1. FRAGaLOT says:

    Wow that takes me back to high school days. John whatever happened to Stuart Chefee(sp) and the Computer Chronicles?

  2. #30..can’t recall if the hard disk ever came out..I think so.

    As for the whereabouts of Stewart he keeps his bio here:

  3. jarryjayo says:

    Hey john, Boy thats a nice site, love that stewart page, nothing like a under construction Logo, I think that says everything about a person.

  4. hhopper says:

    I don’t think that site has been edited in a long time. All of the links are dead.

  5. OmegaMan says:

    I am still waiting for the upgrade from the 1.4 floppy to the 2.8! Double the size…think of what you could store!

  6. max rubin says:

    Its amazing.
    Only the actual models of comptuers are different.
    John Dvorak sounds exactly the same but looks like a young kid.
    Gary Killdall – great.
    The computer chronicles was a most excellent source of information.
    In my area it played on PNS.
    They were able to edit down a great amount of relevant info from the movers and shakers into the show – I do not remember if was an hour of half an hour.
    Towards the end to keep attention they always had this good looking girl with a nice chest do some minute collumn.
    Kept the geeks interest I guess.
    It is amazin – John is younger but other than that and a change of models / technology it is all the same
    At least John Dvorak shows consistency over the years.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    Holy Cow! Did he just say “…and it’s small and LIGHT-WEIGHT.” ???

    I had one of those things for a while and it must have weighed 50 pounds! (23kg) Not only could you put a monitor on it, you could stand on it and jump up and down on it with a pogo stick and it wouldn’t even notice. Some of today’s cases you can’t even wipe the dust off of without breaking something off.

    The cases were built to last, but it was a waste unless you could replace the inside every couple of years, and somehow I can’t see IBM allowing that…


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