Online, GOP Is Playing Catch-Up
When David All, a former Republican congressional aide, launched a blog recently that he hopes will spur his fellow Republicans to bridge the digital divide, he did his best to sound upbeat. “Today our Revolution begins,” he wrote. “Tomorrow we fight.”
But implicit in his cheerleading was the acknowledgment that there is a widening gap between Democrats and Republicans on the Internet, and that his party will have to scramble to catch up. “For the most part Republicans are stuck in Internet circa 2000,” he said in an interview.
But an underlying cause may be the nature of the Republican Party and its traditional discipline — the antithesis of the often chaotic, bottom-up, user-generated atmosphere of the Internet.
“What was once seen as a liability for Democrats and progressives in the past — they couldn’t get 20 people to agree to the same thing, they could never finish anything, they couldn’t stay on message — is now an asset,” Leyden said. “All this talking and discussing and fighting energizes everyone, involves everyone, and gets people totally into it.”
Because we saw the stellar performance of Howard Dean vis-a-vis the internet and his ability to get…nominated may be one possible answers. Also, the chaotic nature of the internet is too much for Republicans? Take a step onto the floor of the NYSE, that is chaos, the internet is a walk in the park.
The police officers who attempted to arrest her should be tried for murder and receive a capital punishment. There are multiple aggravating circumstances here. In fact, given the circumstances, It would be hard to argue that this wasn’t a premeditated murder. In any case, this is felony murder after the attempted kidnapping. Also, it was another felony when they attempted to practice medicine on her with the ammonia cap.
Basically they killed her when they took an obviously ill person out of the hospital.
But yeah, another day in America where the police are given cart blanch to murder people in the streets for any reason they want to.. No one does anything about… Or is able to…
#1, mxpwr03, NYSE chaos reminds me of the trading floor scene in the movie “Trading Places.” That was chaos.
One would think that folks like Fred Dalton Thompson and Rudy Giuliani would “get” the internet.
Uncle Dave, did you mean “Interwebitubes?”
[UD: Yes, thanks! Don’t want to misspell important terms like that! Might confuse Republicans.]
Probably for the same reason I destroyed the anti-tubes posts on here a few months ago.
Dave, just because you’re a hack is no reason to get pissy.
#4: A hack, and proud of it!
Republicans do a lot of ol’fashioned things.
Like vote.
Liberals want to vote online so as not to interrupt filling their iPods with crappy music.
Why Doesn’t The GOP ‘Get’ The Interwebitubes?
Because they are dumb.
#4 – I think that’s a brilliant tactic you have… Claim victory in all cases – whether you actually win, or lose, and even if there was never even a competition in the first place… I’m looking forward to my inevitable destruction.
#7 – The mere fact you play means the destruction has already begun.
It’s cute when you try to sit at the adult table.