1. Xwing says:

    I thought her show had BEEN cancelled. People are still watching her? How can you stand 1. Her attitude, and 2. that freaky hillbilly accent. Couldn’t you just put on another block of Everybody Loves Raymond? You’d get more viewers! Heheheh!

  2. Justsaying says:

    That was EPIC, thanks! Soon networks won’t be able to compete with crap less and free news found on the web.

  3. Rick says:

    It’s fake… although I wish it wasn’t. I despise Nancy Grace.

  4. Fred Flint says:

    What a GREAT way to start off my Memorial Day. Thanks for the big laugh!

    I only wish it had continued until the sour-faced lady’s head exploded. I would have liked to have seen that.

  5. Spook says:

    Oh that made my morning1 My sides hurt, I’m laughing so hard.

    ON a side note, how the hell is Nancy Grace still on the air?

  6. Brian says:

    Remember when CNN Headline News was a news channel. Now with all the entertainment crap, Nancy Grace, that other idiot Glenn Beck I never watch CNN

  7. Eric says:


    Love the turtle at the end….

  8. FRAGaLOT says:

    I hate this uber bitch with a passion.. she’s so full of her self she has no idea how much more people hate her than say, Rush Limbaugh (I do like Rush, his show is long in the tooth now). Animal porn was funny as hell.

  9. Craig says:

    It’s fake. DUH. They just repeated the “take it down part”. Jeesh people.

  10. laineypie says:

    fake or not its hilarious.

    i love nancy grace btw. I dunno why alot of the time she says ignorant crap but im still a fan.

  11. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    She certainly isn’t always on the mark, but when she is, she says what needs to be said, with no punches pulled. I’ll be the first to admit she has gone too far in some of her statements about some whose guilt is and was legitimately in doubt, and it certainly undermines her credibility on other cases where she would otherwise be on solid ground… She was 100% in the wrong on John Mark Karr, Richard Ricci and the Duke Lacrosse team – and others.

    But still, I personally can’t stand the fucked-up, lawyer-averse gutless pussyfooting the MSM practices when they “report” on totally, utterly guilty slime, e.g., OJ, Gary Condit, Scott Peterson, Michael Jackson, Melinda Duckett, and other resignees from the human race, and Grace at least performs a not-nice but necessary public service when she states flat out that these people are guilty as sin.

    I just wish she – like all other rabid-dog prosecutors – would reserve her venom for the genuinely guilty; her batting average is nothing to be proud of.

  12. doug says:

    #11. because if you pronounce someone guilty of a horrendous crime and it turns out that they are innocent, they can sue you for libel.

    why rush to judgment? that is why we get travesties like the reporting on the Duke lacrosse team.

  13. joshua says:

    I don’t know the woman. I have seen her name mentioned in the past on here, but it dosen’t connect for me. Who is she and where is she?

  14. hhopper says:

    All you could ever want to know about Nancy Grace.

  15. TJGeezer says:

    Was the Nancy Grace playing herself on the “Boston Legal” segments where a judgmental blond newscaster pronounced people guilty in a lynch-mob leader tone of voice?

    That is one hella funny video. It was only missing a moose mounting a jeep.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    …I personally can’t stand the fucked-up, lawyer-averse gutless pussyfooting the MSM practices when they “report” on totally, utterly guilty slime, e.g., OJ, Gary Condit, Scott Peterson, Michael Jackson, Melinda Duckett, and other resignees from the human race …

    There is this thing in most western countries called presumption of innocence and innocent until proven guilty.It might be a concept you are either unfamiliar with or hold in contempt. I don’t which applies in your case, but sincerely, I do hope that if you ever have to answer a criminal charge, it still applies.

    FYI, OJ, and Michael Jackson were found Not Guilty. Gary Condit was never charged with anything. Duckett wasn’t a suspect until your hero pushed her over the edge. The only reason she became a suspect after her suicide was because of the publicity Grace gave the case.

    There are times when your mind becomes totally fucked up, and this is one of those times. The same mentality that loves Grace also is attuned to Jerry Springer and Rush Limbaugh.

  17. joshua says:

    #14…Damn….she is one total bitch…and not a smart one either.

  18. Hugh Jass says:

    Nancy Grace has a massive butt! I wish I had a color TV that size.

  19. hhopper says:

    Well Hugh, let’s see a photo to back up your statement.

  20. Billabong says:

    O.K. 11,16 ,18,waaayyyy to long.Short intelligent commentary is what we need.The video is very funny and worth watching.

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #21 – Billabong

    “O.K. 11,16 ,18,waaayyyy to long.Short intelligent commentary is what we need.”

    Psst! This just in to Headline News: New blog-reading protocols are in effect. You are now permitted to skip over stuff you don’t care to read. The old policy of forcing you to read all comments at gunpoint has been rescinded. Details at the top of the hour… 😀

  22. Andrew says:


    “It is not incumbent upon you, or me, or anyone else not acting in an official capacity in relation to the party charged, to presume that they are innocent. You can deem anyone you like guilty – but if, say, you are recruited for jury duty in that person’s case, then you do assume a legal obligation to regard that person as innocent…

    …I, as a free citizen, am under no obligation to presume anything about them…and I am free to regard them that way.”

    I think I speak for #21 when I say, the above quoted text would have sufficed to prove your point.

    Everything afterward has absolutely 100% irrelevance to what you were discussing and is nothing more than pork for your barrel.

  23. Daniel says:

    [Spam – ed.]

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21 & 23

    Although I disagree with Lauren, he has every right to use as many words as the editors at DU allow. If, as #23 suggested, that was the only point Lauren made then I wouldn’t have understood as well his intent. As it is, he fully explained his thoughts and I understand his reasoning.

    Sometimes just a few words are all that is needed. Sometimes not.

    Lauren, while the episode is true, the whole pi thing was corrected within hours. But I get your point.

  25. MM says:

    Regarding Nancy Grace – why are all the negative, hateful e-mails from males? I can appreciate the fact Nancy is not liked by all but from what I have read and heard – its mostly males that resent her. A negative comment is one thing but some of these e-mails show a disturbed male psyche. It sounds like a few of these men are obviously misogynists. I know she can be tough sometimes but she is looking out for the victim not the criminal. How unusual. Also, it’s television. If you don’t like her why don’t you turn the channel?
    Of course it may be hard with those fists clenched.


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