PHOENIX, Arizona — The body of a man who apparently tried to break into an elementary school was discovered Friday in an air conditioning duct on the school’s roof, police said.

The body at Sierra Vista Elementary School was found as a plumber investigated a foul odor noticed by cafeteria staff earlier in the day, said Roosevelt School District Superintendent Mark Dowling.

Authorities think the man tried to climb through the duct, got stuck and died. It wasn’t known how long the body was there.

“Obviously because of the smell, there are indications that he had been there for some time,” said Sgt. Andy Hill, a Phoenix police spokesman.

The man’s name wasn’t released.

I wonder if his family will sue?  I probably should change that to – how much will his family sue for?

  1. TJGeezer says:

    Awful way to go. Doesn’t bear too much thinking about…

  2. TV says:

    From the story: “David Torres, who went to the school at midday to pick up his two sons, said he was surprised to see police and TV helicopters when he arrived.”

    TV helicopters for one dead school burglar? Must be REALLY BORING in Phoenix…

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Size does matter after all…

  4. JimR says:

    He duct when he should have weaved.

  5. joshua says:

    Some people will do anything to get an education.

  6. Erik Blazynski says:

    Aren’t there better places to break into other than a school?


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