Final Transformers movie trailer. Don’t watch it if you don’t want to be spoiled!

I suppose that every July 4th we have to tolerate an apocalyptic big budget movie where we are threatened by aliens, or meteors or something horrible. From the looks of this trailer, this is one wild ride.

  1. BubbaRay says:

    Spielberg and ILM rule!! Wish I knew more about the plot, but the trailer looks great.

  2. soundwash says:

    ….wow. Now his looks slick enough to pay for a ticket…

  3. rudedog says:

    Holly shi……


  4. Peter Jakobs says:

    I wish Spielberg could go back to making movies with a unique story rather than just fill them up with sfx.
    Has anyone ever seen “The Duel”?
    I think it’s still the most interesting one he’s ever done.


  5. ECA says:

    Iv said before and again…
    TO MANY trailers. means the movie is HASH/CRAP/GARBADGE…

  6. Paul says:

    I was sceptical on the teaser trailers…. but that’s going to be a great summer saturday night movie.

  7. Mac Guy says:

    “Dude, I think I filled the cup.”

    #4 – Yep, I’ve seen The Duel. Great movie.

  8. Improbus says:

    Oh yeah!

  9. KVolk says:

    “All we need know is a little energon and a lot of luck”

  10. Squiggy says:

    Looks boring! And the Transformers look like twisted-up balls of tin foil.

  11. John Ehrlichman says:

    [Ed. – Post removed for violation of Comments Posting Guidelines]

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Why do you guys think Spielberg made this movie?

    He was merely a producer. This is a Michael Bay film… Which doesn’t really inspire anyone. The best thing you can say anout Michael Bay is that he isn’t Roland Emmerich.

  13. Nth of the 49th says:

    This new trend of showing every goddamn highlight of the movie in the trailer completely kills any desire I might have to go see the movie. Now on top of cellphones, talkers etc I already know and have seen most of the best parts. No thanks. I prefer walking into a movie not really knowing the whole story.

  14. mark says:

    Looked like a War of the Worlds clone sans Tommy Boy Cruise.

  15. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Optimus Prime Rulez!!!!

    ’nuff said.

  16. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    In regards to this trailer Michael Bay has said:

    Hey, i want to thank everyone for the kind words on the trailer. I’m so used to seeing robots I kind of got bored with the trailer. I forget you have not seen them. When they put the piece together I kept wanting to show our truly awesome shots – but we didn’t. I can without a doubt, say we have just teased you on this trailer. We have so many huge shots that will never be in our ads. I bet this will be one of the rare trailers that does not show you the true money shots of the movie.

    I would also like fans opinion on opening on July 3rd instead of the 4th. The studio kind of sort of is thinking about which might mean “no”. If you spread the word on the Net – everywhere – they might listen. The 3rd everyone is off from work, I say “what the…” play the movie – “give’em giant robots early”!!!


    I hope it’s true.

  17. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Shouldn’t Uwe Boll be involved in this movie?

  18. Arrius says:

    Looks kinda good except: The principle actor and actress look too weak for this type of movie. They could have choosen a better cast from the looks of it.

    Finally, I hate that a 2 Ton, lets say 200 cubic feet, car can turn into a 2 story gadget as wide as a street. This is estimation and hyperbola, please dont waste time debating lame points like ‘Hey a car isnt that large/small!. The point is I dont see how such small items miraculously turn into something that would be 3 times it size and weight.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – Shouldn’t Uwe Boll be involved in this movie?


    When I listed Emmerich as being worse than Bay earlier, that’s only because I wasn’t counting rank amatuers who produce totally unwatchable swill not even suitable for showing to prisoners, like Boll.

    That guy managed to get a crappy performance out of Ben Kingsly. Now who else can do that?

  20. TJGeezer says:

    “It’s probably Japanese.” snerk

  21. joshua says:

    #22….TJGeezer….lol…I kinda liked that comment. 🙂

    #19….Arrius….uh….I bet thats why they call movies like this *sci/fi-fantasy….ya think?

  22. Brian says:

    Why people get so worked up in an anti-Bay furor is beyond me – either see the film or don’t, but why waste time posting about how he’s so terrible, you’ll never see his films, etc. etc.

    And too many trailers? Hmm so a total of 5 minutes of trailers that I can count for a film likely to hit 120 minutes?

    Uhm, yeah. Go back to your schoolyard.


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