If you think that waterboarding a person is not torture, you really must be kidding yourself. This video gives a demonstration of the ‘method’. It can be very upsetting to watch, so think it carefully before playing the video.

  1. David Kerman says:

    @ nick

    I’m losing more and more respect for you with each post.

    A large amount of the people currently being held and tortured have never done anything that would hurt this country or associated themselves with anyone that would hurt this country.

    A large amount of them were picked up in pakistan because there was a bountry on turning in “terrorists”

    Again, the only way to determine whether or not they have associated with terrorists or done anything to hurt this country is to present evidence.

    You seem to feel you deserve a fair trial, why do others deserve less?

  2. Named says:


    I like Americans like you… brainless. You fulfill the stereotype perfectly in the same way you have your stereotypes of “those” people. I do like how you used two famous black men for your demonstration of how reasonable and logical you are. You’re a racist. Deal with it.

    That said, please stop digging up the 2800 people that died in NY to justify your hatred, xenophobia and racism. You’re not doing them any favours. Yeah, that’s F-A-V-O-U-R-S!

    As for OJ… Has anyone ever tried to put a screaming kid into a stroller when they’re fighting back? Now, imagine trying to murder two adults by yourself with a knife when your only life skill is football. Unless they were standing in line holding numbers, it ain’t going to happen. I don’t believe he did it alone. Whether he did it or not is another matter entirely.

  3. ArianeB says:

    “no one has had there head cut off!”, and yet there have been torture victims, most likely innocent victims, in both Gitmo and Abu Ghirab who have died under our care.

    Ah forget it Nick, you are totally driven by emotions like a little baby, so there is no sense explaining any logical argument to you.

  4. Bigby Wolf says:


    “Only” 64000 civilians have been killed during the Iraq(2) war and subsequent occupation (http://www.iraqbodycount.org/). I bet they deserved it too?

  5. Stephen Blois says:

    Sigh… This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a gurgle.

  6. grog says:

    come on people — don’t you realize what’s happening here?

    by letting the media air this shit, the right is just getting the public used to the idea of torture, so that when they go to apply it in american criminal investigations it will be accepted.


    america will be a totalitarian state in less than 10 years — mark my words.

  7. Mike says:

    #2, that’s because it is an ‘Interrogation technique.’ Whether you also call it torture or not is a matter of personal opinion.

  8. grog says:

    oh, and by the way — if it was a member of your family detained, tortured and then released by the united states government, do you really expect me to believe that you will be thankful for the clerical error that put your uncle bob on the terrorist watch list?

    you gonna be all gung-ho then?


    what will you say when they come for you?

  9. Bigby Wolf says:


    Ah, a man (woman?) after my own heart – paranoid 😉

    I watch the developments in the US from outside, which, I believe, sometimes provides a better picture and I’d agree with you.

    However, a truly totalitarian state would have to impose gun control laws. That’s the cue to be looking for.

  10. natefrog says:

    @30) Let’s see, when you exaggerate by a factor of 33%, yes, “ONLY” is an appropriate restrictive word.

    Out of curiosity, how do you figure I’m a foreigner? Any proof at all? What? No proof whatsoever? That’s incredible! How can one make such bold statements without having any proof to back up their claims? Amazing!

  11. J says:


    You are off on so many things.

    First off it was not 4000 people. The actual number is unknown but is estimated at around 3000.

    Second in post 16 you said “You love that ‘all are innocent until proven guilty’, don’t you?” My answer to you is YOUR GOD DAM
    RIGHT I DO!!!! I don’t know what government ideals you subscribe to but I go by the U.S. Constitution. How un American of you.

    Third in post #23 you said “If “these’ people had something to do with it, or the potential to have something to do with it, or know someone who had something to do with it …… then let them drink some water. ”

    If ridiculousness of this comment is obvious to you then maybe you should move to another country. Maybe China! They use that
    same type of reasoning when arresting and torturing people.


    I am a sovereign citizen of this country. Do you know what that means? It means that part of my family was here before this country was founded.[edit: comment guide]

  12. natefrog says:

    @30) Point of information: I have lived my entire life in this country as an US citizen, as have my parents, grand parents, great grand parents, and possibly more before that!

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Is everyone’s citizenship cocks big enough now?

    All of you… Your government failed you. Your president is not now and never was interested in finded Osama Bin Laden or any of the other Saudi Arabian citizens who orchestrated this attack. They simply took advantage of this terrible tragedy to attack Iraq for clearly economic reasons.

    War is profitable. How lucky they were that 3000+ Americans were sacrificed on the alter of commerce so they could invent a seemingly valid pretext to destabilize the entire Middle East and place millions of American lives at home and abroad in far greater danger than we’ve ever seen before.

    I hope one day there is justice for the Americans murdered in 9/11. And when we rid ourselves of this corrupt petty tyrant and his corporate puppetmasters that have staged a coup in my country, then we can start on the task of seeking that justice for the fallen.

  14. Rich says:

    Jesus H Tapp-Dancing Christ!!! I’m torn, guys. At once I feel awful that someone should be tortured that way and at the SAME time I hate the terrorists and would support almost any method to combat them. I’ll have to think on this for awhile.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #44 – And if I were a goat herder in Afganistan or Pakistan or Iraq I might view the foriegn invaders as terrorists…

    Go ahead…(I don’t mean you Rich) Call me a liberal and a traitor and whatever the hell you guys want. I’m happy to wear your labels if it helps you sleep at night. It just means I’m smart enough to know that the world is a complex place and the United States isn’t the only country in it… and you aren’t.

    These fucking threads piss me off. If you all want to debate the issues, then let’s do that. These are important issues. But if you just wanna hate each because you are too stupid to understand what is going on and have decided buy into the flag waving, dark skin killing, Xian crusade mentality… then go get bent.

  16. Adolf says:

    [edit: comment guide]

  17. natefrog says:

    46) Does it really matter if we would be speaking German right now when you can’t even show you comprehend English?

  18. adolph says:

    [edit: comment guide]

  19. mxpwr03 says:

    I prefer the Jack Bauer method of torture personally.

  20. John Paradox says:

    Next, if i did commit a crime in this country, i would be given a fair trial.

    After you were waterboarded? Volunteer to be waterboarded to ‘prove’ you’re innocent or not?


  21. John Paradox says:

    Gil Grissom is your favorite fictional character? How could you even bring a fictional character into any real life event?

    You seem to like Jack Bauer, and his techniques.


  22. John Paradox says:

    if it was a member of your family detained, tortured and then released by the united states government, do you really expect me to believe that you will be thankful for the clerical error that put your uncle bob on the terrorist watch list?

    Reminds me of a ‘conservative’ saying, paraphrased:
    A Liberal becomes a Conservative when they are mugged.

    and the opposite:
    A “conservative” becomes a “liberal” when their house is invaded by police because of some anonymous tipster giving their home as a crack house


  23. Misanthropic Scott says:


    You’ve been through a lot and have my sympathies for your losses. However, those you knew were innocent victims of violent individuals. They can best be remembered not by becoming as violent as their killers but by preserving the way of life that led them not to be that way.

    Please, remember that the more we become like the killers, the more dishonor we do to the memories of the victims.

    Torture of innocent individuals is not the answer.

    Lastly, when we give away our right to be innocent until proven guilty, we all become potential victims of our own violence.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #46 and #48 – If you are going to hate something, learn to spell it, bitch!

    It’s F A G G O T

  25. Uncle Dave says:

    The trolls are out in force today (eg, Nick and adolf). Nice going, everyone, feeding into their game.

  26. hhopper says:

    Looks like the Comment Guide had the most posts today.

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #55 – When I go to the zoo, I buy the goat food and I feed the goats.

    I’m not acting any differently just because you call this place a “blog”.


  28. natefrog says:

    #57) Replace “goats” with “jackasses,” and it would be a blog!

  29. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Neither goats nor jackasses would act as some humans do. Damn homo-sapiens ruin everything.

  30. Burke says:

    I’m just very disappointed. This was just a stupid, little “demo” on an asshole reporter. Very disappointed. I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE SEEN IT DONE ON COUNTLESS SCUMBAG TERRORISTS. Has everyone forgotten how our enemies torture American (and other) soldiers with reckless abandon and extreme malice? American soldiers have endured much more violent treatment at the hands of miserable, hateful, scumbags.


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