found on Gizmodo by Mr. Justin

  1. tomdennis says:

    Very timely my daughter is due the 1st of the month.

  2. John Paradox says:

    The riddle of the Sphinx, updated:
    What goes on four wheels in the morning, two wheels at noon and three wheels in the evening?


  3. sdf says:

    #1 congrats, hopefully she’ll fit in the handy basket attachment

  4. JIm says:

    Why isn’t the baby on one? they could cut out 2 of the wheels on the baby carriage… or she could just hook it up as a trailer to her segway…

  5. tallwookie says:

    I agree w/ #4, this stroller would work better as a trailer to the segway

  6. st1100pilot says:

    Must be in California, Florida, or Germany. All the crazy people live in those places.

  7. DAve says:

    #6, you left out France, and Texas.

    Others should note that of course this setup is not engineered properly. It was engineered by 1. a woman and 2. a Segway owner. The combination makes decent engineering almost out of the question.

  8. RTaylor says:

    I was getting ready to rent a segway, and the clerk took a look at me and got out a spring scale. It wasn’t for the 100 lb minimum either. 🙁

  9. Erik Blazynski says:

    Uhm… When you lean forward the segway moves forward faster correct? What happens when she leans forward to hold the stroller and the Segway lurches forward and there is an obstacal in the way. CRUNCH. Can they take kids away for stuff like this?

  10. William Walstrom says:

    Oh well, at least she’s not talking on a phone.

  11. Anonymous Coward says:


  12. James Hill says:

    Why not just get the Mexican nanny to do it?

  13. BubbaRay says:

    #2, J/P=? Riddle of the Sphinx, updated

    Nascar driver:
    4 wheels – car on the way to breakfast
    2 wheels – car wheelies on the way to lunch
    3 wheels – car after flat tire from running over that moron on the Segway on the way to dinner


  14. Esben says:

    For goods sake… that’s to stupid… walk your child…

  15. SJP says:

    You guys are being stupid. That is not her “baby” in the stroller…that’s her toddler. Her baby is in the harness hanging around her neck.


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