Macworld – Wednesday, 23 May 2007:

Apple CEO Steve Jobs has stated that Al Gore, an Apple board member and former US vice-president, would win the presidency if he ran for election.

If he ran, there’s no question in my mind that he would be elected,” Jobs told Time magazine. “But I think there’s a question in his mind, perhaps because the pain of the last election runs a lot deeper than he lets most of us see.”

Gore is known to be the Silicon Valley favourite for running for president on the Democratic ticket. Other Democratic hopefuls, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, don’t seem to have captured the level of support among America’s tech-industry elite.

Despite popular support, Gore maintains he has no plans to run for president.

  1. MikeN says:

    Actually Gore won’t support such a thing. It’s all about forcing changes in people’s lives.

  2. TJGeezer says:

    #20 – Odyssey67 – Hope you’re wrong about the lying reich-wing’s response to a Gore win, though given the kind of crap they pulled to steal the 2004 election, nothing’s out of the question with them. But I suspect another concerted attempt at election theft is more likely. Given Greg Palast’s revelations this morning about new Bushie US Attorney Ken Griffin and voter disenfranchisement, who’s gonna prosecute for the crime? The Dept of Justice is more corrupted than even you suspect.

    Palast’s email trail to Rove in the federal attorney firings is at if anyone’s interested.

    Meantime, Halliburton’s scurrying under a new rock in Dubai to avoid questions – would they do that if their paid man Cheney expected to pull off the kind of raw power-grab you describe? I doubt it. Maybe Consigliere Baker wouldn’t approve.

    But I do think I’ll stay in Mexico and watch it from outside. With the usual morons mistaking the growing center-to-left anger for “liberal” whining, and knowing that not a few people feel just as you do, I’d rather watch the mess develop from outside than participate in it.

  3. joshua says:

    #30….CanadianGuy….oh yeah…we SHOULD adopt your system. Look at all the truly high quality politicians you have running the place. Damn, I’m jealous. (/sarcasm/)

  4. mark says:

    33. Geezer- Yeah I’m interested, and everybody else here should be too. Thanks much for the link. And #20 Odyssey67, very nicely written and heartfelt piece, I feel the exact same way with one exception, I cant really support Gore, am leaning towards Dr. Paul, but what you wrote was thought provoking.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Well, I’m convinced. How about voting for Ron Paul?

  6. James Hill says:

    Liberals are so cute. They think the Gore storyline still has traction.

  7. BertDawg says:

    I find myself wondering why he couldn’t even carry his own state in 2000.
    Then he opens his mouth and things become clearer.


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