With the National Guard and everyone else sent to Iraq it’s getting tougher to put a good precision drill team on display at local parades.
Yes, it has indeed come to this. Sigh.
vid produced and sent by Martin Higgins
With the National Guard and everyone else sent to Iraq it’s getting tougher to put a good precision drill team on display at local parades.
Yes, it has indeed come to this. Sigh.
vid produced and sent by Martin Higgins
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Funny vid but surely that fact that this wasnt even in the USA wasnt lost on you John. If so that would be about as lame as a bunch of old fat men pretending to march.
John you’re getting a little ‘British’ with the humor. Lets just say I need a pint of beer after that.
Ha Ha, Hope those guys got a permit from the Minister of Silly Walks.
The scary part is that they were actually pretty good. Almost all were in dead-perfect step and all made a perfect stop & start.
No RBG, what’s scary is that these are the same Brits that used to rule the world.
perfectly in step yes, but not to the music… I assume the music was added later?
#3 – I was also reminded of Python, but I thought they looked like the buffoons. “I got my head stuck in the cabinet!”
This about a country that cant Afford to keep 1% of its people in the military…Hmmm?
Rather pay out Major bucks to the corps to keep the military UP(?) then to pay anyone in the military decent money or even train them properly.
What makes you think this is in England? The pickup trucks and Jeep Cherokees? Or was it some guys walking down the street with the “Hippy Gourmet” sign? As far as I know it was shot in Fairfax, Marin County California.
Could it be that this is Nave’s Bar & Grill “precision” drill team? Seems to make more sense judging by the beer guts. Check out the leading flag. “Nave” can just be made out at the top. Add “Fairfax” to your Google search & voila.
I’m a limey, trust me this is not anywhere in the UK, first off the road markings are completely wrong, its not raining, and can anyone see 25 CCTV cameras? no 🙂
But honestly, this is not filmed in the UK.
… looks more like the Hillary Clinton Brigade!!!
You all misidentified the group.
This is actually the US Army Boot Camp graduating class of week 3 of April 2007.
As you all know, the US military has been slowly downgrading entry standards in order to meet recruitment goals.
They have completed their training, and are now scheduled to depart for Iraq next Tuesday, ready to train the Iraqi army. They will be ready by being taught 12 Iraqi words on the flight over.
(Don’t smirk… grandmothers are being called back into active duty,)
Wherever they’re from, I thought they did an admirable job and I will sleep better tonight knowing our enduring freedom warriors will continue to attack terrorism wherever it may be found.
I don’t get it…
It’s good to see that the left doesn’t plan to cut military spending too much after ’08.
I was hoping an IED would go off or something…
I’m with you. I don’t get it.
Unless they hire announcers with american accents for parades in England I’d say it was in the US.
“But honestly, this is not filmed in the UK.”
It wasn’t “filmed” anywhere. Practically nothing is “filmed” any more. It was videotaped.
(This is one of my pet peeves.)
Might want to let “Jerry Bruckheimer Films” http://www.jbfilms.com/ (Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, Blackhawk Down, Pirates Of The Caribbean) and “BMW Films” http://www.imdb.com/company/co0004108/ know about that as Hollywood switches to 4K digital production and projection.
And soon, nothing is going to be videotaped anymore as cell phones, digital still cameras, consumer and professional video cameras (Viper, Genesis, Red, etc.) alike all go solid state (P2, Compact Flash, other RAM cards) or utilize hard drives or Blu-Ray DVD-like discs.)
Do we call those videotaped? No. Then will we call it hard-drived? P2ed? Compact Flashed? Rammed? Blu-Rayed? Certainly “videoed.” But I seriously doubt the Hollywood elite would ever be able to bring themselves to utter such a word in connection to their hallowed endeavors. It will be called, generically, “filmed” (like the company examples above)… similar to how we say “I just ‘dialed’ your phone number.”
Hopper…get over it. If we are going to be sticklers then what are we going to use for terminology when things are all saved directly to silicon memory? Seriously? What?
The only good term will be “captured,” but that term is non-specific and confusing in some sentence structures. I think filmed works long term since it cannot be misconstrued
Dialed works too. .
“Captured?” That’s a term from the olden days of video production. Like last year. “Captured” has actually and totally unnecessarily and certainly pretentiously been replaced by the word “ingested” when referring to the process of digitizing tape or loading camera original media into an edit system.