Jack Kevorkian, the man known as Dr Death and who helped the terminally ill to die, is due to be released from prison in the US state of Michigan.

Kevorkian was convicted in 1999 of the murder by injection of terminally ill Thomas Youk. A video of him dying was broadcast on television.

Kevorkian, 79, has served eight years of a 10-25 year sentence.

He has pledged not to counsel people on suicide but says he will continue to fight for the right to euthanasia. The elderly former pathologist insists that patients living in pain have the right to die.

A jury convicted Kevorkian of second-degree murder after watching the video of him injecting lethal drugs into Mr Youk. Kevorkian had sent the video for broadcast on the CBS show 60 Minutes.

He plans to return to the show in an interview on Sunday.

I believe I have the right to choose to die.

  1. BubbaRay says:

    For those interested, Dr. Death is interviewed on CBS 60 Minutes Sun. night 06/03/07. I just might watch — kinda like a train wreck, you don’t really want to see it but you just can’t keep away.

  2. ECA says:

    can I add, something….
    REALLY, please…..

    If a person does not see an end, to their misery….
    depression or pain….
    can they NOT ask for alittle assistance.??

    Im sorry, I have seen a few DIE….And many times it AINT easy..
    Ever see someone EATEN by cancer??
    Ever see someone PRAY for death??

  3. Peter says:

    #33, yes, and it was my mother, who wasted away with horribly painful cancer for a whole year. She wanted assisted suicide, and her doctor even tried to help by prescribing far too many painkillers – but none of us had the courage to help her die – knowing what would become of our lives if we did. I couldn’t take the risk of being jailed with my own child on the way.

    Doesn’t the right to life imply the right to die? Doesn’t the right to liberty imply the right to freedom from life? Doesn’t the right to pursuit of happiness imply the right to pursue it right into death?

  4. RBG says:

    I have a physician friend who will prescribe a needed medicine but then look his end-stage patient in the eye and say, “Whatever you do, don’t take that whole bottle because it will be lethal.”



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