Yeah, so, sure, there’s lots of teacher-student sex going on in Louisiana. That seems odd to you? Like it’s illegal or something in other places.

Panel calls for ban on teacher-student sex

Teachers and other high-school educators should be prohibited from having consensual sex with 17 and 18-year-old students, a state House committee agreed Wednesday.

Existing law does not prohibit consensual relationships in schools if the students are older than 16, when it is no longer considered carnal knowledge of a juvenile.

“So if I’m a teacher, and I fall in love with a high school student,” Rep. Ernest Wooten, R-Belle Chasse said sarcastically, “then I have to quit and start driving a bus.”

  1. Erik Blazynski says:

    Why does everything have to be legislated? If teacher and student are both of legal age to fuck then what is the problem? Will they make it illegal to fuck your boss too? How about a law forbidding sex with co-workers?

  2. Jägermeister says:

    there’s lots of teacher-student sex going on in Louisiana.

    Rednecks… anything goes…

    Seriously, teachers should be more professional. Keep your fucking hormones down… you’re not a teenager for crying out loud.

  3. says:

    Considering the crappy compensation we give teachers for all their hard work, I think we should just let them have this one.

  4. Ralph says:

    Shit……… I wanted to bang a bunch of my teachers when i was in school.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    “there’s lots of teacher-student sex going on in Louisiana.”

    Well, they have to do something while they wait for FEMA to rebuild their schools.

  6. ralph says:

    So you think they weren’t screwing each other before Katrina? So the government caused them to start fucking? Amazing!

  7. Mazinger says:

    Can I go back to school? Seems like they’re having quite some fun over there.

  8. Chad says:

    I want to go back to school.

  9. John says:

    I could understand perhaps a law saying if a teacher an an 18 year old student are wanting a romanic, physical, or…. relationship that some other teacher needs to do the grading and such, but to tell two people who are both considered old enough to vote and smoke that they can not have sex with each other, crazy.

  10. Bart says:

    Sorry, but I think it makes sense. Teachers are in a position of authority over the students, and in my opinion it’s unethical for them to be romantically involved with them. The students are in somewhat of a vulnerable position when in comes to turning down advances or even making a good decision on whether or not to date a teacher.

    You could make the same argument with office romances between a boss and a subordinate as well. There are some companies that do discourage them, and for good reason, – World Bank Anyone ?

    Since it’s the state that runs the schools, they get to make the call.

  11. Ralph says:

    @ Bart

    I still wish i could have fucked my teachers.

    Hey Bart, what color eyeliner are you putting on your hand today?

  12. Matthew says:

    All I have to say is that southern girl can be really really hot at this age. And it seems sometimes the more back woods, the hotter they get. My favorite are (was pre-k) Chalmette girls; hot hot hot until they turn 30 at least.

  13. Jägermeister says:


    Absolutely. It all boils down to ethics.

    #11 – I still wish i could have fucked my teachers.

    You sound like a 40 year old virgin.

  14. ralph says:

    Jagermeister? And you call me a 40 year old virgin? You probably use both hands so you’ll think your doing twins.

  15. tommy says:

    gee i went to catholic school and no wanted to fuck a nun. so we had to look at dirty magazine. by the way you should of seen what the nuns looked like, fucking them was the farthest thing from my mind.

  16. ralph says:

    So Tommy, there were no priests abusing you back then?

    Maybe you needed a fucking hurricane to stir things up.

  17. Randall Lind says:

    Got to love the pictures you post with your stories.

  18. moe29 says:

    someone’s been hitting up Hardley Sutton’s photo sets on Flickr!


  19. mark says:

    14. ralph- nice comeback man LOLLLLLLLLLL!

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Bart,

    Good point. I agree.

    #13, Jag

    Good point. I agree (your second point).

    #14, Ralph,

    I use to talk like that when I was 13 too. Don’t worry, you’ll grow out of it.

  21. Jägermeister says:


    Reading #19, Mark seems to be in the same age group as Ralph.

  22. tallwookie says:

    #8 – lol

    #10 – good points, but dude, these are young men (generally) – in some societies thats either manhood nor the next best thing – and men like to get laid… do i need to say more?

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 – Dude… You are right. Men do like to get laid. I am a man and I like to get laid, so I can verify that what you are saying is true…

    …you know, in case someone doubts what you are saying

  24. Anthony says:

    that pic gives me a boner

  25. Major Jizz says:

    Public schools should be illegal.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    Is the photo for this blog a set-up? It’s too perfect! Anyway … it’s a great picture.

  27. catbeller says:

    because of the pedophilia hysteria of the last decade, sex between people that are even five years apart in age is considered perverted. listen: pedophilia is the attraction to pre-pubescent girls. attraction to 17-18 year old girls is bloody normal to a man with a functioning libido. and it really is no one’s business but the two of them. and it has been going on for as long as there has been 17-18 year old women, and nothing the age-police will do can stop it. teens likes sex, and people will happily cooperate if they are willing. of course, they can send a lot of men and women to maximum security rape-me prison, and disenfranchise them, and make sure they never work again. and this helps anyone anywhere? who’s the victim again? the teenager who got what they wanted, or the older person who also got what they wanted? so… who are we saving from whom?

  28. catbeller says:

    ethics: First, do no harm. Secondly, well there is no second part of ethics. Everything else is sophistry (he was an authority figure. so and? cops are as well yet they aren’t required to be monks) and pandering to hysteria. Did either of them get hurt? No? Next. and telling teenagers that they are too young and too ignorant to know that the bouncey-bounce they got was actually destroying their self-esteem and ruining their emotional life is patronizing and they damned well know they were the very opposite of hurt. i seriously put forth that psychiatrists are addicted to self-righteously creating new classes of “victims” to treat at $200 an hour. there is a difference between having sex and being raped, and let’s see that distinction be remade with letters of fire. and, no, i’m not patrolling the public schools looking for adventurous youth — i’m just addicted to sanity. we are wasting so much time on this infantile pandering to parents’ obsession with keeping sex away from their precious cargo for the future that we can’t talk about things that may actually lead to getting something done about saving our collective asses in the very near future. and don’t get me started on how men and women are drooling over Paris Hilton getting raped in prison. hypocrites, dangerous hypocrites.

  29. TheNobodies says:

    If they’re old enough to think of sex or be horny then who the hell is anyone else to tell them they can’t. People are too controlling and brainwashed in this planet… think for yourselves and take on your own responsibilities. Fuck your social brainwashings Earth.. I’ll do whatever the hell I please with whoever I please if you wanna try and control me like I’m someone’s cattle then go ahead and try it bitches, this cattle’s got claws and thinks for itself.


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