There's nowhere to hide!

It would look more cute with a machine gun attached to it!

Big Brother in the air? – Well, soon they will be adding video cameras inside your house, I mean if you have nothing to hide, why would you complain about that. Of course, if we had nothing to hide, we would all be walking around naked.

Officer Derek Charlton operates the force’s new aerial surveillance drone in Liverpool, England. The remote control helicopter, fitted with closed-circuit TV cameras, will be used by officers to track criminals and record anti-social behavior. The nearly silent drones are also fitted with night vision cameras and can be deployed to the air in less than three minutes.

  1. RoeBoeDog says:

    TOO Bulky – needs to be floating orb. This is a moving target.

    Let LA be swarming with these.

  2. Improbus says:

    Let LA be swarming with these.

    The difference between Liverpool and L.A. is the number of guns that will be pointed at these things. They had better fly them high enough to stay out of small arms range. I bet a 50 cal sniper rifle could take one out.

  3. Mac Guy says:

    These helicopters can only go to 500′. My 1942 Swiss rifle can take one out. No need for a .50 cal. 😛

  4. Mazinger says:

    $100 whoever hits the bugger!!

  5. John Paradox says:

    Anyone remember the hover-cameras in the Dark Angel TV series?

    Besides, is this really much different from police helicopters?


  6. Rob says:

    #2, #3 – In L.A., I don’t think it would be the helicopter that’s the target, but the nearby guy on the ground with the R/C transmitter. I hope he’s wearing very good body armor!

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    It does strike me as odd that in the US and so much more obviously in England, the tools trotted out as tools to fight the war on terror often bear striking similarity with what looks more like tools for urban pacifaction.

    I wonder why “they” are so concerned about “us” rising up? Especially when we are so succesfully distracted with celebrity gossip, rampant consumerism, and reality TV.

    It’s almost like a Plan B being put into place right under our noses.

  8. mark says:

    7.I dont know whats happening to you, but I like the new tin foil inspired look. I think your comment is dead on.

  9. Li says:

    “It does strike me as odd that in the US and so much more obviously in England, the tools trotted out as tools to fight the war on terror often bear striking similarity with what looks more like tools for urban pacification.”

    The only terror they are fighting is the fear in their own hearts that they feel towards the ‘unwashed masses’, and their will. This is the existential dilemma of a tyrant who finds himself reining over a republic, and we should allow them nothing to sooth their fears. Let those that love us be our leaders, and let those that fear us cower, for we are the people!

  10. James Hill says:

    #8 – Remember, remember the fifth of November.

  11. Matthew says:

    With enough technology no one is above the law.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 – Whoa dude! You destroyed this thread! 🙂

  13. Billabong says:

    I for one will be using these as targets as soon as I see one.Pull!

  14. Mike Johnson says:

    Celebrities and highly placed politicians will always be above the law.

    Americans will soon demand the government put live cameras in their homes to “protect” them from terrorists, and each other. Fear has no bounds, especially in a fat cat America with something to lose; like the color TV. Those who value their freedom are a rare and dieing breed. Ignorance, however, is available everywhere.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – But I don’t have a TV….

  16. natefrog says:

    Why hello there, 1984! You’re 23 years late!

    Seriously, Britain scares me these days. I’m more scared the US is only about 25 years behind them.

    Is it time for another revolution yet?

  17. natefrog says:

    15) No TV? You, sir or madam, are a much better human being than I. I salute you!

  18. Fred Flint says:

    I wish someone would define this ‘anti-social behavior’ that justifies the loss of freedom.

    In the article, it said, ‘…will be used by officers to track criminals and record anti-social behavior’.

    OK, even though it hurts like hell, I might be able to accept ‘tracking criminals’ but please, please, please define this ‘anti-social behavior’ I need to avoid, so I can avoid pissing off the police or whoever decides such things! GWB is ‘the decider’, right?

    Finally, can I go to jail for this ‘anti-social behavior’?

  19. mark says:

    color TV????? They have TV in color now?

  20. Eaze says:

    Ok starters: Human rights in the UK have been a joke since about 1990, over here (UK) people oftern remark about how everyone sues everyone over the smallest thing. I think the whole ‘British’ ideallogy is focused more around being ‘proper’ than ‘free’ as Americans claim to be and some of you may smirk but from this side of the pond it feels like you guys don’t have it that bad.

    Reffering back to comment 18: obviously their argument is that if they told us what ‘anti social behaviour’ actually is then crimminals would simply use this to their advantage. I comprehend it as not blending it with the crowd such as loitering around.

    Obviously technology should be embraced within all groups of life but the ‘eithics’ side of things tends to be regarded as an obsticle to avoid or get around rather than to evaluate in a fair and moral way. All this is going to do is create a bigger gap bettween intelligent and non-intelligent crime

  21. moss says:

    James finally got round to watching “V”.

  22. BubbaRay says:

    With this camera and the micro chopper of your choice, you can spy on just about whatever you want for less than $350 total.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 – “V” – The 1970’s miniseries about reptilian aliens who come to enslave the Earth?

  24. moss says:

    Movie – “V for Vendetta”

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #24 – I know 🙂

    But my reference is funnier….


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