1. flyingelvis says:

    uh, ok.

  2. Rod Novca says:

    It was rigged! She took a dive!

  3. Gary Marks says:

    lol – Yes, I think we all sensed that there was a critical gap in the objectification of women. We must work tirelessly to identify and fill these voids.

    At the moment, I’m thinking “Why not bikini-clad babes high-diving into pudding? Some would ask why, but I was born to ask why not.

  4. Joe says:

    One more thing to LOAV about So Cal!!!

  5. Les says:

    And there goes the winner———————
    Spike Jones

  6. KVolk says:

    well at least it wasn’t a dog track…

  7. Fred Flint says:

    This video was amusing and visually very appealing but for some reason, while watching it I got a sick feeling in my stomach. Do you suppose I’m finally becoming civilized? I hope not. I’d be so lonely.

  8. mark says:

    Can we get some larger breasts please, cripes!

  9. glendale says:

    Looks like the same colour horse to me

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – Welcome to the very very very small club, Fred.

  11. tkane says:

    Larger *breasts* ?!!? What for? Races are for watching LEGS!!!!

    The civilized side of my was appalled by the whole thing. But the rest of me watched it a couple of times. And wished it was in HD.

  12. BubbaRay says:

    And no one here has volunteered to be the guy that herds those girls into the starting gate? Maybe this crowd is starting to become civilized.

  13. mark says:

    11. So I can zoom in and use slow motion. Think about it. And OFTLO your club sez “No girlz allowed”. : )

  14. John Paradox says:

    She wins by a nose!

    Noses DO come in pairs, don’t they?


  15. Fred Flint says:

    #10 – OFTLO,

    Thank you! Much appreciated!

    Now to ‘spin this’ properly, let’s not say it’s a very , very, very small club. Instead, let’s say it’s a very, very, very exclusive club…


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