On Point Legal News – May 31, 2007:

A Chicago eighth-grader appears to have a case against a teacher for screening “only the sexual segments” of the movie “Brokeback Mountain” to her class. Holding the school board vicariously liable could be tougher.

A substitute teacher identified only as Ms. Buford allegedly showed the R-rated film at Ashburn Community Elementary School in May 2006 after warning Jessica Turner and her classmates that “what happens in Ms. Buford’s class stays in Ms. Buford’s class.” “Brokeback Mountain” depicts a homosexual relationship between cowboys in Wyoming.

  1. Goggles N Teeth says:

    Ok, too funny picture!!!
    Is that an actual movie or some wonderful photoshop!!!
    I would go see that one!

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Brokeback Mountain taught us that the difference between a straight cowboy and a gay cowboy is that gay cowboys still have teeth 🙂

  3. Anonymous Coward says:

    Buttcrack Mountain

  4. bilbo says:

    I’m always leary of women known as “MS” – “Ms. Buford”

    This is a feminist term denoting a resentment of of MALE leadership which is supposed to exist in society.

    You may say, “Ms.” is equivalent to “Mr.” and that neither denotes marital status and that this isn’t about feminism.

    I say, “You have got to be kidding!”

    Where do you think “MS” was derived from? I’ll help you out: THE FEMINIST movement!! They created it.

    It’s designed to hide the fact that a woman is married or single.

    It’s only ‘equivalent’ in your generation because the women’s movement pushed it on the school system who teaches all the kids who have mush for brains.

    In my generation it’s an ‘oddity’.

    Seriously, what most ‘young’un’s don’t get, because they didn’t experience it and never will because things now are changed forever, is that back then it was totally safe for a single woman to be called “Miss”. Oh sure, you had the occasional crimes, but NOTHING like today.

    Now a women better be afraid, and if they aren’t they should be! Why has it changed, and not for the better?

    How about let’s consider a woman’s place is in the home. That phrase sounds like finger nails on a chalkboard today. Why is that? Because the ‘mantra’ has been otherwise since wymmin’s lib.

    Today women have to have a career to “feel” valued. Back then, raising family was THE most important job there was for a woman. A strong family unit was the cornerstone to a strong society. Good family values meant that children grew up with a moral compass. They absolutely knew right from wrong.

    Women are the nurturers in humanity. They bring society. Historically they are the social creatures. It’s in their nature. It’s genetic. Women talk. Women talk a lot. Women talk too damn much!! Just ask most any guy. You think that is an error of nature? Talking is social behavior.

    Men do the rough stuff. Guys don’t talk, they usually grunt! It is nature and something that the PC crowd is attempting to remove from the make up of males. It’s genetic. Like women being social, we’re hardwired that way.

    Boys are different than girls, however if you lived through the feminism movement you’ll remember they wanted girls to be equal to boys, i.e., no difference. The same. Unisex clothing etc. That ‘idea’ has mellowed somewhat since they threw the baby out.

    So what did we get with Feminism? How about all you see around you? All the child on child crime. School shootings. Drug wars. Children out of wedlock. Condoms etc. And to relate this to Ms Buford’s class thread – schools teaching ‘values’. Schools would NEVER have crossed that line 40 years ago. It was unthinkable! All of it. It IS society today.

    Feminism isn’t the sole cause and effect. Call it a piece of the puzzle – an important piece. A stepping stone to the next level.

    How do you break down a culture? Divide and conquer. Where do you start? Break down the strong family unit.

    Today, you have parents ‘breeding’. Kids farmed out to day care to be raised like a crop. No strong values being taught, oh, you could argue you pass on your values to your kids, but because this is about the 3rd generation since wymmins lib, parents pass on how they were ‘raised’. Your ‘values’ are nothing compared to 50 years ago. Just go talk to an 80 year old.

    Back then a man could have a stay-at-home wife, raise 5 kids, and pay a mortgage on a carpenter’s salary. Try that today!

    The benefit to government in all this? They get to tax not one head of household, but two! The end result is what you see today. Broken families. Broken society. All because of Feminism, or the ‘drive’ to push it on us.

    I don’t know about you, but if I had the choice of feeling valued from having a “career” or feeling valued because I helped “design” society, I’d pick the latter because of it’s far reaching legacy.

    Wymmin’s lib pushed and sold a bill of goods on society. If you feel safer calling yourself “Ms” instead of “Miss”, thank wymmin’s lib for that.

    Now the only question remaining is this: If women have given up their natural role of architects of society… who is minding the store???

    FEMINISM is a destructive hate movement.

  5. tallwookie says:

    i thought the Ms. was for younger and generally single women, so I looked it up – http://pages.citebite.com/m1v8p0j3m7ueo – subheadings: 1, 2, and 4.

    Anyway, nice rant 😉

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Brokeback Mountain taught us that the difference between a straight cowboy and a gay cowboy is that gay cowboys still have teeth

    Not if they showed their affection in Hillbillyville, Alabama. 😉

  7. BubbaRay says:

    #4, Comment by bilbo

    Lots to think about, but I mostly agree. I’m glad I was one of the first telecommuters and self-employed the whole time my daughter grew up. I think it takes two parents, not just one, to bring up children, but hey, that’s just me. Zero parents is not the way to raise a family. If my grandparents were alive today, I guarantee they’d be extremely upset about how ‘families’ are working today.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    Jesus, Bilbo. Lotta anger there.

  9. Jägermeister says:


    Just don’t get him started on decaffeination….

  10. Jägermeister says:


    You copied your rant from various post on this page. I think the editors can now delete it.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4, bilbo,

    So if I read you right, a woman insulted your manhood 12 years ago and you haven’t been on a date since. The worst part was, she was taller, fatter, and uglier than even you. Yup, sounds like you could use some good woman discipline with a whip and fur lined handcuffs.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t think this suit is totally on the level. Apparently the grandfather complained because a book contained some curse words back in 2005.

    “This was the last straw,” he said. “I feel the lawsuit was necessary because of the warning I had already given them on the literature they were giving out to children to read. I told them it was against our faith.”

  13. Snifner says:

    Whats the difference between a Dildo & a Bilbo?

  14. Chris says:

    There is a good chance that it is against the school rules to show any R rated movie to eighth graders. It is in my school. Last year a seventh grade teacher showed an R rated movie (fairly mild one) to my daughters class, and I complained. I didn’t think that it would harm her that much, but it was a waste of time. Besides at that time, I had not let my daughter watch R rated movies. I think the man has a reason to be upset, although I thought the movie was good, and I am fully supportive of Gay rights. Too bad the whole thing has to get turned into an analysis of how much the suite is for, and over the fact he complained about some cuss words several years ago.

    The teacher is probably a little crazy.

    Bilbo, you are an idiot.

  15. MikeN says:

    I think I said it a few days ago. Doesn’t this constitute sexual harassment?

  16. BubbaRay says:

    Hop, I can’t believe you haven’t dusted off that Ultimate King Kahuna Moron Award for this woman. 🙂

  17. Tim Bonham says:

    Damn it — they are NOT gay cowboys! They are sheepherders. There is a lot of difference.

    My conservative cowboy friends from out west get extremely angry when the characters in this movie are called gay cowboys. Apparently there is still a fair bit of animosity between cowboys and sheepherders in the western US.

  18. hhopper says:

    The UKKMA is only for commenters on this board and is now owned by Bilbo.

  19. ChrisMac says:

    totally fucked Ringo

  20. Lenny says:

    I work in a hospital, and I usually don’t know the marital status of the female patient when I walk into the room, so I find it completely appropriate to address them as Ms. I’m sorry that how a woman is addressed is emasculating. Maybe I’m just lucky that my wife makes me feel like a king. But I actually have a little problem with married women hyphenating their names….

  21. Billy Bob says:

    The worst part was she gave them a pop quiz on the film afterwards!

  22. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #11 – I don’t think they insulted his manhood. I don’t think they could FIND his manhood.

  23. whipjacka says:

    since when does a substitute teacher actually do anything. I am in high school, and my substitutes just do what the teacher has written out for them.

  24. KVolk says:

    They are not gay cowboys!!! They are cowboys with alternative fireside companions.sheesh people get it right…

  25. Jeff says:

    I really think they need to make a Brokeback Mountain 2 with just Halle Berry and Jessica Alba. I would actually pay to watch that, not that it would happen.

    On another note, having watched the Brokeback Mountain, I am not sure why people are so upset. What graphic scenes were in the movie, again? It had some nice scenery (of the landscape), limited dialogue, and awkward scenes of two men (well you know). It was very tame.

  26. Bryan Carney says:

    The human race is doomed. That movie was not culturally or morally deviant. I don’t understand what the big fuss is about.

    I can remember being shown “R” rated movies in my Catholic junior high. It is not a big dead, except for the religious loonies and homophobes. There were a few wackos who complained then. There always will be.

    Brokeback mountain is an important film in out western culture. Just as Schindler’s List was and still was shown to young minds, not able to fully appreciate the suffering of others. In fact, isn’t that why it’s good to expose some to these things?

    As none of that movie is pornographic, even mildly, I don’t buy the bit about the “sexual parts.”

  27. Badger says:

    They should come up to Canada .
    We have gay marriage up in Canada
    Turn on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).
    No matter what the topic it always works its way back to the topic of gay marriage and what a wonderful thing it is.
    How it is commonplace and ordinary event.
    It is worse than a combination of any amyway meeting and 1984 tactics of goodspeak and desentization.
    Problem is that it is not an issue of concern to anyone else.
    Let them work hard , contribute to society, pay taxes and leave their sexuality to themselves.
    if a “straight” person talked incesantly about their sexuality it would be not be taken well.

  28. Bryan Carney says:

    #27 I agree, wholeheartedly.

    Those straights have what is coming to them. They are always talking about raising babies and shoving their particular likes in my face. As an unassuming and law-abiding gay man, I find this behaviour unacceptable. If they would just keep their traditional “values” crap to themselves, us gays would take it all very well.

    In all seriousness, friend up north, those people are members of society, too. They pay for programming that caters to their own needs. For a gay person, it is very important to see images of happy gay people living functional lives. Your county is very large and many gays don’t live in metropolitan areas that have a local support structure.

    This view depends on acceptance of homosexuality as one’s true identity. If one thinks that’s stupid, the result of societal corrosion, or satan, than you can’t see things this way. Good luck.

  29. TJGeezer says:

    #27 – Most sensible thing said yet. My father once pointed out to me, many years ago, that when he was a kid in the early 20th century (born 1906) it was simply accepted that sometimes a couple women schoolteachers would live together, or a couple of “men with cats,” as he put it. His view was that if they didn’t flaunt their private lives or make a big issue out of it, nobody got upset. He was all for “gay rights” in the sense of allowing hospital visits, legal partnerships granting mutual property rights, legal stuff like that. He just thought people ought to shut up about how they behave at night in the bedroom “and stop upsetting people with small minds.” I never found a good reason to disagree with him.

    But I gotta say, he never would have been comfortable with the humor of that graphic at the top. So I guess times change. “The Fur Traders.” snrkk.

  30. BubbaRay says:

    SN; Am I reading that poster correctly — screenplay by Howard Stern? Cool.


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