60’s sitcom icon, Wally Cox, aka Mr. Peepers.

BBC NEWS | Business | Bush chooses new World Bank boss — Nobody says no to Bush.

US President George W Bush has chosen Robert Zoellick, former deputy secretary of state, to be president of the World Bank, US officials say.

Mr Zoellick would replace Paul Wolfowitz, who resigned amid a scandal over his role in winning a new pay and promotion package for his girlfriend. Mr Wolfowitz will leave the post at the end of June.

Mr Bush will name Mr Zoellick on Wednesday, and expects the Bank’s board to accept him, an aide told Reuters.

World Bank Board

  1. ECA says:

    Can someone Post what the world bank is RESPONSIBLE FOR…
    I dont think we will find much, or it will take ALOT of digging.

    1. is they are responsible for banks, I think.
    2. I think they are ALSO responsible when Corps FAIL to pay retirement.
    AS the corps are to pay INTO(but seldom do) the bank.

  2. BubbaRay says:

    #1, ECA, simple, just read this short article and history of the IBRD.


  3. BubbaRay says:

    From “The Guardian”

    “It was Wolfowitz who made what now seem comic predictions about the invasion paying for itself in Iraqi oil revenues and who overestimated the ease of the US occupation.

    Zoellick, on the other hand, is a technocrat and a veteran of the rough and tumble of international diplomacy as well as the corridors of power in Washington.”

    [This actually might be a change for the better.]


  4. Rog says:

    But was Wolfie’s comedy bits to cover his many money grabs for himself and the girlfriend?

    btw: Mr Peepers aired in the early 50s, not 60s.

  5. DWB says:

    Wally Cox, AAKA: voice of “Underdog”…

    …let’s maintain our priorities.

  6. Richard says:

    Let’s try to put funny things and educational things on this blog. Making fun of someone because they look a certain way is cruel. I suggest you delete this entire entry and return to your typically high standards. Cranky is fine, nasty is wrong.

  7. Noam Sane says:

    At this point, should we not be skeptical of any personnel decisions made by the Current Occupant?

    This is the guy that gave us Cheney, Libby, Rumsfeld, “Heckuvajob” Brownie, Paul Wolfowitz, Condi Rice, John Ashcroft, Abu Gonzalez, John Yoo, Monica Goodling, Lurita Doan, J. Steven Griles, Claude Allen, David Safavian, Philip Cooney…and on and on.

    I wouldn’t let the guy manage my 7-11, based on that record.

  8. Improbus says:

    Cranky is fine, nasty is wrong.

    Are you new here or something?

  9. mxpwr03 says:

    I like this, “He has to establish or rather re-establish confidence in the institution because it was a dark chapter with Wolfowitz.” What a dark chapter in deed. Thanks you France, I hope Zoellick can antagonize the French about lowering protectionist barriers to their domestic markets, as he did during the Doha trade round.

    As long as he goes in there and runs a similar development project as Paul did, and it is safe to assume he will, nothing will really change. I just hope this guy has a knack for pissing off Old Europe as Paul did.

  10. glenn says:

    Thought I was the only one here old enough to remember Mr. Peepers. Sure looks like Toby McGuire’s great-grandfather.

  11. Wazzok says:

    “Let’s try to put funny things and educational things on this blog. Making fun of someone because they look a certain way is cruel. I suggest you delete this entire entry and return to your typically high standards. Cranky is fine, nasty is wrong. ”

    but surely comparing him to a sitcom icon is merely complimentary?

  12. hhopper says:

    #6 – Sheesh, I thought that was funny and educational.

  13. joshua says:

    This is the guy he should have appointed in the first place. He’s an excellant negoiator, very much aware of global markets and trade regulations. And he will shake up the Euro’s. They all like him now, just as they did Wolfiwitz, when he was appointed, then they found out he was there to shake their little world. Same will happen to Zoellick.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    Bush replaced a man with big ears for another one with bigger ears.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    …which would suggest, Angel, that Dubya is also a size queen.

  16. joshua says:

    #15…At least for ears!!!! 🙂


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