gays.
Stop being hypocrites and liars.
The believer / non-believer dialogue will continue on through the eternities, but what’s really important hasn’t been mentioned; e.g., what are/were the best “lines” to make the reported statistics happen?
#41 – …what are/were the best “lines” to make the reported statistics happen
Want a rib?
OFTLO said:
None of this would be a problem today if those morons in charge of Rome had used enough goddamn lions in the first place.
Most funny thing I’ve read in quite a long while!
#40, OTFLO, I know who’s been messing with your van,
“Marty, it’s the Libyans!!”
And actually, you’re probably a Xtian yourself! Don’t know what else you could be what with that much hate-mongering going on, AM I RITE?
45 – I will tolerate you calling me a troll… It just demonstrates your ignorance if you think I’m a troll. But don’t call me a Xian or I’ll be forced to challenge you to a duel…
Two Men Enter
One Man Leaves!
But it is funny that you think I’m hate mongering. It just demonstrates how self delusional Xians are. Jesus loves you, or so you think, so now the rest of us have to fall in line? When you guys do some good for a change instead of spreading your divisive brand of hate, I’ll lay off the retaliatory rhetoric.
#46 – Oh For The Love of God….
I like how you automatically assume I must be a Xtian like you just ’cause I caught you out. 🙂 I stand by my original post. Die in a fire.
#47 – If I mistakenly assumed you were a Xian, it’s only because you told me to die in a fire. Who, but Xians, are so cavalier about death? Who burned women at the stake for allegedly being witches? Who firebombs abotion clinics? Who fantasizes about the apocolypse?
Further, who else but a Xian swoops in to an established online community and starts cherry-picking the topics of special interest, but are strangely absent from all other threads?
If you aren’t one, you sure have a funny way of showing it.
Whatever you say!
#49 – Okay… Now you aren’t even trying…
[removed by request]
#51 – OhForTheLoveOf- Why are you so anti-Christian? It seems like some whack-job evangelicals came and vandalized your van? I would be angry as well, but I am wondering why you are so against Christians.
I’m not against “Christians.”
I am against fundamentalist Bible thumpers who preach hatred “Phelps, Robertson, the late-Falwell” and who try to leverage political office to impose their narrow and draconian view of Xian mythology into legislation. (and who vandalize my van over a Darwin Fish (which is not an atheist symbol) – not to mention the bitch who attacked me in a Wal-Mart parking lot for my 4 inch diameter Pro-Choice bumper sticker, which is not an anti-Christian symbol, but rather a political symbol)
I do find it a little humorous that you believe that you “have a better understanding of the world” than everyone else and that you know how the earth was created. The fact is, no one knows. We don’t know if God created the earth, but we also don’t know if Evolution is the cause of the creation of earth as well.
I don’t have a better understanding of the world than everyone else. I do have a better understanding of the world than Rapture believing fire & brimstone thumpers who are no less barbaric or primitive than their fundamentalist Islamic counterparts, and so do most mainstream Christians, Jews, moderate Muslims, Catholics (who are also Christian), Hindus, Buddhists, Unitarians (who split from Christianity), and so on down the line.
Fundies (like Donald Wildmon to name one) have on many occasions declared that there is a culture war in this nation and they are fighting it. They need an enemy in that conflict, and I’ve stepped up to the plate to serve as the object of their hate. I am the unreasonable radical leftist whose rants and screeds make the points of my more moderate brethren sound more credible. I have a pretty important role to play here… though I’ll never taste the glory of victory personally, I sleep easier at night knowing Richard Dawkins’ voice is better taken as a result of me sounding more outrageous than him.
That, and I like ranting. It’s better than rolling bums for change.
And we do know that evolution is the mechanism of life on this world. That fact is only disputed by those who lack the education or intelligence to understand the issues involved. My side is not wrong about this. We have science to back us up. That is far more powerful than dogma.
. Christianity takes faith to believe that their is a God, but so does Atheism.
This isn’t a theological issue. This is about language and you are wrong by definition.
Please remember that Christians are humans and that no human is perfect. We all do bad things, whether it is looking lustfully at someone or stealing something.
Why is looking at someone lustfully a bad thing? This is part of the issue. There is simply nothing wrong with lust.
Lust is a natural mechanism and it has evolved in the human animal to provide a specific function in the animal. It is neither moral nor immoral.
Also, when you are saying “Don’t this” and “Don’t that”, you are being hypocritical. Why? Because in earlier comments you were impressing your views upon me and other Christians, but you don’t want anyone to tell you their views.
Trust me… Evangelicals have it bred into them to spout their views. I’m in no danger of not hearing them and having been raised steeped in that culture, I’ve pretty much heard it.
But while personally have said on many occasion that I don’t want to hear any more of the BS about being persecuted, which is demonstrably not true, I have never indicated that Christians should have their voices silenced by any other means than having them all just wake up to reality under their own steam.
If you were a regular, you’d know me and you’d know I am a First Amendment Absolutist – which means not just speech and press, but religion as well.
As intolerant as I appear to Christianity (which is really just toward a certain brand of it) I am far more intolerant to anyone who would deny you your right to your faith. Just as I am intolerant to Christians imposing their values on me.
I’ll never tell you how to live. But there are Christians trying to tell me and others how to live. There are Xians trying to outlaw science. There are Xians trying to outlaw divorce. Trying to censor books, movies, music, and art… and even video games. Many Xians want to make my choices on my behalf and I will react violently if need be if their desires ever have the force of law.
There aren’t enough people angry at these fundamentalists so I feel compelled to pick up the slack.
When Howard Rheingold and his pals established the San Francisco based virtual community “The Well” and because the first non military, non university online community in the glory days of the BBS, he had an ethos. He said, “You own your words.” Meaning that whatever you said, you said in public without anonymity.
I believed in that ethos and in the old days when Usenet still mattered and was vibrant and I placed my name and my email on every word I said. That changed when some relatively tame comments I made in a debate over abortion rights inspired a guy with a few loose screws to track me down in real life. His zealous fervor to do damage to his imagined online enemy resulted in a few very frightening moments and a near assault for my then wife outside our Chicago walk up. I don’t post identifying data, even email, anymore.
Zealots are very dangerous people. We must defend our culture against them.
Xians have very dangerous ideas. We cannot silence them or bring harm to them, as that would undermine the very principals of freedom that we hold dear. Therefore our only option is to marginalize their beliefs in the mainstream to neutralize their power.
I appreciate that you’d like to chat with me in private… But I don’t care what you believe. If I’m talking to you, then I’m not talking to the lurker… I’m not talking to the undecided party in the middle. That is where the battle is fought. Democrats don’t talk to Republicans when they campaign, nor do Republicans talk to Dems. They both talk to undecided voters. Atheists don’t talk to Xians… They talk to agnostics. Xians are already lost. And visa versa.
Someday we’ll have a nice chat… once the Fundies call off their attack.
OFTLO: You seriously need your own blog to put down your often brilliant thoughts. Well said!
OFTLO: ditto.
sorry to hear about the van. i once saw a jesus-fish-humping-darwin-fish…should of picked it up.
Argue back and forth about the christian part if you wish, but either way you look at it we have a problem with teens and sex. Why has nothing to do with the religion it all comes down to non christian familys and christian alike the teen children are being exposed to sex everywhere. Think about it better yet quit blogging about it “like I am right now” ,and do something.
God bless – Cody