This article and interview is over the top at times and it may all be crap, but it does raise some interesting questions. This is all starting to feel like Watergate (I watched all but 3 days of those amazing hearings) with more and deeper things coming out as layers are peeled away.

The Future of America Has Been Stolen

Investigative reporter Greg Palast says 4.5 million votes will be shoplifted in 2008, thanks largely to the “Rove-bots” that have been placed in the Justice Department following the U.S. Attorney firings. Being the guy who uncovered the voter “purge lists” of 2000 that disenfranchised black voters, he’s worth listening to, even if the mainstream press chooses not to.

This time around, he claims to have the 500 emails that the House subpoenaed and Karl Rove claims were deleted forever. They prove definitively, says Palast, that the Justice Department is infested with operatives taking orders from Rove to steal upcoming elections for Republicans and permanently alter the Department.

JD: Let’s move on to former Justice Department counsel (and Regent University graduate) Monica Goodling’s recent testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee, since it’s so fresh…

GP: The blondeling underling of the Police State. The lady was trying to tell us something important, but the dim bulbs of the U.S. press and the committee dolts wouldn’t listen. She began by accusing her bosses of perjury. The issue was her allegation that they knew all about “caging.” And no one asked her one damn question about it. Like what is “caging” and why would they commit perjury to cover it up?
Caging works like this. Hundreds of thousands of Black and Hispanic voters were sent letters — do not forward. Letters returned as undeliverable (”caged”) were used as evidence the voter didn’t live at their registered address. The GOP goons challenged these voters’ right to cast ballots — and their votes were lost.

But whose letters were caged? Here’s where the game turns to deep evil. They targeted Black students on vacation, homeless men — and you’ll love this — Black soldiers sent overseas. They weren’t living at their home voting address because they were shivering under a Humvee in Falluja.

JD: As you put it in regard to election rigging, 2000 was about “purge lists,” 2004 was about “caging,” and 2008 will be about “verification.” Can you briefly explain the difference between these?

GP: Sure. In 2000, I cracked the computer disks (CD-ROMs then) from Katherine Harris’ office showing 56,000 names of voters “purged” from voter rolls as felons who aren’t allowed to vote. In fact, every one — every one — was an innocent voter, though most were guilty of VWB — Voting While Black. That was the 2000 “purge.”

In 2004, it was nearly identical. Except, instead of calling voters “felons,” they called them “suspect” voters, fraudulently using a false voting address. The effect was the same: the voter would lose their registration; or their vote on election day when they showed to vote; or, in the case of soldiers, their absentee ballot would be challenged and tossed.

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    Oddly enough, I’m with MikeN on this. I want Palast’s evidence thoroughly examined if only to ensure:

    1) It wasn’t manufactured by Rove and/or friends to embarrass the Dems when it’s discovered to be fake, at an oddly inconvenient time for the Dems. Odd how quickly these people have admitted something so damaging is ‘real.’

    2) That all avenues surrounding it are investigated to see what other shenanigans have been played by the White House, Justice, et al that nobody has figured out yet. And you know there’s more. There’s always more.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    The Dems just have to learn from Andrew Jackson when an election is stolen steal one back.

    The only problem with that is Democrats have something called integrity. It would have been nice if the Republicans had some. It is quite the cliche, but why do the Republicans hate America so much?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, joshua,

    These people aren’t conservatives, and maybe not really neo-cons …

    They claimed to be conservatives. They asked for and got the conservative vote. They pander to the conservative electorate. They promote conservative ideals. Just because YOU have decided they are not really YOUR interpretation of what a conservative doesn’t mean they are somehow something else. These criminals are conservative.

    If you don’t want to support Bush and criminals then don’t. Just don’t continue to hold your ideals up as something too pure for someone the likes of Bush and criminals. You have supported him before and lost.

  4. joshua says:

    #27 and 29……Some of this stuff has been checked out. There’s lots of inuendo, but, like with all the wild claims against Clinton, no real proof.
    In a case like this, there has to be a truely bipartisan group of members of congress and maybe some states attorney generals, with the power to supena evidence and witnesses and then see where the trail goes. We did this once with Watergate(just congress) and it worked. But politics has to put aside and both sides have to want to find the truth.
    I wasn’t saying it isn’t true. I was just pointing out that the man has an agenda, and that must be kept in mind.

    #32….I really waver between your just being ignorant or your just a political hack with your constant barrage of Republicans are evil crap.
    If you really knew what you were talking about then you would understand that the Democrats have no more integrity when it comes to elections and stealing than the Republicans.
    We don’t even have to go to far back to point out a few of the Democratic party’s blatant stealing. Take the New Jersey Senatorial race to fill Torecelli’s seat. The Democrats didn’t like the rules for the special election(written by them), so they sued in court and wonder of wonders a local Democratic party hack judge ruled in their favor, then the State Supreme court(most of whom are Democrats) overturned the law that had been in place for decades, so that Lautenburg could have the seat. Check out the Missouri senate race between Ashcroft and McClanahan, when Democratic politicians found a local party hack judge to order the polls to stay open in majority black and Democratic precincts, but refused to allow polls in majority Republican precincts that had the same problems to stay open. Then the local St Louis Democratic bosses went out gathering voters in vans to keep the lines full and open. Ashcroft lost by the slimist margin in state history.
    I would have no problem debating you on politics, if you ever, just once didn’t resort to name calling and the verbal bile you call arguements.

  5. cheese says:

    Wait! Wait! Stop the Press! It’s all a big mistake! I’m pretty sure my Mom has the missing e-mails. She denies it, but that’s not stopping me from sending out a press release… what more evidence do I need? They consist of many messages.. She gets a lot of messages. There! I’ve drawn a scientific conclusion. Do I get a grant now?

  6. joshua says:

    #33…..Yep, I supported Bush, I believed the compassionate conservative line. I hoped it was the truth. I was stupid, and young. But I have learned since then. Neither party or ideology has the monopoly on crooks, and power hungry politicians. Shame you haven’t learned that as well.

    When I see someone do what I think is good or helpful, then I will support them, party or politics dosn’t matter. And I will continue to support them until they are proven to be wrong.
    There’s nothing *pure* about politics. But I don’t require you or anyone else to believe the same way I do. I’ll make my arguement for my position and hope I can persuade others to look at things the way I do, but if they don’t……thats their right and it’s not the end of the world to me, and it dosn’t mean I have to hate them for it. Look back over your posts of the last year and tell me if you can say that.

  7. Milo says:

    So let me get this straight joshua. You just typed a small novel in order to say that it should be checked out thoroughly? I hope you don’t complain that you don’t have time to do anything!

  8. joshua says:

    #37…Milo….ok….I am bored and I can’t go out tonight. So you guys get read my new book. 🙂

  9. ArtShu says:

    Here’s a link to the e-mails

  10. ArtShu says:

    And a link to Palast’s website.

  11. TJGeezer says:

    #39 – Hey Joshua, keep posting your novels. You don’t fling hate-labels around like a Freeper, you usually have some facts marshaled in support of your views, you don’t bait others much, and you always make me think. You piss me off sometimes but you always make me think.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    #21 gquaglia

    #17 Ahh Greg, you are so naive! Democrats have historically been the greatest perpetrators of voter fraud. You need not look any further then Louisiana, Mississippi and the history of other deep south states to know what voter fraud and corruption really is.

    “The Democrats are just as bad” is the naive position. It’s easer (or lazier) to just throw up your arms, than to figure out who was the most guilty in the last two presidential elections. (hint: it wasn’t the Democrats)

    What convinced me, the most, is Kennedy’s article about Ohio. It’s a pretty convincing indictment — even if just the statistical evidence.

    As for my supposed naiveté — I’m well aware of what you mentioned and don’t dispute it. But that was then and this is now.

    You’re post got me thinking — when the Dixicrats defected to the Republican party twenty years ago, they famously took their racist politics with them. Your comments made me wonder if they also took their voter fraud with them. I’m going to look into it.

    I don’t hear it discussed much but it sure seems like it.


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