Ah, the fun has started now that the Republicans are attacking each other. Wasn’t that the Democrat’s favorite election pastime that usually sunk them? Who’s up for Mad Max Thunderdome-type cage match between Mitt Romney and Ron Paul? Torture permitted!

Conservative Catholics Organize To Sink Rudy

The early success of Rudy Giuliani’s presidential bid has provoked a groundswell of opposition from disparate forces including conservative Catholics, remnants of Pat Buchanan’s presidential campaigns and regional political operatives seeking to break into the Republican firmament.

The opposition is united in its determination to block Giuliani, a supporter of abortion rights and gay rights, from becoming the GOP’s standard bearer. But lurking just beneath the surface is another motive for these anti-Giuliani conservatives: cash. The groups hope to benefit from a large constituency of donors willing to write big checks to bring down the former New York City Mayor.

  1. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Have faith – the Dems are just getting started. Obama and Clinton are soon going to go at each other like my dog’s favorite chew toy.

  2. BubbaRay says:

    #1, Sounds The Alarm, …go at each other like my dog’s favorite chew toy.

    Now that’s pretty darned funny, but probably true!

  3. MikeN says:

    You mean the Dems aren’t fighting? Just who do you think is behind the Obama madrassah story or his white-hating pastor? Or what about Bob Shrum’s new book going after Edwards and Clinton at once?

    John McCain is going to have to bring down Romney and Rudy to win, and even then he’s in trouble since he is supporting immigration amnesty. By the way, why is the immigration bill getting no notice from this board?

  4. James Hill says:

    This is why non-incumbent elections are so much fun.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Everyone’s know the next president is going to be a Democrat, that’s why Republicans don’t care at all.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – No… we don’t know that at all. It should have been a Democrat in 2000 because 1) Clinton had just delivered 8 years of unmatched prosperity 2) Gore has an IQ of 6 million and Bush is a nepotistic coke addict and 3) the Dems actually won.

  7. Don says:

    They need to institute the popular vote for national elections, that’s for sure. All the primaries need to be held within a 2 week period in March too. I’m tired of my vote not counting because of our 18th century voting practices.

    With this many candidates on both sides, it HAS to get nasty very soon. Unfortunately, it has been proven time again that slinging mud gets the best results. Most of us just DON’T CARE about in depth discussions about policy from reasoned individuals. We only look up and notice when we start hearing the shrill screaming.


  8. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I think the point of this post is that the Dems always go after each other while this is more unusual for the Repubs.

    This time around I think it will be equally entertaining on both sides, then after the conventions when we have just the Big Two, it’ll get really muddy and that will also be entertaining.

  9. MikeN says:

    >All the primaries need to be held within a 2 week period in March

    Well that’s better than February and January, but it would make April, May, June, and July worse as they become more and more shrill trying to get attention. Better to spread the primaries out to give lower candidates a chance to jump up front. Right now its all about who can get money to be heard nationally. If you say something the media doesn’t like, good luck.

  10. Roc Rizzo says:

    MMMM Rudy,
    He would taste good in a dress!

  11. mark says:

    8. The BIG TWO. Thats the fucking problem with this country. People who think in terms of Democrat vs. Republican. Why dont we just elect a good leader, no matter what side letter they have beside their name? Cant you get it?

  12. ethanol says:

    Mark (#11),

    Check out Unity 08 Trying to find a middle ground…

  13. mark says:

    12. Thanks for the link, interesting.

  14. mark says:

    14. Chances are slim I’d say. I just dont understand the desire to label all Repubs as conservative and all Dems as liberal. I have both within me and it depends on the issue, and it make me crazy when people do this.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I vote the ticket because I’m a team player. People who vote for the candidate and then vote for a Republican this and a Democratic that are just voting for gridlock… and some even think gridlock is good because they hold to that ignorant and cynical belief that politicians can only do bad and grid prevents bad from happening.

    I don’t care if my Democratic candidate attends a swinger’s club every Friday and drinks pig’s blood. If he’ll vote with the Dems then I’ll vote for him and every other Dem because I believe in the bulk of the Democratic platform.

    I don’t want Republicans to even vote, but they will and if they are smart, they’ll vote the straight Republican ticket because they believe in the Republican platform.

    Unity 08 is a silly idea. I don’t want wimpy ass middle grounders with luke warm solutions. I want really aggressive, progressive solutions. The only reason I don’t vote Green is that I’m pragmatic and figure if I have to vote for the losing team it will be the Chicago Cubs and not the Toledo Mudhens.

    I agree with Mark. I don’t know why we call Democrats liberal at all. It breaks my heart that there’s barely two or three liberals at most in the whole damn party. But its the party with have and until people realize that Ralph Nader actually was right, it’s the party we get.


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