Plant manager Cletus sitting with his brother and chief nuclear engineer Cletus Jr.

AP News – May 22, 2007:

Utility officials restarted a long-dormant nuclear reactor Tuesday, 22 years after it was shut down because of safety concerns at what was once the nation’s largest nuclear power plant.

The restart capped a five-year, $1.8 billion renovation at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant.

Plant spokesman Craig Beasley said there were no reports of problems. Extensive testing remained to be done before electricity from the Unit 1 reactor would begin flowing on transmission lines. The plant’s other two reactors remained at full power.

The entire three-reactor plant was idled in 1985 amid mounting worries over plant safety and management. The Unit 2 and 3 reactors were restarted in the 1990s after extensive renovations and upgrades.

A watchdog group pointed to the plant’s history of problems and questioned whether the reactor should be operating at all.

The South will rise again, in radioactive flames!

  1. bill says:

    Your picture is not quite accurate for a “core meltdown”.

    Remember that NASA is in Huntsville. I would suspect they know what they are doing.

    Powerplants are actually pretty simple…

  2. Jerk-Face says:

    1. “Your picture is not quite accurate for a “core meltdown””

    So, have you been working as a humorless wet blanket for long, or is this your first day?

  3. MikeN says:

    Oh no! Can’t trust anything in Alabama. it’s not like they have the best car factories in America there. Plus this will lower carbon emissions and energy rates.

  4. bill says:

    No… I worked building NUKES… mo betta than fossile fuel powerplants..

    I mean you should see the crap coming out of the stacks!!!

    We could use more nukes…

  5. Rob says:

    If, while mowing the lawn, you find a discarded nuclear fuel rod, YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK!

  6. JimH says:

    Brown’s Ferry had its problems, Alabamians who worked there were the first to report that when it happened and the first to call for it to be fixed. Keep thinking those of us in the Deep South don’t have a clue – those of us who live quiet comfortable lives in rural Alabama with our high-speed net access, college educations, low cost of living, and good jobs hope we keep our little secret about how great life is here from everyone else – maybe ya’ll will stay away and ‘leave us be.’ My Alabama buddies who are also regular dvorak readers, twit fans, digg users, etc., are having a laugh at ya’ll.

  7. John says:

    Hey Dvorak,

    There are plenty of people in Alabama with much greater capabilities than blogging and writing an occasional magazine article! Yes Alabama is full of rednecks, but at least they don’t enjoy the smell of their own farts as you Californians do!

  8. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    from the original AP story:

    “Extensive testing remained to be done before electricity from the Unit 1 reactor would begin flowing on transmission lines.”

    You do whatever you want – but me? – when electricity starts flowing from the friggin’ reactor, I don’ thin’ I wanna even be in the same area code, Lucy…

  9. Named says:


    Improve your diet and you WILL enjoy your own farts.

  10. Ringo says:

    Anyone else find it disturbing in the photo that the guy on the left is wearing a ‘Got Root?’ tshirt?

  11. no one important says:

    I think you misspelled “nuke-u-ler.”

  12. ECA says:

    its better then listening to some Hini trying to speak English on a HELP LINE.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    8…they split the atoms, and the freed electrons come down the wires, right? 😉 The protons go in those big towers, and the neutrons get put in casks or that cave in Nevada. The muons get fed to cats. See, it’s simple.

    And let me tell ya…you guys just go on thinking the native folks in ‘Bama are dumb, and they’ll eat your friggin’ lunch and steal your girlfriend, too. If this were Ohio…now we’re talking about a dumb state.

  14. Sounds The Alarm says:

    400 more nuke plants & we can tell tell arabs to smell their own farts.

    That privilege would be worth any risk.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    15, exactly. Hell, put one in my backya….. oh, wait, I do have one in my backyard. And another 25 miles away. Well anyway, we all need a neighborhood nuke plant. Lots of good jobs that can’t be outsourced.

  16. James Hill says:

    Where the hell will my party’s base come from after the plant goes boom?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, great comment. More coffee on my keyboard though, thanks to you.

    #17, Mississippi and Utah are still pretty backwards I hear. ‘specially Utah.

  18. Improbus says:

    Don’t forget about Kansas and its State Board of Education.

  19. Vince says:

    Wow, I really don’t see what the big deal is about this article, other than a chance to goof on residents of Alabama. 2 of the 3 reactors have been running since the 90s, and they’re about to turn on the 3rd one after renovation and upgrades–big deal. Too bad the “hippie brigade” won’t let the US build any new reactors to try and help with the energy “crisis” we’re in. There hasn’t been a new reactor built since 1979 because of all the so-called watchdog groups that just can’t abide anything with the word “nuclear” in it, because it obviously will lead to the word “bomb” and it will ending up killing millions of people. You know, like no other nuclear plant in the US has ever done previously.

  20. mark says:

    18. You see, what happened to James, uh, er, I mean Utah was all that fallout from nuke testing in Nevada, its downwind ya know. Did ya ever see “The Hills have Eyes”.

  21. James Hill says:

    #18 – I didn’t know you lived in Mississippi. As for Utah…

    #21 – …”The Hills Have Eyes” isn’t a very popular movie here, as the “downwinders” are a real group of people that have a very high cancer rate… all thanks to the Government.

  22. mark says:

    22. Oh sure blame it on the evil government, probably Bush.

  23. Don says:

    Well, it may be in Bama, but the oversite is still from DC. That’s the scary part.

    We can’t live on oil forever. It will run out. Energy consumption has risen almost as fast as new discoveries of fossil fuels and will shortly outpace the discovery of new supplies. Solar, wind, and the sun are only part of the solution. No one magic technology can possibly produce all of our electric needs, accept maybe Hot Fusion. And that appears to be generations in the future.

    Like it or not, this is not the last new/refurbed Nuke plant to go online in this country. If this works out, more old plants will be rebuilt instead of mothballed when they reach the end of their planned service life.


  24. mark says:

    25. Then you can ship all the waste out to Nevada or Utah, Oh Goody!

  25. Angel H. Wong says:


    There’s enough purebreeding there you won’t need a nuclear reactor to cause significant genetic damage.

  26. Think it can always turn into Chernobyl.
    Woo-hoo, stalkers are coming!

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, James,

    Nope. Indiana, a step up.

    Last week we were in the news about being #6 in the nation for something good. I can’t remember what. It might have been cases of Alzheimer.


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