If you think that waterboarding a person is not torture, you really must be kidding yourself. This video gives a demonstration of the ‘method’. It can be very upsetting to watch, so think it carefully before playing the video.

  1. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Looks/sounds like torture to me. And, I wouldn’t trust anything anyone said after this anyway. I imagine they’d say whatever it took to get the tormentors to stop.

  2. John Paradox says:

    Of special note: watch the text at the bottom, on Olbermann’s the word Torture is used, on Faux, it’s ‘Interrogation Technique’.

    Reminds me of the old Soviet terminology –


  3. Major Jizz says:

    It’s nice to know I never paid a cent for any of this. This is what your taxes are paying for kids…

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Screw this. I say the gloves should come off. I’m tired of armchair quarterbacks saying what we should or should not do while our enemies lop our heads off with knives.

    Hurt them, and hurt them hard.

  5. MB says:

    This was shown on Fox News??? I’m shocked that they would do this. Clearly the reporter felt this was torture and any viewer with an ounce of morals would feel the same. Why would Rupert allow Fox News to show this when the channel is so lock-step with the agenda of the Bush administration?

  6. David Kerman says:


    hoping that was sarcastic

    cause the vast majority of people in Guantanamo and the CIA prisons have little to no evidence against them

    tons of them were scooped up in Pakistan because there were rewards for turning people in.

    I don’t even agree with torturing people we know are terrorists, but torturing innocent people is something that no one should be ok with.

  7. Jason says:

    The real tourture was watching that d**n video! The embedded Flash player displayed “Buffering…” throughout the whole clip even when it was fully loaded… Use another source next time, please.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – but torturing innocent people is something that no one should be ok with

    Neocons sleep easier at night when the torture victims are not rich, white, and Christian. The mud people are just fodder for them. That includes me, because of the three traits, I’m only white, so if it served their purpose to expend me as a resource in pursuit of their goals, I would be dead.

    Honestly, they don’t hate non rich, white Xians for what they are. They just don’t care about them because of what they aren’t. So you can’t call it racism or bigotry because it isn’t an active hate as much as a profound apathy.

    The Culture of Life means the Culture of Their Lives.

  9. Nick says:

    I lost 4 people I know at WTC on 911. Do you really think I give a shit how they interrogate these people. Notice, their heads aren’t cut off!

  10. Cursor_ says:

    When you are the victim of terror and brutality and you resort to terror and brutality, then you have lost and your enemy has won.

    The end cannot justify the means for any side.


  11. John Paradox says:

    I lost 4 people I know at WTC on 911. Do you really think I give a shit how they interrogate these people. Notice, their heads aren’t cut off!
    Comment by Nick —

    Translation: I don’t care if we get the RIGHT people, as long as someone is around for my revenge.

    Another reason why one of my favorite fictional characters is CSI’s Gil Grissom.


  12. Nick says:

    Gil Grissom is your favorite fictional character? How could you even bring a fictional character into any real life event? As i said, notice no heads get loped off in the interrogation unlike the results from ‘other’
    hostage takers and interrogators. Get it through your head that we were invaded!

  13. David Kerman says:


    “these people”

    who are you talking about. Unless they’ve been convicted of a crime in an actual court then you are talking about innocent people

    unless they changed that whole innocent until proven guilty thing

  14. Nick says:

    I gues the 4,000 innocent people in this country meant shit to you?

  15. David Kerman says:


    yeah those 4,000 people mean something, and their killers should be brought to justice.

    but how does torturing other innocent people do anything for their memory?

  16. Nick says:

    [edit: comment guide]

  17. David Kerman says:

    Please give a single reason that ‘innocent until proven guilty’ shouldn’t pertain.

    How are the innocent people being tortured any less innocent than the people who died on 9/11?

  18. James Hill says:

    As much as I enjoy video of “KO” being tortured, equal time dictates that we get to see “BO” tortured as well.

  19. Chad Rock says:

    [edit: comment guide]

  20. David Kerman says:

    Thanks for contributing to the conversation chad

    any actual points to make, or just profanity, and a random pig riding reference?

  21. Named says:


    Well, where do you draw the line for innocents? Right colour? Right country? Right political affiliation? Right car?

  22. Named says:


    [edit: comment guide]

  23. Nick says:

    @ 21
    Colour…… not Color? Ah, another foreigner stirring the American pot via the web. I think Rodney King was abused by the police. I think OJ Simpson got away with murder. I know 4,000 innocent people (mostly Americans) died in one day in multiple co-ordinated attacks. If “these’ people had something to do with it, or the potential to have something to do with it, or know someone who had something to do with it …… then let them drink some water. As I continue to state….. no one has had there head cut off!

  24. John says:

    “Terrorists” will say whatever you want to hear while being tortured. And I love how we spend millions, if not billions, to outsource torture. Why don’t we spend BILLIONS of dollars on improving security agencies instead of relying on the “terrorists” word of mouth.

  25. David Kerman says:


    you must not a very long memory for history.

    Who decides who “had something to do with it”, or “knows someone who had something to do with it”

    without evidence and protections put in place then what’s to protect innocent people from spending years sitting in a prison being tortured.

    Yeah, none of them are being killed but I think if you found yourself locked in a prison for years being tortured without any access to a lawyer you wouldn’t have quite the same opinion.

  26. Bigby Wolf says:

    Now, now – why the cursing? The debate was quite interesting until comment #19. That really set the wrong tone. The comments on this blog are usually very interesting and pertinent. It’s a shame to spoil that.

    I don’t mind cursing in general – I do it a lot in fact when I’m around people I know. However, if I want to make a point and expect it to be well received, or at least taken seriously, I refrain from vulgarities.

    Try it some time.

  27. Matthew says:

    Nick, are you a Christian? Seriously, I want to know.

  28. Nick says:

    @ David
    You see David, I don’t have to imagine myself in a prison like that. First of all, I’m an American citizen and would never do anything or associate myself with anyone that would hurt this country. Next, if i did commit a crime in this country, i would be given a fair trial. Oh, I almost forgot that I also would not be beheaded on national TV before my trial. Let em drink water!

  29. natefrog says:

    Not that you need any help discrediting your arguments (or lack thereof…), Nick, but only 3,000 people were killed on 9/11. If you can’t even get your facts straight, do you have any chance of having your argument taken seriously?

  30. Nick says:

    @ 29…….

    [edit: comments guide]


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