Wacky Florida


Naples, Florida — The graffiti on the windows at Lely High School early today was, “Class of ’07 — We Out.” The Collier County sheriff’s department response: not so fast.

Deputies nabbed nine teens for the vandalism spree described by one of the students as “a graduation prank gone bad.” The eight boys and one girl were arrested on felony charges and school officials now are deciding if they can graduate as planned Friday.

A deputy who lives on campus caught three teens, wearing stocking masks and latex gloves, on campus shortly after midnight Sunday. Backup deputies found Petroleum jelly, detergent and bleach on stairwells, a golf cart tipped on its side and toilet paper and twine in the trees.

The report said six additional teens were caught either hiding or trying to drive away.

    A sign of the times?

  1. ECA says:

    OK…Tagged and bagged…

  2. sdf says:

    Out…and directly to jail – beeyatch!

  3. James Hill says:

    Stupid kids. That’ll learn ’em!

  4. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Too bad the kids weren’t spraying a high voltage transformer.

  5. Fred Flint says:

    I wonder if there is such a thing as an innocent prank these days or if all of us are now terrorists, one way or another?

    Apparently the cops can’t do anything to stop gang warfare on the streets, crooked politicians, random or planned homicides, burglaries, swarm assaults, bloody assaults and murders filmed and posted on YouTube, etcetera, etcetera but thank God they can at least catch these Merry Pranksters and destroy their lives before they even get started as real humans.

  6. mark says:

    Sign of the times? No, high school prank, same shit we did in high school. Teach em a lesson, and if they dont have a record, let em go. If it werent for the cops who gave me breaks when I was a little juvenile dumbass, my life woud’ve turned out really, really bad. Cops brought me home drunk and belligerent in handcuffs once, and didnt take em off till my dad finished with me, now that was punishment.

  7. MikeN says:

    They should flunk a year, since they apparently didn’t learn any grammar.

  8. woodcubed says:

    This same thing happened at my school during my junior year.

    A couple of kids from the senior class trashed the school- mattresses and a TV in the pool, ketchup and mustard on lockers and walls, toilet paper all over the courtyard (where they were going to have their graduation ceremony funnily enough). The morning all this was discovered was “Senior Day”, and they all got carnival rides and cake while me any my classmates had to get the soggy mattresses out of the pool- not any easy task.Those few people got away with vandalism because my school apparently didn’t care enough to charge them.

    What they did, and what the students did in this instance, affects the students who are still going to the school for however many more years, and the people who are forced to clean up after them. They deserve a punishment that will serve as a lasting reminder of that- nothing drastic, but not just a slap on the wrist either.

  9. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Make the students clean it up. When it’s clean, they get their diplomas.
    (Assuming that they were going to graduate anyways)

  10. BdgBill says:

    A felony is a felony. Throw them in jail before they can breed.


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