Doesn’t anyone find this peculiar?

Boy bags wild hog bigger than ‘Hogzilla’ – — This story cropped up a couple of days ago and I’m having trouble believing it — at all. I know there are woods in Alabama where varmits can hide, but still. How does this monster get this big without being noticed somewhere along the way? This thing is the size of a big bear. And to make the yarn even more incredible the thing is dropped with a pistol? Was the kid shooting a .454 Casull? I think not although the 11-year-old is shown with some sort of hand-held cannon that would knock him on his keister. This just does not wash.

Where is the video? Who hauled it out of the forest? Who is butchering it for food? In Alabama they would have already been planning a barbecue. And exactly where are the local bloggers with their cameras? And there should be a crowd of gawkers, where are they?

Meet Monster Pig. An 11-year-old boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9 feet 4, from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires.

If the claims are accurate, Jamison Stone’s trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004.

Hogzilla originally was thought to weigh 1,000 pounds and measure 12 feet long. National Geographic experts who unearthed its remains believe the animal actually weighed about 800 pounds and was 8 feet long.

story first found by Bubba Martin

  1. BubbaRay says:

    #31, Paul, thanks for the link. Between those slides and #30 Ben’s image, I just can’t tell if this is a hoax or real. And look at that “pistol.” That’s not a pistol, it’s a sawed off rifle!! I doubt I could fire that thing without injuring myself. As mark would say, “This is starting to make my hair hurt.” I’d like to see the the mounted head. Criminy !!

  2. Ben says:

    I don’t know why this pisses me off. Sure, they shot a big ass pig, good for them. I didn’t even bother checking to see if Paul’s images are at all faked… At least that first image can be shown to be 100% bullshit now; I guess the fact that it’s on CNN is what irks me. Cripes.

  3. No photoshop involved.

    If you go to

    look at the first pic from the right. Count the stripes down on the kid’s shirt when he is standing upright. 5 stripes down from the shoulder until it hits pig’s height, right? Roughly a height to his waist.

    Now if you look at the first pic from the left… it looks to me like the kid is just leaning forward on the pig. If he was standing up that shot too would show 5 lines of his shirt. Lean on a table or something shorter than you and take a photo from the front…

  4. actually he is leaning on his left leg and partially on the pig now that I look at it again.

  5. Talvia says:

    Bullshit! I don’t believe you,that thing is bigger than a cow.

  6. phyfer says:

    First off I hope nobody believes this right off the bat. Without even analyzing the photos this story has all the signs of being made up and fake. Even the website for this looks to be a joke and an advertising stunt for some grill supplier. First, that kid would not be able to hold the pistol through 1 firing much less 8 shots, which was claimed. Second, why would a kid be hunting with a 50 cal custom pistol? The photos are low quality and no local or national media was called to help verify the claim. Now the phot – pixel analysis shows the photo has been modified to look like something it really is not. The boy probably did this rather than wanting to do his homework.

  7. Jake says:

    I checked everywhere and the National Geographic did not look into this pig, but another one in Aphapha, Georgia that weighed about 800lbs. So its possible for a pig to get this big, but that would be one hell of a shot to drop a pig that massive with a pistol, MSN reports it was shot with a 50 cal. rifle. Still would like to see some more video or images…….where r they?

  8. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Well, in the pic above, just assume the kid weighs 125 lbs.

    That would mean the pig should be about 8 times his size – but in that picture, the thing would make 20 or 25 of the kid!

    Ess Aitch Eye Tea. Bull, that is…

  9. sharon says:

    Personaly, I think this is an act of animal cruelty. It said in he news paper that the kid ran the hog down for three hours, while his dad was following with an extremely high- powered weapon. If they wanted the pig so badly, they didn’t need to have it run to he point it where it couldn’t run anymore. Anyways, if that hog was real, I think they would mak a much bigger deal of it.

  10. True Brit says:

    My mate says that he is the biggest liar in the world and he don’t want this kid nicking his title, so he says the kid did shoot it, in fact he says he watched him make the shot fro 500 yards, in high winds and fog.

  11. natsirT says:

    my only comment to this picture is:


  12. Eyerolling Lady says:

    Who shot the biggest pig? Seriously? Reeks of ego and testosterone. heh heh

  13. johnboy95 says:

    wheres the tusk? hog that big there should be some really big tusk..


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