“Where did you bury my other leg?!”

The Scotsman – April 30, 2007
, via Overlawyered:

DOG breeders have warned that some of Britain’s best-loved breeds including dachshunds, bulldogs and basset hounds could disappear because of new and potentially far-reaching government animal-welfare measures.

The Scotsman has learned that ministers in Edinburgh and London are preparing to ratify a controversial Europe-wide treaty that could set strict limits on the breeding and handling of animals.

Dog breeders fear that the treaty’s terms are so broad that it would effectively forbid the breeding of distinctive types of dog because their defining characteristics could be seen as risking their welfare.

According to the Scottish Kennel Club, ratifying the treaty would mean that anywhere between 30 and 40 breeds would effectively be outlawed. Some distinctive breeds of cat including the Siamese and Persian could also be affected.

I have to admit, I never really understood the difference between purebred and inbred.

  1. catbeller says:

    A little information here: breeding dogs for particular characteristics mandates that they inbreed. What this means is that for every new breed you see, they destroy hundreds, thousands of puppies that are brain damaged, sport damaged organs, emotionally incapable of living a real life, all the gamut of what happens when you reinforce bad recessive genes. And what you get out of the process is basically a mutant, a relatively stable sport. But a lot of agony and gassed puppies preceded the success. And that happy breeder you might have bought your dog from killed a lot of dogs to make what you want. It’s not a career for people who like puppies.

    A mutt, a descendant of doggie riff-raff, is healthier and happier in my opinion. This purebred obsession is an outgrowth of the old belief in clean lineage and noble lines, and the unworthiness of the common rabble. Old fashioned classism. And the interest in theses sports show we have now way, way too much money to play with.

  2. catbeller says:

    And as for the Hilton wanna-be rapist, isn’t it fun that you can relish her rape by proxy? I’ve always opined that people who don’t want safe prisons really are secretly enjoying the fantasy of hurting helpless people. Secret, hell, you’re sadists, loud and proud of it. That “parasite” worked for a living, and doesn’t deserve to be raped for your entertainment. I’d suggest you try jail and assault yourself, but I suspect that the ones who giggle at rape in jail might enjoy being the victim as well. Sick. Like that audience at the Republican debate the other day that cheered torture. Pervs and sadists with no shyness about sharing their dreams with others. I’d normally ignore it, but the glee in prison torture amongst the men of this country is the equal of any “islamofascist”. Red white and blue doesn’t make less the monsters you are. You want Hilton raped. Wow. I’m out of here.


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