
In New York City, you can go to the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in midtown 24 hours a day, seven days a week and browse the Web from the Macs on display. But due to a new Apple regulation, you can no longer access MySpace.com.

An Apple Store employee (who does not work in the Fifth Avenue store), confirmed to CNET News.com that this has been an ongoing problem. “MySpace is a big issue for the Apple stores because people come in, Photobooth themselves (using Macs’ built-in webcams), then stick their picture up on their MySpace account and loiter at machines for hours,” the source said in an e-mail. “It is especially troublesome at the flagships and high-volume stores, and for a while there was no official word on how to deal with it.”

Heavy MySpace use was simply getting in the way of business. And with the impending launch of the iPhone, perhaps the most hyped Apple product yet, store traffic could reach a fever pitch.

    Seems that morons always abuse a good thing.

  1. bill says:

    I wonder how many PC ‘stores’ have this problem….

    Howbout NOT!

  2. Joe says:

    don’t worry, some douchebag will come along and sue Apple saying they violated his constitutional rights to free speech by blocking access to Myspace on the store computers.

    the average person is intelligent,

    its the public that’s dumb.

  3. ChrisMac says:

    Morons? In an Apple Retail store?!?


  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – No Joe, the average person is in fact rather dumb too.

    I was going to write a rant here about how Apple was pro-censorship, how my rights were violated and all that… But I thought better of it because naturally a lot of readers wouldn’t get the joke.

  5. Improbus says:

    Just use sarcasm tags.

  6. Joel C. says:

    I have finally found a common ground with Apple! I could care less how many colors my ipod comes in. I could care less about a computer that is shaped like a dodecahedron, but is impossible to upgrade. However, I do hate Myspace. Bravo, Apple, bravo.

  7. jos says:

    wow, thats kinda crazy but myspace is totally 2006 anyway … i hope more places start banning it

  8. John Henri Allyn says:

    I don’t blame them

    Used to go to an internet cafe, one guy gets on myspace and everyone else starts lagging

    Its a huge bandwidth hog

  9. Jägermeister says:

    An Apple Store employee (who does not work in the Fifth Avenue store and whose name isn’t Bob Smith), confirmed to CNET News.com that this has been an ongoing problem.

  10. oil of dog says:

    Never underestimate the power of a large group of stupid people!!

  11. Podesta says:

    Gee! I just left the Apple Store.* There was a quartet of cute little skater boys there. Hope their hearts aren’t broken because they couldn’t browse MySpace.

    *Haven’t been able to transfer my calendar from my PowerBook G4 to my new core duo MacBook Pro. The Genius said moving the user folder no longer works for that because the calendar files are now more deeply embedded in the system.

  12. James Hill says:

    #7 – Hate to break it to you, but MySpace users were losers last year, too.

    #11 – There should be a transfer option you can use to bring setting over to your new Mac from an old Mac.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    You mean you can actually ferment in front of one of these macs at the store for FREE?!

    Wow, that’s unusual coming from a company that charges plenty of $$$ just for looking at your mac.

  14. JoaoPT says:

    For me going to an Apple Store is like going to sushi bar.

    U figure out the rest

  15. Wood says:

    The idea of the Iphone is great and all and Im sure that it will be a great phone. But, mark my words. A video ipod of the same design and a lot bigger hard drive will be out by september or october. A Video Ipod of 80 to 120 GB will be released by apple for the holiday season. The only reason to sell the iphone first is because it has less popular idea to sell the serivice of a mobile phone with your IPOD. Wouldnt you just buy an video Ipod for 300 or 400 dollars with a 5 inch screen and have wide screen mode and no buttons, Just a touch screen. We have all seen this product too. Remember G4 tv spoffed the world with is little made up video ipod last year. Wait for this christmas season and you will see a Video Ipod on shelves.


  16. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Let me just pop in here a sec to remind iPhone fans (and detractors) of my solemn prediction that the iPhone is going to, within, say, a year from launch, run full duplex iChat or equivalent, making it the first mobile picturephone.

    See ya back here this time next year, when I’ll be gloating, “told ya so!”

  17. ChrisMac says:

    I’d be happy if was out now.. and hackable

    erm. nevermind


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