Can I have a large order of fries on the side?

Drudge report published a letter where Michael Moore challenges Senator Fred Thompson to a debate. If you haven’t read the
, please do so before watching the video. I just find it funny how the Senator rubs it in with his response to the ‘ambush’ ‘challenge’.

  1. Miguel says:

    Mmmm, a bit comedic, maybe he knows the American public will like comedy instead of issues…

    Under the belt, imvho. And was that a threat? 😉

  2. Higghawker says:

    Im voting for Thompson, no doubt about it!!

  3. JohnMo says:

    Oh my… I LOVE IT! If he were to run, Thompson would probably have to give up his laid-back demeanor in favor of proper presidential decorum. But it would be nice to have someone in the White House who didn’t take themselves so seriously. Would also be nice to have someone with a sense of humor and a smooth delivery. Boy, I miss Reagan.

    And what’s with all the typos in the Drudge copy? I wonder if those were in the source or if they were introduced by mishandling at Drudge.

  4. BobH says:

    Being an actor should not disqualify an individual for office anymore than glib speech and immediate face recognition smooth the way. It’s true that after the smirking chimp, America is in need of someone who can speak coherently. Just remember, being able to deliver well scripted lines is the hallmark of a thespian. Beware that we not place someone on the world stage who merely plays the part of President. After all the play dress-up costume changes of the Crawford Cowboy, this country needs real leadership.

  5. Erik Blazynski says:

    I don’t understand how Thompson owns Moore here!!! I have no bias towards one or the other. Moore calls the guy out on being hypocritical and buying Cuban products and then challenges his to a debate on healthcare. Then Thompson doesn’t respond to any allegation and tells him that he’s mentally ill. I don’t get how Thompson owns Moore. Someone explain.

  6. Christian says:

    So, Thompson responds while avoiding the issue: America’s healthcare system and Thompson’s own support of Castro by buying his cigars.

  7. Proud Alien says:

    A typical Con response: avoid the issue and play a comic. Don’t we have someone like that in WH already?

  8. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Moore’s no different than Hanity or O’reilly or Coulter. Just another in a lie of lying bozos – just a liberal one in this case.

    That being said – it was freakin’ hilarious.

  9. Dallas says:

    #6 … so true. The typical GOP response to issues being challenged – respond to something else !

    If it’s entertaining enough, the GOP sheep will forget what the question was! No-spin zone O’Reilly is a master at this.

  10. moss says:

    Like most here – who consider issues and content more important than persona – Thompson still is just another creep who would maintain the Bush League policies in place.

    MM may have a smarmy personality; but, at least the bugger is willing to confront the slugs who profit from the lousiest political policies in decades. Better that than the butt-kissing that passes for investigative journalism in the halls of news as entertainment.

  11. grog says:

    dude, i am a total liberal but michael moore irritates me to no end.

    he got owned because at least thompson has the balls to step into the ring, and actually put his reputation et al on the line — moore can say what he wants without repercussion

    sounds like he misses being the center of controversy (perhaps he has book coming out?)

  12. mark says:

    5. Erik- I have to agree with you. I dont care about either one, but Thompson just came off like a smug jerk, jeez, who does that sound like? I think wealthy neocons should be able to skirt the law, no matter how minor it is, thats the American Way.

  13. MikeN says:

    Fred Thompson writes plenty of his own material, so he’s not just another actor. Also, this wasn’t just comedy. He pointed out the way Castro treats dissenters.

  14. Danijel says:

    #3 But it would be nice to have someone in the White House who didn’t take themselves so seriously. Would also be nice to have someone with a sense of humor and a smooth delivery

    That’s what they said about Bush…

  15. mark says:

    13. And Moore pointed out how Bush treats injured rescue workers from ground zero, whats your point?

  16. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Moore is owned by default any time he opens his mouth for anything other than ramming food in it. He’s propagandist and nothing more.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Fred is not just another actor? Despite appearing in 18 motion pictures, I’d say he wasn’t really an actor at all…

    From his own site – “He received his undergraduate degree in philosophy and political science from Memphis State University in 1964 and his law degree from Vanderbilt University in 1967, working his way through school. Two years after law school, Thompson was named an Assistant United States Attorney and at the age of 30 was appointed Minority Counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, where he served in 1973 and 1974. In 1977 Thompson took on the case of a Tennessee Parole Board chairman fired under suspicious circumstances. Thompson’s work helped to expose a cash-for-clemency scheme that ultimately toppled the governor.

    Might note… He was also a Senator…

  18. malren says:

    Thompson doesn’t buy Cubans. Seems some folks are as ignorant as Moore here. Montecristos are made, with that seal Moore refers to – IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. By Cuban-trained cigar experts who fled Castro’s brutality.

  19. mark says:

    18. Your half correct. They are also produced in Cuba, the ones we purchased in the British Virgin Islands were all Cuban made.

  20. malren says:

    Mark, I refer to Thompson’s brand. That particular seal is no longer used in Cuba.

    You are of course correct about some other Montecristos still being produced in Cuba, but…sorry to say, but no one who knows great cigars buys them. The price they charge is not commensurate with quality. All the great cigar guys left Cuba years ago. You want great? Dominican.

  21. mark says:

    20. Not to argue a point too much, but where do you see Thompsons brand of cigars referenced? And I am not a smoker so I dont know jack squat about great cigars, just smuggled em in for my dad, who says the Cubans are best.

  22. Rodya says:

    …someone in the DNC has primed the M.M. Rottweiler. Going for the throat of F.T. when he hasn’t yet defined his politics. It seems to me F.T. is smart to slap away this lunging K-9, and very smart to stay out of the way of Republicans until he makes it clear by definition that we are indeed a nation in peril. Someone has to do something very quick. Go For It F.T.

  23. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Michael Moore is just a little dog, a lot of bark but not much bite… well at least in regards to coherent political ideas.

  24. Americans are woefully ignorant of and paranoid about Cuba.

    Canadians, along with Europeans, regularly go to Cuba for vacations. Cuban musicians perform in Canada all the time — just a few miles from American territory. We can buy Cuban cigars just about anywhere in town. Maybe that’s why so many Americans think that Canadians are deranged. That and the fact that gay marriage is legal here, as is marijuana when it is used for medical reasons. And that’s not to mention our public health care system. Yup, we are all weirdos up North.

    Yikes! Canada shares thousands of miles of undefended border with the US. Maybe you need to get together with the former rulers of East Germany — or the Israelis — so they can show you how to build a proper wall between us. Why limit your wall-building to the southern states?

  25. James Hill says:

    Liberals always get pissy when they’re owned. The morons around here prove that every day.

    See? Just owned ’em again.

  26. Yoda says:

    No one speaks to the issue: medical costs and services are in a crisis. I’m glad that Moore is bringing up the issue – someone has to do this. Faith based healing is not going to solve the problem. Faith based politics will not solve the problem.

  27. mark says:

    26. Why dont you build the wall, your the one bitchin about Americans.

  28. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Im voting for Thompson, no doubt about it!!

    You would vote for Fred Phelps if he was a politician.

  29. Improbus says:

    I will be voting for a Democrat for president (unless it is Hillary) just so they can appoint SCOTUS judges that won’t gut the Bill of RIghts.

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #31 – Hahahahaha

    #26 – If you had the good grace to build your country in a better climate, I’d fill out you citizenship application 🙂


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