KILLER DIES A RAIDER FAN Reuters – Latest News | Top Stories | News Articles — This is the most ridiculous thing ever. On the Jim Rome radio show there was a topper to this craziness. A guy wrote in to say, “As a Raider fan I can tell you that this guy is taking the easy way out.” Ouch!

PHOENIX – Arizona executed a man by lethal injection yesterday for the 1987 murder of a camper.

Robert Charles Comer, 50, convicted of the murder of Larry Pritchard, was put to death at 10 a.m. at the Arizona State Prison complex in Florence.

When asked if he had any last words, witnesses reported that Comer smiled and said, “Yes. Go, Raiders!” referring to the NFL Oakland Raiders.

  1. Joel Price says:

    Gives new meaning to the phrase die hard fan.

  2. Tom says:

    Good One!

    But anyway, wow, that is pretty harsh. I guess he was a fan to the end

  3. Jägermeister says:


    Oh, he’s dead alright… 😉

  4. ChrisMac says:

    Just another typical Raiders fan..

    Nothing to see here.. move along

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is the most ridiculous thing ever.

    Then why give it any space? The guy got the ultimate sentence, I don’t think a soapbox, no matter how weird, should have come with it.

  6. MikeN says:

    How do they know he was talking about the Oakland Raiders? Maybe that was a signal to some coconspirators.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Mike,

    Hhmmm, didn’t think of that angle.

  8. #5 — It was the most ridiculous thing ever and your retort is “then why give it any space?” Have you paid ZERO attention to what this blog is about or what?



  9. K B says:

    I like MikeN’s take (#6).

  10. Fred Flint says:

    I hope Lucifer is a Raider’s fan or eternity for this guy could be pretty nasty. Oops! I suppose that’s pretty much guaranteed already.

    In any case, in Hell the Dallas Cowboys probably win the Super Bowl every year, although I won’t be surprised if I find Bill Belichick with horns when I get there myself.

  11. undissembled says:

    You guys are missing the worst part of the story.. 19 F’n years on death row. What a joke.

    We need a new law. After 5 years, if you are still on death row, you get the firing squad.

  12. Satan says:

    #10 – I’m an Arsenal fan… I like real football

  13. faustus says:

    real football?!?!?! you mean gay football… not that there’s anything wrong with that….

  14. Fred Flint says:

    #12 – Dear Satan,

    Now that’s not something I type every day….

    Thanks for the warning. I should have known there wouldn’t be anything interesting or exciting in Hell 😉 It’s so obvious, I should have figured it out myself.

    I still think Belichik will be there, in spite of last season.

  15. RBG says:

    So you see, there’s really nothing wrong with capital punishment that a good attitude can’t fix.


  16. tallwookie says:

    when i first glanced over this i thought it was refering to a raider’s fan killed by a lynch mob at a game… that would have been cooler

  17. Satan says:

    #13 – actually, I like really gay football… 😉

    #14 – 🙂 Hell is awesome!! well, if you like darts, really gay football, good beer, and cowboy hats… hey, it doesn’t have to make sense. It’s my lair of torture dammit, and I can make it however I like!

    But it is a well planned lair of torture. I keep all the real jackasses in cages away from everyone else – and they don’t get beer, darts, really gay football, and definitely no cowboy hats… I wouldn’t allow such an abomination as jackasses being allowed to wear cowboy hats. (remember, before you make any Southern=Jackass comments, I may very well see you one day… and it will be a cage for you!!) Instead, they are fed tofu and made to listen to Brittney Spears over and over.


  18. Satan says:

    #16 – that would have been much funnier… messier, too, I’m sure.

    Oh, and I suppose cowboy hats are more Western than Southern… but I like them better than ratty old baseball caps….

  19. Mazinger says:

    So after all the damn airplay that Britney had, I still _have_ to hear her in hell? Man I thought thats was evil enough…

  20. Satan says:

    #19 – Only if you’re a certain type of jackass. If you’re just damned like everyone else, you’ll get beer, darts, gay football, and a cowboy hat. This might be a good time to get in good with your future landlord. 😉


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