Macworld – Wednesday, 23 May 2007:

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has stated that Al Gore, an Apple board member and former US vice-president, would win the presidency if he ran for election.

If he ran, there’s no question in my mind that he would be elected,” Jobs told Time magazine. “But I think there’s a question in his mind, perhaps because the pain of the last election runs a lot deeper than he lets most of us see.”

Gore is known to be the Silicon Valley favourite for running for president on the Democratic ticket. Other Democratic hopefuls, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, don’t seem to have captured the level of support among America’s tech-industry elite.

Despite popular support, Gore maintains he has no plans to run for president.

  1. Chris Gregg says:

    I think he could very well win if he kept up the (relatively) animated personality he seems to have acquired in the last six years, and if he found good advisors that would keep him on track. When he ran in 2000, I though he was arrogant and standoffish (much like I perceive Hillary Clinton to be now), but I’ve come around to his personality and I think he’d probably make a good President. We’ll see…

  2. Chris Gregg says:

    I posted twice because –put answer here —

  3. mark says:

    Our first iPresident, oh goody.

  4. edwinrogers says:

    Steve, for Postmaster General!

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Gore is an interesting candidate. He also has far more intelligence then any of the Republican ticket. He was one of the firsts to decry the Iraq cesspool.

    The way it looks to me, if a candidate like Gore, Obama, or Clinton are so hated by the Republicans then they must be doing something right.

    I wait for TheGlobalLoser to show his wit. Ah, what the heck, I’m going to bed instead.

  6. MacBandit says:

    Uhhh no thanks. As John put it anyone with a desk like his should NOT be president. Besides he’s become and actor not a real person a figure head a brainless pawn. Sounds like someone we already have for president.

  7. Bryan Carney says:

    Al Gore/Ron Paul
    Al Gore/Bill Richardson
    Al Gore/Rudy Giulianni
    Al Gore/Fred Thompson

    Are tickets I’d be excited about.

  8. Brian says:

    Why would anyone want Guliani in any position of power? It was under his watch as mayor NY that the city was attacked and had no provisions in place to combat these attacks. He’s the *last* person (besides the current moron in place) to be president.

    Gore at least has the intelligence to hold the job and to speak eloquently, has an education, is well versed in a variety of fronts, and knows that foreign affairs are actually important (all things our current president lacks).

    Throw in his experience as VP and I say he’s among the most qualified to hold the job.

  9. Podesta says:

    Mr. Fusion said:

    “He also has far more intelligence then any of the Republican ticket.”

    Thus proving that there is still someone naive enough to believe American politics is about intelligence.

    I would consider supporting Gore if he ran, but I also think he is very vulnerable to being Swift Boated. If those people could convince many voters that a Vietnam War hero lied about his medals then they can convince them global warning is made up. They already have to an extent.

    For now, I favor Obama, with Edwards in second place, though I think he will drop out of the race.

    Note to Mr. Fusion: See my reply on the firefighter exam thread.

  10. Al Gore/Wes Clark = unbeatable AND it would be the best America can do for our future. Run Al, Run!!

  11. ChrisMac says:

    Did Canada just change its vote?

    Hard to tell..

  12. Brian says:

    pedro are you for real?

    It’s hypocritical for Guliani to talk about a vote for a Democrat in 2008 is a vote for a terrorist attack here. He did nothing to prepare his city for a terrorist attack, even through most if not all intel pointed to NY being the #1 target.

  13. Guy says:

    At this point, I’d prefer pretty much anybody over Bush or Cheney or any of their cronies.

    Schwartzenegger? Fine… Jesse Ventura? Sure, at least he doesn’t talk out of his ass…

  14. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Let’s see;

    He was elected President already, in 2000. With the behind-the-scenes help of Bush familiy consigliere James Baker III, the Deciderator stole the election, but that doesn’t change the fact that more Americans cast their vote for Gore than the mouth-breathing “Decider.”

    Virtually all the people who voted Gore would do so again – and they would be joined by millions of former Bushites who’ve realized what a disasterous mistake they made…2

    I suspect he’s acting coy for now and letting the current crop of contenders beat each other to senseless pulps before he throws his hat back into the ring.

  15. I agree he was already elected and has done a crummy job. IN fact he never even goes to work.

  16. Johnny says:

    “Why would anyone want Guliani in any position of power? It was under his watch as mayor NY that the city was attacked and had no provisions in place to combat these attacks. He’s the *last* person (besides the current moron in place) to be president.”

    When we were attacked by Al Quida during the Clinton Administration does Gore share any blame for that?

    When the troop levels were lowered from 1000000 to 400000 thousand does Gore share any blame for that?

    When the Clinton administration said Iraq had WMD and bombed them does all Gore get any blame for that?

    So was Al Gore against Clintons foreign policy all those years?

    “Gore at least has the intelligence to hold the job and to speak eloquently, has an education, is well versed in a variety of fronts, and knows that foreign affairs are actually important (all things our current president lacks).”

    George Bush got better Grades in College and graduated. Gore flunked out of Divinity school and Law.

    “Throw in his experience as VP and I say he’s among the most qualified to hold the job.”

    You have demonstrated incredibly well how stupid liberals are, Congratulations. You will either reply with a false claim that I made my comments up (I didn’t, they are all true and well known) or you will get a sex change to find yourself and then burn your bra.

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    17, grades mean nothing. Regardless their views, if you can’t see the huge intelligence and leadership gap between the two, give my sympathies to your family. Bush was picked from obscurity by Rove because he had a name, little political history, and had no brain of his own (he’s do what they told him).

    Virtually all the people who voted Gore would do so again – and they would be joined by millions of former Bushites

    All he needs are the Nader buttheadsvoters and it’s a win.

  18. GregAllen says:

    Rarely does my first choice for president get to be in the general election, put that happened in 2000.

    I think Gore would make a really good president. His experience in two branches in government and his work in smaller government, technology and environment has been impressive.

    His biggest downside, of course, is his wooden public persona.

    Well, I, for one, am sick of “folksy charm” when it masks total incompetence.

  19. Odyssey67 says:

    Allow me to make a prediction:

    Al Gore will run. And he will win, just like before, but with the closest thing to a landslide that we’ve seen in this country since Reagan. Obama will be his running mate and Hillary will become Senate Majority Leader (which is where she should have staked her claim all along). And none of it will matter one iota.


    Because another attack will occur on American Soil sometime before the inauguration. Or the Middle East War will escalate – probably due to an attack on Iran by us – to biblical proportions. Or, probably, both. And then Bush – or Cheney if the attack at home is an assassination of Bush himself – will declare martial law, and the United States of America as we have known and loved it will cease to exist. We will have re-trod the path of Ancient Rome at a sprint, from republic to empire, all for the pursuit of power and hubris. However, unlike Rome, we won’t last long as we are already a financially bankrupt, resource poor, manufacturing weakling, without a real friend left in the world. And it is the rest of that world that will take us down, probably with China at the head of a New Coalition of the Willing.

    I’ll be an old man by then, God willing, and I’ll tell the stories of how great we once were – of the Founding Fathers, of Lincoln, of TR and FDR and, yes, even JFK. How we were a beacon of moral goodness and intellectual rationality once, and came ohsoclose to proving that we were just about as fine as we thought we were, with the world cheering us the whole way. And then I’ll tell how, in the span of two generations, we pissed it all away, by allowing ourselves to be convinced by the basest among us that none of that sentimental drivel mattered; not once we became the biggest & most powerful kid on the block. Not after 9/11. I’ll tell how we were told we were entitled and we believed it. That it was all lost by the Boomers, and their addled progeny who learned all too well their parents’ ‘Me First/Right Now’ Hobbsian lessons on life, who both forgot what built us into that powerhouse in the first place. I’ll probably be living off dog food of course, as most of us will once the whole thing comes down, but I’ll still tell the stories. It’ll be the only way to give the new generations here any sense of hope at all.

    Make no mistake – Gore is the best chance at true leadership we have right now: He’s smart (no one can question that), can assess the threats – the real ones – that we face (his record on the environment, terrorism, and public positions on Iraq bear that out), as well as the opportunities we should capitalize on (he WAS the driving legislating force behind the creation of the Internet, and renewable energy IS the future), and has the experience and ability to deal with them (Gore was in charge of Clinton’s ‘Shrink Government’ initiative, and to this day is the only politician that has ever actually done it). And, I think, has learned some lessons in humility and who his real friends are since the 2000 debacle. He’ll be the first man to win the presidency in 100 years who wasn’t bought lock stock & barrel before he ever set foot in the Oval Office. In short, he’s as good as we’re going to get a chance to pick for a good long while.

    But the Powers that we’ve let subvert this country will do anything they can to keep a guy like him from taking back what they’ve been stealing from ALL of us for the last 40-50 years. It’s those Powers – along with their religio-conservative footsoldiers – that have been leading us around by our self-absorbed noses for decades; preying on every human vice and fear, taking a national tragedy and using it to cleave away our liberties and sacrificing our children in the sands of a foreign land, all so they could finally possess the source of their power without messy democratic/nationalistic movements or unpredictable client-dictators getting in their way.

    I’ll vote for Al Gore, because to not vote for him would be to prove that we Americans are as stupid and blind and hate-filled as most of the world is convinced we are. And after I do I’m going to sharpen my pen, pray to my God, and clean my gun, as I wait for the almost certain backlash. And then I’m going to defend what’s left of this great country with everything I have, as best I can.

    Though that’s just a prediction.

  20. dwright says:

    You guys still believe in this stuff.
    Give me back the good old days of silent Cal.

  21. MikeN says:

    #16 nice. But he just does all his work from home in his office with 90 inches of monitor. It produces less emissions than flying in on a jet. Not sure why he doesn’t do that for his global warming speaking gigs though.

  22. MikeN says:

    What was Giuliani supposed to do? The NYC budget isn’t big enough for anti-aircraft stations, plus I don’t think mayors are supposed to build their own army, unless their name is Daley.

  23. MikeN says:

    Anyone remember that Gore was in charge of the commission to review aircraft safety after the TWA bombing(that was the word used by John Kerry)?

  24. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #5 – 😉

    Why bother. Algore is the Pope of the Global Warming (TM) religion. You can’t argue religion with someone.

    You guys whine and whine about Bush, but want to let this idiot micromanage your entire lifestyle. I honestly don’t get it. Live well while you can – if Algore gets in everything worthwhile is soon to be over.

    My opposition to Algore comes purely from love for America (as it is now), the greatest nation that has ever existed.

  25. Raineer says:

    “Gore is known to be the Silicon Valley favourite for running for president on the Democratic ticket.”

    Glad to know Silicon Valley is all that matters to the country

  26. Gig says:

    I always knew Woz was the smarter one on the team.

  27. Mark Derail says:

    TheGlobalWarmer Al Gore will support your driving everywhere on the planet for your pleasure, using non-gas non-diesel monster 4×4, 26″ wheels. A pickup with a hydraulic loading ramp.

    So your vote is safe with him. You can trust me on this one 🙂

    // Chevy Pickup, H fuel cells + biodiesel + generator under hood
    // Four Mitsubishi In-wheel motors (MIEV)
    // 4×4 goodness, unsurpassed torque
    // just a simple retro-fit !

    [pls. use – ed.]

  28. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #28 – And it’s purchase price and operating cost is no more than current trucks? (Does sound like a trick truck.)

    Can I leave the CFL’s on the store shelves too? 😉

  29. CanadianGuy says:

    Clearly Americans don’t get it. It doesn’t matter who gets elected for president, they are all in the pockets of big business. Until political contributions are capped (in Canada it is $1000 for each person and $0 for business, unions etc.) politicians will continue to bend over for these massive amounts of money in favour of doing what makes the most common sense.

    Apart from that, only having a choice between two candidates is no choice at all.

  30. Bob says:

    Typical Steve Jobs, can’t imagine anyone not thinking like he does.


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