These people clung to this net for 3 days
The governments of Mediterranean countries are turning the sea between them into a “wild west in which human life has lost its value and people in danger are left to fend for themselves”, a UN official said yesterday.
Laura Boldrini, a Rome-based spokeswoman for the UN’s high commissioner for refugees, was speaking as Libya, Malta and Spain continued to wrangle over the fate of 26 migrants from Africa, more than two days after they were plucked from the Mediterranean. The three governments were refusing to take in the migrants, who were stranded on a Spanish vessel last reported 80 miles south of Malta, about halfway between the island and the Libyan coast.
Ms Boldrini said she understood that, like 27 migrants saved by Italian rescuers at the weekend, the members of the latest group were found clinging to tuna nets on the high seas.
“That appears to be the case,” said Ms Boldrini, who noted that a further 57 migrants photographed by Maltese rescuers last week had since disappeared without trace and were thought to have drowned.
As Tana de Zulueta, a Green party MP in Italy, said: “The oldest of all humanitarian laws, that of rescue at sea, is being ignored.”
“The oldest of all humanitarian laws, that of rescue at sea, is being ignored.”
No good deed goes unpunished.
0. Likewise an even older law written by Darwin.
Who cares.
..”These people clung to this net for 3 days”..
What, you cant tread water for more than 3 days? If your legs get tired theres this nice big net to hold on to – its easy!
Stupid immigrants should take swimming lessons prior to getting on a boat.
They clung to the net for 24 hours before being picked up. As to the **missing** 57….seems no one saw them except the Green group.
It’s tragic that these people had to tread water for even 1 day. But it sure does make all those **liberal** humanitarian goverments of Europe look like the hypocrites they are. Of course it won’t stop certain groups here from holding them as shining examples of what we in the US could be if we were only more open minded and Liberal…(cough, cough, sputter)
But it sure does make all those **liberal** humanitarian governments of Europe look like the hypocrites they are
#6 – Man are you going out on a long limb just to take a swipe at “liberals”.
#4 – #7 – You seem to be taking the art of being a jerk to a new level.
This is what Conservatives call “Safe Erotica.”
#8 it that means pissing you off, then your right. I’m glad I could help.
Make sure This gets on the news in Africa. That should help slow down the migrant issue.
Apparently there are just too damn many people in the world. When human life starts to lose value.
10. Your just a sad little man.
f**k em, let em drown!!!
hopefully news will filter back to their country and less of these state benefit freeloaders will leave their caves
I always thought intelligence implied a certain degree of compassion.
Yep, I just checked and I’m sure I’m right about that one.
State Benefit Freeloaders…
Yes, I think that I would definately flee an impoverished nation routinely split apart by bloody civil wars and massive genocide, risk my life crossing the sea, all to live in the lap of State Benefit luxury.
To those who would rather see refugees die than to share your 12.2 cents per month to give them a hand up… Fuck you.
This kinda reminds me of the garbage barge that floated around for weeks because no one wanted the garbage. Great analogy if I do say so my self.
#16, Ah, you miss your old home. Just floating along with the tides, letting the sun tan your fetid body. Scurrying with your furry friends, …
I’ll repeat, you’re a sad little man.