With a headline on the article below like that, how could we ignore it. Speaking of gays in Britain, did you see the article recently that indicated that since the Brits began allowing gays to openly serve in the military, no problems have surfaced? Can’t you just see Fred Phelps hopping on a plane once he hears of all this open gayness?

Gay flamingos pick up chick

A pair of gay flamingos have adopted an abandoned chick, becoming parents after being together for six years, a British conservation organisation said Monday.

Carlos and Fernando had been desperate to start a family, even chasing other flamingos from their nests to take over their eggs at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) in Slimbridge near Bristol.

But their egg-sitting prowess made them the top choice for taking an unhatched egg under their wings when one of the Greater Flamingo nests was abandoned.

The couple, together for six years, can feed chicks by producing milk in their throats.

“Fernando and Carlos are a same sex couple who have been known to steal other flamingos’ eggs by chasing them off their nest because they wanted to rear them themselves,” said WWT spokeswoman Jane Waghorn.

“They were rather good at sitting on eggs and hatching them so last week, when a nest was abandoned, it seemed like a good idea to make them surrogate parents.”

Gay flamingos are not uncommon, she added.

“If there aren’t enough females or they don’t hit it off with them, they will pair off with other males,” she said.

  1. Billy Bob says:

    That’s because the UK is a country almost entirely made up of poufs, anyway. Coming out of the closet didn’t change anything.

  2. Raff says:

    Gay Pink Flamingos?

    The more you know…

  3. RBG says:

    Clearly there’s much our human society can learn from the wonderous beauty of nature.

    Like that homosexuals can be cured and converted as was the case with the gay-celeb penguins Silo & Roy when Silo suddenly packed his bags to move in with newly-arrived babe Scrappy.


    And the case for the natural validity of inter-species sex as when Fido humps your leg.

    Can you say “anthropomorphicism?” I knew you could.


  4. Bryan Carney says:

    #3 You’re so f^@king clever. You should bring it down a notch so we all can understand. I’d love to be a ex-gay apologist. How do I do it?

    I am sure you are only relieved that no more gay people have to suffer, needlessly.

    Bryan the faggot

  5. RBG says:

    “[ann-thro-pa-more-fik]- attributing human-like characteristics to something that is not human. This term is used to describe a person’s attitude when he/she ascribes human attributes to an animal, or to the animal’s experiences or perceptions.”

    I’m saying it’s all BS, including the above story. And if you believe what the authors and the presenter of that story are really trying to suggest then you should also have no trouble believing my examples.


  6. BdgBill says:

    I am one of the unreasonable bigoted assholes who are against gays in the military.

    If you came to me when I was in high school and offered me a job where I would be constantly surrounded by (and showering with) women my age and younger I would have taken it in a heartbeat. I believe that this is the basic motivation behind gays clamoring to get into the military.

    Why is it so hard to understand that military men do not want to live like this? Gay men and gay women are basically a 3rd and 4th sex and should have their own segregated units.

    This is the same principal behind having seperate men’s and women’s restrooms (probably the next “bigoted” idea to be attacked by liberals).

  7. Li says:

    Given that gays have been based for centuries by the “against nature” argument, I would say that pointing at natural examples and saying “It isn’t so!” is a perfectly valid argument to make.

  8. Billy Bob says:

    Some dogs also eat their own feces and hump your leg. Let’s not forget the case of the .

    I guess one could make the case that all kinds of weird perverted stuff goes on in nature, so anything goes.

  9. Billy Bob says:

    I screwed up the tags on the case of the homosexual necrophiliac duck rape. Since I know nobody wanted to miss out on that:


  10. laineypie says:

    i think its cute! but this part kind of worried me:

    The couple, together for six years, can feed chicks by producing milk in their throats.

    if they are both male and can “produce milk” i hope they don’t produce a whitish, clear protien-filled liquid the same way gay human males do


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