I kid you not: crotchless pantaloons

For those who think Uncle Dave is too hard on religion in general and Christianity in particular, tell me this website is a joke. Sure, sure, some will say this is a weirdo sub-culture, but this sends the sort of message that helps give the religion a bad name. Also, some might say that the consensual spanking as described is more along the lines of ‘standard’ bondage, etc. which doesn’t lead to injury. But given the female subjugation implicit in this website’s philosophy, how many practitioners take if much further?

The store’s owner wrote a book on the subject of Christian Domestic Discipline:

In today’s society where any physical discipline is severely frowned upon, it is important that even a Christian Domestic Discipline relationship be consensual; however, it is interesting to note that Biblically, a man’s right to chastise and discipline his wife is strongly implied. Just as a parent would never stop to ask permission to chastise his child, a husband should not have to obtain consent to discipline his wife; however, our legal system has put him in the position of having to do so. Just as our culture is turned upside down in so many other things, the traditional Christian marriage is no exception.

It is worth mentioning that even Biblically, it is best if the wife submits willingly rather than being forced to obey her husband, and in giving honor to his wife as the weaker vessel, it is good that the husband listen to her thoughts and opinions and try to incorporate them into their lives so that she will be content.

  1. DavidtheDuke says:

    Lingerie for the Amish

  2. Heimdall says:

    It gives new meaning to the term “turn the other cheek.”
    Ugh, sorry, couldn’t resist.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Nothing more than a justification for Christian guys to get their wives into S&M.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    …it is best if the wife submits willingly rather than being forced to obey her husband

    I don’t feel a spanking coming on, more like someone’s going on a shopping trip from hell (and it’s not me.)

  5. moss says:

    I worked for a contractor who was a lay preacher (npi) in a local, well-funded Baptist sect that was thoroughly into this bag – for his wife and kids. I quit and went to a competitor – because I also discovered he was shaving commissions on a couple of my co-workers.

    Time and again, I’ve discovered the personality defects that “justify” Stone Age practices, are concurrent with all the other deceits.

  6. Amish Guy says:

    I guess it’s ok to spank your monkey as well? I have a BAD monkey…

  7. JoaoPT says:

    kinky stuff

  8. TJGeezer says:

    #6 – Moss – That’s interesting. I wonder if it’s related to the attraction “conservative” politics has for posturing hypocrites of all sorts. The Baptist preacher who skims other people’s commissions seems like a first cousin to thundering televangelists, posturing flag-draped politicians and other such poor excuses for humanity.

    #7 – Amish Guy – You can spank your monkey and you can spank your wife but you can’t spank your wife’s monkey.

  9. SN says:

    I’m shocked. A posting about spanking without a picture of the Spanks-r-Us babes?!

  10. stew says:

    My first wife was into that. I was not .She insisted. What was I to do?

  11. Spare the rod and. . . oh, never mind.

  12. George of the city says:

    My first gay experiance involved spanking.

  13. John Paradox says:

    Who would Jesus spank?


  14. Brock says:

    It’s clear no one here has ever read the bible book of solomon.

  15. Markela says:

    If a picture is worth a thousand words, then those two are worth two thousand …

    I would like to proceed her ‘form’ behind.

    And I know that’s very sexist, by low definition. A woman can do all the things a man can AND dance backwards in high heels and birth babies. And be a babe.

    That was a babe. The American Babecasting Commission, in cooperation with the babecasters in your area, like to keep you informed in case of a babe alert. This has been a babe alert. Consider yourself informed. Non babes can consider themselves outfoxed.

    Seriously, I hadn’t seen the silly religious stuff before.
    Though there seems to be a lot of it.

    I was reading a book full of that stuff the other day, and I came across all sorts of interesting rules, like, “Stone this person if he doesn’t keep his bull penned properly and he (the bull) wanders and gores someone.”
    It’s just full of that stuff, and it’s fine if you subscribe to it … but

    I am a veteran of this kind of stuff, from the pre-WWW (WFW?) days, when these people would get on our BBS and spout on or off or sideways about this or that or the other thing. It amounted to sprouting gray hair, that’s all it’s good for. I am a theist, but I’m not about to push my views on people. If you want my view, I’ll tell you, but only if you ask.

    Maybe I need my personal BIOS flashed by a lightning bolt or something ….

    George Carlin once said that religion is like a lift in your shoes, some people like the lift it provides, and that’s perfectly okay, but he doesn’t get the lift, he never will, and he’s got to wear his own shoes.

    I have been a frequent listener of Leo Laporte’s podcasts, and have been reading Mr. Dvorak’s column on-and-off (interesting I’d get and put it that way, the on and off nature of circuits) over the years.
    Looks like a great site. And great people on it.

    Now I’ll put my schtick of Parkay and my hot butter knife away and …


  16. Cursor_ says:

    Just like in any community, secular or religious, you will find nutjobs. For every spanking christian you will find 100k christians that would say that is stupid as h*ll.

    Just like in the secular world for every weirdo that likes to nail their genitals to a board, soo too there will be 100k people that will say its stupid as h*ll.

    The choices of the minority should not be the benchmark of the majority.


  17. ChrisMac says:


  18. Lynn says:

    Here I am again to offer my store of knowledge. When women wore pantaloons and pantalettes, they were always open at the bottom, so women could perform their natural functions without dealing with all those undergarments that gave 18th and 19th century women’s garments their characteristic shape. You can look it up in any book on clothing and costume. I laugh whenever movies set in those eras show women running around in pantaloons. Think Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. Think Keira Knightly.

  19. Billy Bob says:

    Most of the S&M stuff is usually amorally themed. Does that give atheism “a bad name”? Since you’re a fundie atheist, let’s see if you can name both of the logical fallacies you violated:


  20. GregAllen says:

    So, you find some wierdo Christian spanking site — what does it indicated about Christianity? Very little, if anything at all.

    (I would conclude exactly the same think if someone found a wierdo atheistic web site — and I’m sure there are some).

  21. Rectagon says:

    It may not be a joke Dave… but it has nothing to do with the Christian faith. I’m sure we can find a pagans/atheists for S&M site out there too.

  22. Brock says:

    Clearly perverts,

    Anything to make a buck.

    Not Christian.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    Although an anti-theist, atheist, agnostic, or even just plain normal person could also promote S&M, they would only be getting the same criticism if they did it in the “name” of anti-theist, atheist or agnosticism. This is called the Christian Discipline Store, not the House of Evolution Beliefs and Discipline Store.

  24. Kenneth Johnson says:

    As stated on Our Best Beloved, Fark.com, “Thy rod and thy staff comfort me.” Those crotchless pantaloons kinda get me going, too.

  25. John Paradox says:

    It’s clear no one here has ever read the bible book of solomon.
    Comment by Brock

    AKA the Song of Solomon? The erotic book of the Bible?

    Got it right next to Lady Chatterley’s Lover.



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