New museum says dinosaurs were on Noahs Ark | U.S. | Reuters — Readers of this blog know that we’ve been following the progress of this so-called museum. This is the last installment since it is now opened.

Like many modern museums, the newest U.S. tourist attraction includes some awesome exhibits — roaring dinosaurs and a life-sized ship. But only at the Creation Museum in Kentucky do the dinosaurs sail on the ship — Noahs Ark, to be precise.

The Christian creators of the sprawling museum, unveiled on Saturday, hope to draw as many as half a million people each year to their state-of-the-art project, which depicts the Bibles first book, Genesis, as literal truth.

While the $27 million museum near Cincinnati has drawn snickers from media and condemnation from U.S. scientists, those who believe God created the heavens and the Earth in six days about 6,000 years ago say their views are finally being represented.

“What weve done here is to give people an opportunity to hear information that is not readily available … to challenge them that really you can believe the Bibles history,” said Ken Ham, president of the group Answers in Genesis that founded the museum.

The thing is, I WOULD pay to see this museum myself. It has to be a hoot.

update from Al Cole

  1. JimR says:

    What a bunch of morans!

  2. Graham says:

    Go to the Answers in Genesis website, it’s actually very through and easy to understand.

  3. Graham says:

    I like this quote, “Teachers don’t deserve a student coming into class saying ‘Gee Mrs. Brown, I went to this fancy museum and it said you’re teaching me a lie.” I’d fire any teacher who would complain that their students are challenging what they teach. You do this for religion, why is scientist so much greater?

    I thought you wanted to be an academic. “Oh no!!! Don’t challenge evolution! It’s above reproach!” Give me a break.

  4. Jägermeister says:


    Wow… such a dedication in creating a Web site just for simpletons.

  5. Al says:

    #2 is right on the money. I can’t wait to take my family to this museum later this year. In fact I donated money to help build it!

    Maybe if JCD would go to some of his fantasies of a designer-less universe would come to a screetching halt. Or maybe if JCD would post what he actually believes on the subject there could be some intelligent discussion instead of this typical name calling #1.

    Creationist are not as dumb as you make them out to be, they are people just like you that use the same science as you and interpret their history (which you can’t prove) differently.

    It really takes a lot more faith for you to believe that we all came from essentially *nothing* that exploded into galaxies and solar systems, and planets, and elements, and atmospheres, and made complex self-replicating machines with automatic error correcting codes which created single cell organisms then randomly changed their programming to become more complex organisms, which added new information to change their programming again to make you and me. Now that takes blind faith!

    Now lets see the comments all you “tolerant” regulars to post with your “tolerant” views of people with differing viewpoints than yours and about Christianity in particular.


  6. doug says:

    And to think, just moments ago I finished watching ‘Idiocracy.’

    OTOH, I have to say that was a pretty dumb quote from Dr. Scott. That teacher should just say, “Those people were lying to you, Billy. In reality, Odin and his brothers created the world out of the bones of the great frost giants.”

  7. gquaglia says:

    Just as I have always suspected. The world is full of stupid people. Between Windows being the most popular OS and dinosaurs on Noah’s ark, I’m embarrassed to admit I live on this planet.

  8. JimR says:

    #2, I like that quote too.
    #4, did you read the one about photosynthesis on A knee slapper!.
    #5 “we all came from essentially *nothing*??? That’s a new one. That sounds like religious mumbo jumbo… not science. What theory says that?

  9. Jägermeister says:

    Creationist are not as dumb as you make them out to be, they are people just like you that use the same science as you and interpret their history (which you can’t prove) differently.

    Wrong… There’s no scientific proof that Earth is just a couple of thousand years old and that dinosaurs roamed the land at the same time as humans.

    What this “museum” (which is an incorrect term to start with) is presenting is quasi-science. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s a place for simpletons to feel good. After all, they know that this is true… mommy, daddy and the preachers indoctrinated you from day one, and all your indoctrinated friends repeats the same story, so it must be true.

  10. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Holy Whack Jobs Batman!

    The sad thing is that just before I got to John’s comment about paying to see it, I was thinking he same thing. There’s a lot of entertainment potential here.

  11. acree says:

    Watch this an decide for yourself. Oh how I love family guy.

  12. BubbaRay says:

    My religion is science (astronomer with research in cosmology.) Just so I don’t have to post some long diatribe, creationists (and scientists) please read the following article (now donning Nomex suit.)

    15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense – from Scientific American —
    Opponents of evolution want to make a place for creationism by tearing down real science, but their arguments don’t hold up :

    So there, argue all you want. These religious articles on this blog are really starting to squeeze my wheaties.

  13. JimR says:

    Al, You said “It really takes a lot more faith for you to believe that we all came from essentially *nothing* that exploded into galaxies…”

    The truth is, the big bang theory proposes that the universe as we see it, started from being a very compact singularity, infinitely compressed matter, similar to what we predict happens to matter inside a black hole, and it expanded, not exploded, from there. In other words, scientists believe the universe came from ‘something’.

    Now, Al, you said “Creationist are not as dumb as you make them out to be, they are people just like you that use the same science as you…”

    Do you see how creationists twist things around? Why should I be tolerant of that type of schennanigans? When christians do this purposely, it’s no better than telling lies… oh so christian-like.

  14. Kiko says:

    most of you guys are implying that the “science” of where we come from is exact and cannot be contradicted(big bang, evolution etc) by any opposing views (creationism whether it be right or wrong). thats bull!
    let me remind you that only a couple of hundreds of years ago science told us that the world was flat. that the sun revolves around the earth etc. just because scientists says something doesnt mean they are always right. same goes for creationists.

  15. sdf says:

    I hear the Ark had a “Global Warming is a LIE” bumper sticker

  16. Simple says:

    The dogma of science is to throw away any old books after better new books appear that explain something more accurately.

    The dogma of creationism is to throw away any new books that disagree with the oldest book around.

  17. BubbaRay says:

    #14, Kiko, let me remind you that only a couple of hundreds of years ago science told us that the world was flat. that the sun revolves around the earth etc.

    Wasn’t the ‘earth is flat’ disproved by Eritosthenes around 260 BC? Long time ago.

    Galileo was imprisoned by the Pope for stating that the earth revolves around the sun about 1610, 400 years ago. Church 1 – Galileo 0. Perhaps you still believe the sun revolves around the earth because the church says so (or did until 1992 when Galileo was ‘pardoned’.)

    Guess you didn’t have time to read the SciAm article I posted in #12. I’ll admit it’s long and actually takes some thought to comprehend.

    God, this is fun !! Next we’ll hear about ghosts and aliens. 🙂

  18. Jägermeister says:


    most of you guys are implying that the “science” of where we come from is exact and cannot be contradicted

    Who said this? Do you understand that Big Bang and Evolution are theories? They can be questioned when a more plausible theory is presented… and no, creationism is not that theory.

    let me remind you that only a couple of hundreds of years ago science told us that the world was flat.

    A belief happily supported by the religious leaders (why didn’t God tell them that it was spherical?). And let me remind you that it was scientists who debunked this theory.

  19. noOne says:

    @ #14.
    Let me remind you that the church and the bible said that the earth was the center of the universe.
    Remember the trouble Galileo (a scientist) got into when he proved them wrong?
    I know that scientists do get things wrong from time to time but, science is a self correcting discipline.
    I’d like to see the church correct itself more often- as they’ve done with the whole idea of the earth being the center of the universe.

    hah! I think I just proved that religion is fallible! Could they be wrong about creationism too?

  20. Jim W. says:

    an article I found from Graham’s “Answers In Genesis” link:

    Searching for the ‘magic bullet’

    In 1986 a number of leading creationist researchers decided that the evidence of supposedly human and dinosaur footprints, found together at the Paluxy River in Texas, had serious problems. They decided that, pending further research to establish the correct interpretation of the prints, they could no longer be safely used as evidence supporting the fact (based on the biblical account of creation) that man and dinosaur lived at the same time.

    cont’d in the same article…

    In November 2001, Answers in Genesis published an article on its website entitled, Arguments we think creationists should NOT use, which was added to the Q&A section. This covered a substantial number of widely-used arguments opposing evolution. It was meant to inform Christians why we felt these arguments were either factually incorrect, or were very dubious and unsafe, even counterproductive, to use.

    a very enlightening and confirming read for this creationist.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    #13 The truth is, the big bang theory proposes that the universe as we see it, started from being a very compact singularity, infinitely compressed matter… In other words, scientists believe the universe came from ’something’.

    Please never — ever — accuse creationists of using circular reasoning! Goodness gracious, that was circular!

    Can you at least try to step it back and explain how the energy/mass of 1,000,000,000,000 GALAXIES came to exist in one “infinitely compressed” little ball?

    Please don’t flame me as anti-big bang. I actually believe in it — not because I can explain it but because science says so.

    For me, it takes less faith to believe in God than to believe all that energy came out of nowhere and existed in one hot-tempered little bundle ‘o fire.

  22. ReligionsAreEvil says:

    My big problem with Creationism is that it always positions itself in defense of the super wealthy and powerful against everyone else. Every scientific position it takes has as its ultimate goal the preservation of rich white men ruling over all. Therefore, global warming = BAD, as dealing with it would force us to reduce purchases of oil, thus reducing the insane wealth of Big Oil fatcats like Lee Raymond and his ilk. Evolution = BAD, as it conflicts with strict Bible belief, which gives rich white men their moral foundation to rule over everyone else. New anti-cancer drugs for teenage girls = BAD, because sex is something only rich white men are allowed to control and enjoy. Creationism and the NeoCons work hand-in-hand to drag America back to the pre-Roosevelt days of fatcats lording over the people, who are nothing more than slaves and/or sheep to be sheared.

  23. Joules Ampere says:

    The creationists posting on this blog seem to believe that the scientist’s views are none-tentative or are stated as such, this is not the case. On the contrary it is the Christian’s views that are posed as something all should accept lest we burn in hell, The asinine Christian arguments must be accepted without evidence for it is not right to question the work of the almighty. I am afraid that Genesis does not make evidentiary readings. T he idea of organic evolution does not have to conflict with belief in god neither does the big bang or any other theory concerning the early universe, the conflict arises when Christians and other religious groups propose to explain how the world came about and how we got here, if anyone puts forward a theory it must be questioned and tested scientists are open to this but creationists are not.

  24. ReligionsAreEvil says:

    And I forgot to mention the Creationists’ most fundamental and SCARY proposition, that we can basically do ANYTHING we want to the planet, rape all its resources, pollute the environment all we want, and nuke the hell out of our enemies (like Iran) and spew radiation everywhere, because Jesus is going to come soon and wave his mighty omnipotent hand over the scorched lands and make everything all better. This gives the NeoCons perfect cover for their own insane plans to gain total power.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Greg,
    For me, it takes less faith to believe that the universe came from a rapidly expanding mass then to believe that “god” snapped his fingers (or however) and just created the universe from nothing.

    While it is very true we don’t know what came before, nor can any religious follower explain where “god” came from. If one can suggest the second has always been, why would it be so difficult to understand the former energy / mass has always been too?

  26. George of the city says:

    [#24 It is all there in the bible look it up. So it must be true. ]

  27. Thorndike says:

    Creationists believe that anything as complex as the human race must have been created by a designer. If that is the case then GOD, who by definition must be FAR more complex than man, must have ALSO been designed. Who designed GOD? God’s God? If so, why don’t you skip over the middleman and worship him instead?

  28. Rob says:

    #28, because the Bible written about God’s God exists in eleven dimensions (as it is written for God’s own kind, not for us), and we’d get an awful headache trying to read it.

  29. Al says:

    JimR “the big bang theory proposes that the universe as we see it, started from being a very compact singularity, infinitely compressed matter”

    “infinitely compressed matter” sounds like “essentially nothing” to me.

    Thats not twisting things.


  30. Simple says:

    #26 Lauren –

    It has been my experience in the “corporate” world that tolerance is a universal requirement. That is, you must tolerate anything that conflicts with your sense of logic, propriety, and ethics. Everyone else has no responsibility for accepting, or even considering, your positions.

    In this paradigm, you must bend to the winds.

    The more I do this, the better off I am.


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