This person comes very close to buying the big one.

  1. venom monger says:

    Those zany russians.

  2. Peter Garner says:

    Is that a Spitfire?

  3. JoaoPT says:

    P51 Mustang with glass top canopy.

  4. GotoDengo says:

    Was that an intentional stunt or a near-death experience?

  5. mark says:

    Bubba, you’ll hate me for this one, but I think airshows should be outlawed, these guys take way too many chances with themselves and the audience.

  6. Hoggie4th says:

    Ground Effect saved this guy’s ass!

  7. venom monger says:

    P51 Mustang with glass top canopy.

    Look at the tail. P-51’s have a squared-off tail and wings.

    It’s actually a YAK-9. Russian.

  8. John Paradox says:

    It isn’t an air show until somebody crashes.


  9. Flyboi says:

    I love how the guy on the PA system paused for a second — he probably hit ‘mute’ on the mic before saying, “Holy sh….”

    On the same note, I’m thinking the pilots reaction at that moment would remind us of the old Bill Cosby joke: “First you say it, then you do it!”

  10. BubbaRay says:

    5, mark, I think it’s safer than driving next to someone shaving and texting, at least these pilots are pros. Pylon racing isn’t that common anymore, I think there’s still a championship series in Reno. Talk about some dangerous flying !!

  11. RBG says:

    Trivia: I’m pretty sure those are the Canadian Snow Birds’ Tudors parked in front.


  12. mark says:

    10. Didnt one of the Blue Angels crash into a suburb house just a few weeks ago? Think of the Children!!!

    Ha ha.

  13. JoaoPT says:

    You might be right…on the final tonneau you can see clearly the shape of the wings and these are not P51…

  14. tallwookie says:

    Was that a near hit or a near miss?

  15. Ken in Berkeley says:

    Damn that was close!!!

  16. Miguel says:

    #5, I *kinda* agree with you on this one. I’m a big fan of planes of all kinds, and I enjoy air shows.

    But there are stunts that are unnecessarily dangerous, and should be banned, or at least regulated to reduce unnecessary risk.

    And I include in those some maneuvers by top aerobatic squads as the Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels. Some things they do don’t leave much margin for error.

    One might argue that’s what makes the show thrilling, but I disagree – I think what matters the most is the display of sheer power, speed and pilot skill. No need to risk lives. Accidents will always happen, but it’s not necessary to risk your neck just for some kids who will forget everything in a few hours. No need to push luck, so to speak.

    Just my opinion, of course.

  17. soundwash says:

    i’d bet my morning coffee the pilot had to change his shorts after that…

    as for banning.. why? that’ll just cause more idiotic bans..

    have everyone who shows up sign an accident/lawsuit waver and dont allow any lawyers to go to airshows.. problem solved..

    anyone who thinks there is no risk at events like this is living under a rock..

    what is life without risk?

  18. joshua says:

    #17….soundwash….boring….but much longer!!! 🙂

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Close counts in Horse Shoes, Hand Grenades, and a close shave. That doesn’t count.

  20. BubbaRay says:

    #6 – Ground Effect saved this guy’s ass!
    Comment by Hoggie4th — 5/24/2007 @ 6:31 am

    Sorry I missed this comment in my first pass, but it’s exactly correct. Wish I had a Pitts Special with those symmetric airfoils.

  21. Rich says:

    Familiar looking craft. A P-39 Aerocobra maybe?


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