Best Country-Rap song I’ve ever heard! (Ok it’s the only Country-Rap song I’ve ever heard!)

  1. rantsh says:

    Funny, yet sick, yet Very funny.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Talk about fetish…

  3. alphgeek says:

    That is so sick. Only 3\4 of those cartoon chicks are remotely f***able.

  4. Les says:

    This is inappropriate for this blog.

  5. Jägermeister says:


    You’re new here, aren’t you?

  6. Humperdinck says:

    He missed Simpsons, Family Guy, and Futurama babes…

  7. hhopper says:

    Har, Har. They bleeped out S.O.B. and left in all the f**ks!

  8. Gasbag says:

    Well there goes my childhood thank alot

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – Well there goes my childhood thank alot

    Its okay. You should have been in school studying grammer, not watching cartoons all day anyway.

  10. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Nasty, but quite funny. (I blew beer up my nose, dammit!)

  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    Go here and see plenty of your childhood critters do a lot of gay sex, but you have to be registered member to see the smut :3

  12. ulric says:

    This looks to be part of a G4’s strategy of trying create viral videos. They got Olvia Munn-as-Princess Leia on AintItCool – score one.

    The lyrics are quite well written on this song. I can’t say it’d recommend the video, though

  13. phil says:

    this guy was in dead and breakfast. very funny

  14. Greybird says:

    If you like the video, support the artist, just my 2c.

  15. Les says:

    #5 I’ve been here a long time, checking daily. And #7 has it right that they bleeped out the wrong words. In my opinion, I just do not think it is appropriate for this area.

  16. chris says:

    He forgort Erin Esurance

  17. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #15 – there are no words that should be bleeped. If you can’t toss an F-bomb at someone, they aren’t worth knowing.

    OFTLO – I think you meant “grammar” – in the context of this highly intellectual thread a person might say something like “If I see me a cartoon bitch who’s hot, I’d like to grammer….” 😉

  18. Ringo says:

    If you haven’t heard it, The Gourds “Gin and Juice” bluegrass/country cover.

    Here’s a homemade youtube video I found for it.

  19. RBG says:

    I’d comment about this but I see the Comment Guidelines don’t allow profanity.


  20. BHK says:

    Daisy Mae from L’il Abner and a schmoo,.


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