Even if the cobra never strikes (we’re told it doesn’t) there is something sick about this sort of “fun.”
Incredibly Disturbing Video from India Shows Baby Playing with Cobra While Adults Laugh
By John C Dvorak Thursday May 24, 2007
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[double post -.ed]
Why has this stupid video been posted again?
The snake is defanged, there is no risk.
I think it’s cool, I’d let my little one touch a defanged Cobra. What can a snake with no fangs do?
Ya bunch of stiffs!
I lived in India for two years as a kid. This is an odd rite of passage. The snake’s mouth is sewn shut and the teeth are removed. There is no danger except I suppose if the snake hit him in the eye and bruised it or something. Cobras are common there, and he may have been from a charmer family.
The caste system and some of their weird beliefs are probably a lot more damaging to this kid’s future.
It would make sense to have developed a different attitude towards snakes given that they’re more common there, no?
I feel more sorry for the snake be subjected to that. The baby grabs it and its obviously annoyed and in discomfort
The cobra in the vid has had its mouth sewn shut (poor thing) as Dan says.
Personally I’d have preferred to see the damn parents gets their orifices sewn shut so they can’t do this type of sick s**t ever again!
#6 I agree.
What is exotic and frightening to one group is normal and familiar to another. I have a Virginia state park in my backyard and have seen virtually every type of local wildlife imaginable from my back deck. A black bear took my neighbor’s trash into the woods once. (We wish he would come back weekly!) Coyotes are running around at night. You can hear them howl. I saw pictures of mountain lion tracks taken within a couple of hundred yards of my place.
Once, a snake curled up under a shirt that was on the sink counter in my bathroom. We brought it outside. I must admit, having grown up overseas, I always shake my shoes out and shake out my shirts and pants before putting them on and lift up my covers and pillow for a look before getting into bed.
I think a lot of our fear comes from the movies. We grew up thinking tarantulas and scorpions would kill you. In truth, healthy adults would be hard-pressed to die from an encounter from either, although if I had to choose, I’d rather be bitten by a tarantula.
why exactly is this disturbing?
did you grow up in india?
Hi John,
I lived in India for 10 years. The middle class neighbourhood outside of Bangalore where I had my house was infested with cobras – I’d often find them sleeping on my front doorstep in the morning. Vemonous, yes, but a afraid of people, and they would quickly slither away as soon as they saw me.
The cobra in the video is a pet – defanged and harmless. There are millions of pet cobras like this in India. What may seem sick and disturbing to you is just another kid playing with “Fluffy.”
Wasn’t this videp posted a few weeks ago?
Why is this crap back again? Please John – just get over it and pull it down forever.
given, that Bats, snakes, are considered EVIL…
Look at all the good they DO….
Mice, rats, mosquitoes, Flying insects….
This is as bad as thinking CATS are evil…and look to the PAST what happened…PLAGUE…
This is the 3rd time this has been posts…GET OFF it..
The snake obviously is not tame and feels very threatened in this situation hence why it strikes out several times. (even though defanged) so why the hell is it being kept as a pet?
The snake should be respected for the dangerous reptile that it is. Not used as a toy by a child.
It annoys me that people think they can modify animals in this way just for their entertainment. It’s Thoughlesss and wrong.
So the kid grows up thinking playing with a fanged cobra is OK too, nice. And they do spit venom into the eyes. But sewing their mouths shut to prevent this, great.
#15 – The snake obviously is not tame
Because its a snake. There is no such thing as a tame snake.
#12 – Sure was: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/?p=11342
population control
plus, it WAS funny
Snakes are pets in India just like dogs and cats are pets in America.
Most American dogs and cats are “fixed” just like the cobra in the vid is!!!
If it is so sick, why have it on the site and guiltily serving it for others to see. How are you different from the “adults who laugh?”
I think it’s great. We should have that kind of population control over here. I think they should sew the babys mouth shut and let the cobra do his thing.
This is obviously why indians are restricted from entering Western countries!! Oh yeah and do we still stone people when they are unfaithful… you primates!!
Given that cobras are common in India-perhaps it is unwise to lead a child to think that messing with them-grabbing, poking, pursuing etc has no consequences and makes adults laugh. The next snake this baby plays with may not be defanged nor have it’s mouth sewn shut. I’d rather my young child learns to be wary and respectful rather than treat dangerous animals or any animal as a plaything that gets the reward of parental laughter if they harass it. Foolish, unthinking, and irresponsible behavior on the part of the adults.
Someone stop the insanity! This is not entertaining and shouldn’t be considered so by anyone, including the laughing parents. This baby now thinks it’s ok to play with snakes. So, what about the next snake this kid comes into contact with? Is it’s mouth going to be sewn shut and it’s fangs removed too? And speaking of, yes, we have pets like dogs and cats that are “fixed.” But they can still eat! Something important to survival. Kinda hard to eat if your mouth is sewn shut! Very cruel in my opinion. I don’t think posting something and getting opinions makes you just as sick and demented as the laughing parents. That’s just not logical. And is someone forcing you to watch this video? I mean, c’mon, if you think it’s stupid, don’t play it. What’s the harm with other people getting a chance to view it? The world doesn’t revolve soley around you, so you get over it.